Player Comments on >DEVOTION
It was difficult to decide how to rate this, I decided to take into account the rules of the contest for which it was written. One must read through every page to get a handle on the setting. Fortunately, doing so is a pleasure, takes very little time, and is worth the effort. First, the editing is impeccable, and secondly, the writing is free of overly familiar phrases. The style is practiced and creative. The passage demonstrates admirable description within ultra concise passages.
One of the consequences of scavenging for every word is a somewhat unnatural sentence structure and occasionally choppy flow. The author partially conceals this by matching the writing tone to the setting. I doubt if there is really enough content here to satisfy the gawking rabble, but the morsels harvestable from this regrettably short glance into a dystopian colony are intriguing. The clever culture notes and a fragmented history elevate this tiny tale into something slightly larger than its humble packaging might otherwise suggest.
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on 3/25/2021 2:22:58 AM with a score of 0
When it comes to mizal's writing, I'm always surprised by how many different genres she has a grasp on. This one in particular is no different, I would say. The quality that
s present in this story, remains consistent all throughout every page that is present in this story-game.
I feel as through the use of a different sort of font, than what some would consider the standard, and the tone and dialogue choices, certainly makes one feel as if they're a machine. Such a thing gives this story a bit of a unique flair and feel to quite a fair amount of stories that are on this site.
Although this is a short, it also done well. A story-game being done well is something that I personally feel to be of the up most importance when all is said and done.
it does just that.
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on 2/8/2021 6:16:31 PM with a score of 0
Short but well put together,I'd say a good little story
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on 12/22/2024 1:44:55 AM with a score of 0
***DISCLAIMER*** to the author, It should first be stated, that you should NOT take anything i say with a grain of salt. Everything i say i mean, and i mean it with my chest puffed out, so, take everything i say to heart. To the readers, this review will contain lots of spoilers, so I suggest you read the storygame first.
First Impressions:
It was very short, and when i first read through one of the paths, i kind of went "is that it?". Obviously a but unsatisfied i went back and decided to try other routes, what was pretty cool about this story is that you can read an entire route, and only get a glimpse of what is going on, or just one aspect. Yet with the more routes you read, the whole story slowly reveals itself, which I think actually landed itself in its favour. It was a cool touch.
The most interesting character was definitely the Administrator, in this story, the robots idolise the humans so much, that they're ultimate goal is to BECOME human, or as close to human as can be.
Writing style:
The writing style was definitely a cool touch! as others have stated in their own reviews, I couldn't help but go "buzz buzz" or read the words in a robotic voice in my head as i was going through it. Which shows how effective the font was. Outside of that, its a bit simplistic from what I know Mizal can and does do in her other stories, especially horns and hooves. Obviously this was for a contest, so that's to be expected.
Worldbuilding is actually surprisingly good for such a short story! If you go through all of the routes, you get a good general ideal of what is actually going on, and its a cool narrative, just maybe a bit simplistic, but in how underdeveloped it was due to the shortness and brevity of it.
Its a good short story! Mizal is definitely capable of better though. Its a REALLY cool and unique concept. I would love it Mizal decided to flesh a story like this out, where instead of just being told vaguely what happens in an epilogue such as (you joined the rebellion the end), but actually fleshed out the war against the administrator to create some sort of robot epic. I think she would have the potential for an 8/8 story here.
Overall id probably give it a 5 0r a 6, but I'm fond of Mizal, so ill round up and give it a 6.
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on 8/20/2024 5:40:36 PM with a score of 0
This really reminded me of my favorite book called the "Wild Robot". I enjoyed it greatly.
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— ROZ on 6/24/2024 4:20:33 AM with a score of 0
This was fun: I liked the original way it was written and, though quite short, the writing was very smooth, easy to read and the story branched out well. A nice little story.
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on 2/7/2024 6:39:06 PM with a score of 0
Now I have shared a few moments with a robot gladiator on a lost colony. Cool!
For a short-short story this was great. Written for people with short attention spans? :)
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on 1/26/2024 11:35:09 AM with a score of 0
im a robot? a cyborg? no im superman
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— superman on 8/6/2023 4:58:13 PM with a score of 0
This.... was..... let's just say, you should treat it like acid.... the kind of acid that burns your skin off.
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— Anonymous on 8/21/2022 10:10:09 AM with a score of 0
Just a little too short
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— Parker Kraychy on 9/2/2021 11:03:39 AM with a score of 0
All in all >DEVOTION is a wonderful snack that fills you up like a five course meal!
