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Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
If you had a chance to go anywhere in time, 2050, 1200, 1875... where would you go? I'd personally grab a bunch of toys, like SMGs, assault rifles, grenade launchers, flamethrowers... etc, then go back to 1800 with all my friends and slautter everyone because I'm just mean like that.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
I'd go back to September 11th, 2001 and kill Justin Beiber before he gets famous - his death will mean nothing in the shadow of the terrorist attacks and so no one will ever even notice.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Actually, that's not what I'd do. You're wrong again! I would go back in time and kill the guy who invented CFC gasses and leaded fuel, so the 1800s will be a much cleaner place!

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
Wow sent you have a problem with double posting. You know there's an "edit" post button right?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
It only fucking works before someone replies which is annoying as fuck on a fucking stick.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Due to a recent post by Kiel, for some reason I feel the urge to go back in time and kick Ghandi in the nuts and tell him to stop being an asshole.

I wouldn't actually elaborate any further than that though, I'd just leave him to ponder what the hell happened as I suddenly disappeared before his eyes back to my own timeline laughing the whole while.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
I'd take a couple Jericho 941's, go into 2059 - kill Spike Spiegel, and laugh at the irony of it all.

I'd go back to 1880 and start WWI early so that WWII is likely avoided, WWI won't be as bad due to less industrialization, and European tensions won't build as high.

OR I could go back to 1940, give Germany the atomic bomb blue prints and such, and see how the world turns out when the Nazi's drop the bomb first.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
Dude, our lives would be changed. And besides how the hell would you get your hands on those blueprints?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
I'd go back in time, become head of the Manhattan project and secretly smuggle the blueprints to Germany for an insane amount of money and agreement that no attacks with the bomb on America - because capitalism! :D

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
America's a shithole, let it get bombed for all I care. hell that country could do with some nuclearization is that even a word?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
Might as well be. How about I give the atomic bomb blueprints to a random country xD like Mongolia or Poland lol just see what they do with it.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
hmm, not even sure. Come to think of it I'd just go back in time to when you were bringing the blueprints to that random country, hit you in the head, steel em, make one or a hundred, then go back to 1800 and bomb the shit out oa former America so that it would never get to be current America. Of course some of you wouldn't exist but who cares!

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go back to the year 2000 where Malkalack would be approximatley 10 years old eating ice cream on a hot summer day.  I'd slap that ice cream to the ground.  That one act would drive him to grow a set and be a real man.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
I'd go back to 1 minute before you went back with a sniper rifle, then when you went back I'd snipe you.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Too bad your knowledge of fire arms is next to shit, so you'd miss and I'd just walk away like it was nothing.

You'd be better off getting close and personal with a shot gun.  That way, you wouldn't miss.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
Fine I'd chuck a grenade killing both you and malk, poor little motherfucker. Rofl.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go back before I said all these mean things to Malk, and hug it out....


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd wait for him to lower his guard, and... 


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I would go back in time to the year where CobaltBlaze decided to subtly troll to cast doubt on the US military, and tell him to stop. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Are you smiling because I acknowledged respect to your nation, or saw through your guise, I wonder.... 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Smiling cuz you're a funny guy. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

You're not a very well-versed troll, # @CobaltBlaze . You should know I don't venture into the daylight when I can avoid it. 

Mediocre, at best. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Son, it's not your fault.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Of course it isn't. I can't take responsibility for your lack of  trolling prowess. I recommend  this article if you're really struggling. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Hey, Malk? I don't know a lot. You see this? All this shit? (points at troll article)

It's not your fault. Fuck them, ok?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

No, it's not. I don't write for WikiHow. I decided to do you a service, and help you be a better troll. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Please tell me you got the Good Will Hunting reference, or was that before your time?  Just asking, not trolling.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Haven't seen it. Good movie? 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

YWhere would you go in time?

9 years ago

Thank you for the meme. I will cherish it forever. 

EDIT: GAH! Yahoo! You heathen! 

