Jimson has a total of 95 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
Date | Points | Why? |
11/5/2023 | -210 | Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS |
3/11/2023 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2022 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2021 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2020 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2019 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2018 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2017 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
6/27/2016 | 1 | Rate Game Dirty Laundry |
3/11/2016 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2015 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2014 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2013 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2012 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/22/2011 | 5 | Accept Feature Banner Ads. |
3/11/2011 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
3/11/2010 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
6/10/2009 | 1 | Rate Game Magus: Betrayal |
6/10/2009 | 10 | Win Duel RPS |
6/10/2009 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
6/10/2009 | 10 | Publish Game Dirty Laundry 2 |
6/10/2009 | 1 | Daily Point |
3/11/2009 | 15 | Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!! |
8/23/2008 | 5 | Duel Refund RPS |
8/19/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
8/19/2008 | -2 | Lose Duel Rock Paper Scissors |
8/16/2008 | 1 | Rate Game robot fight |
8/11/2008 | 10 | Win Duel Toggle |
8/11/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
8/11/2008 | -5 | Lose Duel RPS |
8/11/2008 | 5 | Duel Refund RPS |
8/10/2008 | 5 | Duel Refund Toggle |
8/9/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
8/9/2008 | 5 | Duel Refund RPS |
8/8/2008 | 5 | Duel Refund RPS |
8/7/2008 | 1 | Daily Point |
8/7/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
8/7/2008 | 1 | Rate Game |
8/6/2008 | 10 | Publish Game |
8/6/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
8/6/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Trivial True or False |
8/6/2008 | 3 | Win Duel RPS |
8/6/2008 | 1 | Daily Point |
8/6/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Paraplaniac |
8/6/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Gerard's Bad Dream |
8/6/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Priesthood |
8/6/2008 | 10 | Publish Game Priesthood |
8/5/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Snot |
8/5/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Yugoh Trivia |
8/5/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Zombie in house: 3:00 |
8/5/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
8/5/2008 | -5 | Lose Duel Toggle |
8/5/2008 | -5 | Lose Duel RPS |
8/5/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Love SICK |
8/5/2008 | 1 | Rate Game The Road to Glasgow. |
8/4/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
8/4/2008 | 10 | Win Duel Rock Paper Scissors |
8/4/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Rock Paper Scissors |
7/31/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
7/31/2008 | -5 | Lose Duel RPS |
6/3/2008 | 3 | Create Game |
6/3/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Braak the Briton (Redux Edition) |
6/3/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Necromancer |
6/3/2008 | 10 | Publish Game Dirty Laundry |
6/3/2008 | 3 | Create Game Dirty Laundry |
6/3/2008 | 10 | Win Duel Toggle |
6/3/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
6/3/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow Toggle |
6/2/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Haunted |
6/2/2008 | 10 | Publish Game Ghost House |
6/2/2008 | -5 | Duel Escrow RPS |
6/2/2008 | 1 | Rate Game Ghost House |
6/2/2008 | 3 | Create Game Ghost House |
6/2/2008 | 15 | Create Account |