Every little choice plays such a big impact that takes the story on wildly different adventures with each play through feeling almost independent from each and getting through all of the choices you see a major story outlining the mechanical world outside of the Arena... I also love the font it so fitting to the story.
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on 5/23/2021 4:58:03 AM with a score of 0
The typesetting itself shapes the game entirely different from how I'd normally read a storygame on here, so props for the adherence to that Sci-Fi atmosphere. The writing here is dense and digestible, but the vocabulary isn't too obtuse to understand. I'd have formatted the combat and descriptive scenes to have more spaces for even easier readability, but readers who are more used to larger blocks of paragraph writing should have little trouble with it.
As echoed by other sentiments, the writing and premise here is good enough to warrant a more flesh-out iteration. Good work.
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on 5/12/2021 8:54:28 PM with a score of 0
it was good
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on 5/3/2021 1:56:40 PM with a score of 0
The action pacing was a bit jittery. It's difficult to get an appropriate sense of time in writing fast-paced action. The key is a careful balance of detail to match the slow down.
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on 2/26/2021 8:28:37 PM with a score of 0
Wow! I love this game! So epic although I wish it was a bajillion pages longer, I just love Mizal's stories so much!!!
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on 1/13/2021 6:15:15 PM with a score of 0
Good game
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on 1/6/2021 4:42:51 PM with a score of 0
I really like how the writing slowly reveals the world of this story and fleshes out the POV character! And who doesn't love post-apocalyptic robots?
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on 12/22/2020 7:26:50 PM with a score of 0
I'm into it.
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on 12/15/2020 6:40:09 PM with a score of 0
I wish it was longer.
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on 12/5/2020 10:52:17 AM with a score of 0
Quite a good story considering it's length(tiny-topia). Substantial information, and great robotics!
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on 11/16/2020 11:27:39 AM with a score of 0
Good start. Hopefully it gets longer.
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on 10/18/2020 9:54:18 PM with a score of 0
Short but well written, I liked how the characters acted and the world was built.
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on 7/29/2020 3:55:33 AM with a score of 0
This was really fun to read and pretty cool. I liked having to go through multiple options to get the lore and background story instead of having it dumped onto a single page or something.
Got the rebellion ending first which was cool. Although Im sure like many branches that ended terribly for our robot protagonist.
Really cool, bruh
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on 7/16/2020 3:13:13 PM with a score of 0
Made me like robots even more. The story felt complete under 2000 words, which I imagine is quite the feat. I found the >DEVOTION to humans very endearing, even if it was abused by the administrator. Would still love to see a robot revolution with WALL-E as the leader. I guess my imagination will have to suffice, or maybe I'll go re-watch the movie. :P
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on 5/24/2020 6:45:05 PM with a score of 0
This is a short story about a machine hell in what was a human heaven. Follow the footsteps of a robot gladiator as he follows or doesn't follow the directions of the most human robot on the planet.
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on 5/24/2020 4:45:22 AM with a score of 0
At first, I was put off by the font, questioning why on hell you would put so much pain and effort into getting something objectively worse to work. Must be some weird artsy thing, I thought. I mindlessly read through, thought the spectators were weird sounding, thought the loading bot was some sort of testing dummy for an obviously martial society, and thought the POV had some sort of war paint on. Weird choices too, with the > making me think of something, while not quite being able to put my finger on what.
Then it dawned on me. Damn, I was stupid. I suddenly liked the font and the >choices, so good job on that.
I liked how you fleshed the world out, refraining on putting much information on the main branch, while still rewarding death-choices with information. But I didn’t like how to ending choice >repair ended without any closure. I get why you did it, 2k really isn’t a lot, but it still feels off to let the story end like that.
I also enjoyed how you portrayed the machines, making them feel artificially human. It’s just enough to be able to empathize, while still making them feel distinctly different. I think that damn font helped a lot in that regard, so good job on that pain and effort.
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on 4/29/2020 8:19:52 PM with a score of 0
It's a short game dye to the theme, but contains a surprisingly developed world and an intriguing main character. Each of the paths adds details to the robotic civilization and the rules and heirarchy if the world.
There was a slight melancholy, longing for purpose, and hint of quirkiness to the main character which I liked.
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on 4/29/2020 2:20:05 PM with a score of 0
I really enjoyed this. The beginning parts really gave me that feeling you get when watching a good movie with an apocalyptic theme or a book in the same respect. It gave me many questions and was a story that I found was able to answer those questions when I'd thought about it or had gotten far enough. All around a great read and a great atmosphere.
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on 4/28/2020 4:24:13 PM with a score of 0
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