EDIT EDIT: Holy fuck. That's powerful... 

I need to watch that sometime. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go back in time to around 1990 and use my knowledge of the future to fuck with people. I'd tell people that something would happen days before it actually happened to freak people out.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago
Go back in time with a history text book disguised as a bible or a novel and read from it in a holy tone to fuck with people xD

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Hahaha! Start my own religion, I'd go really far back and take the Lord of Rings books and convince people into thinking that they were real and that Sauron actually existed.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go forward a hundred years. Far enough that some interesting stuff should have happened, close enough that English should still be intelligible. ^_^

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Soylent Green

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I would go back to about a week ago and unleash measles on an unsuspecting California.  Mwahahaha!!!

Edit:  Or go back to prehistoric times (like in that Simpsons Halloween episode) and start stomping on everything in sight.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

"What's a donut?"

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

The funny thing is right after he ran back into the time machine, it started raining donuts outside in that world.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Excellent. Mr Burns Evil Laugh animated emoticon

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

1. Bring a SSBN. Typhoon class or Ohio class both works.

2. Load it with missiles, torpedoes, food, parts, etc

3. Travel to 1939 and nuke the Nazis and Japan

4. Become the hero that stopped WW2.

5. Conquer the wasteland!!

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go to the time Jesus was born so I could kill him and his mother.

EDIT: Scratch that, I wouldn't kill Jesus, just his mother.

Then I'd see Julius Caesar in action.

Then I'd go to Japan and prevent Nobunaga Oda from dying.

Finally, I'd go back to the time of Alexander the Great and save him if I could.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Any particular reason why you would go back in time to kill Jesus? 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Presumably he's trying to stop Christianity from becoming a wide spread religion.

EDIT: The thing is, he'd have to go back in time to kill Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the founders of Judaism, if he really wanted to eliminate the seeds of Christianity though.

Not sure if Islam would rise without Judaism and Christianity in place, but he could go pop in and kill Muhammed as well just to be sure.

Of course in doing so, now we have the great Hindu Crusades of 1279-1458, the Odinist Inquisition of 1534-1607 and the Evil Buddhist Trials of 1666!

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

And he STILL wouldn't be able to stop Scientology. Xenu rises!

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Mind you, he's probably just trying to piss as many people off... 

Because we don't get enough of that from # @coins 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I remember reading a short description of a world called "Nergal" where the Assyrian Empire were a lot more successful and completely wiped out the Hebrews and Phoenicians and later on the Greeks before they finally collapsed.

However as a result of this Assyrian supremacy, the world in general is even more brutal and savage. A lot of other would be empires tend to base themselves on the Assyrians and practice slavery and human sacrifice on a wide scale.

To top things off another Ice Age threatens to destroy everyone.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Searched "Nergal" and found a Polish musician and this one Jew story about this deity whose emblem was a cock.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Found it, though I think I first read about it on some RPG forum. Meh, whatever.

Some of the other parallel world descriptions are sort of interesting too.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Not at all, if I could go back in time I would take that chance to kill Jesus and his mother.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Good luck, hahah.

I'm curious to what your method would be?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd use a AR-15 rifle. Let the Christians use a gun for their symbol instead of a fucking cross. At least we KNOW they are violent now.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

An AR-15 would like nice next to my dog tags.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'm sure you would. 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

So you're just killing Jesus and his mom for the shits and giggles?

EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't realize your post was responding to Malk's.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I won't lie, part of it is just because I'd have fun doing it. But I could also take down an entire religion and make the locals worship ME instead. Now the whole world is fucked.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Damn, it seems that Christianity is a better alternative than the other religions. Plus, I actually like Abraham.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

What do you mean by better Alternative? 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd prefer Christianity over Islam. Unless I successfully kill Mohammad as well.

EDIT: I however have very minimal knowledge of Islam besides the obvious portrayals from the media. I know that between the two, Muslims seem to be more violent then Christians. Of course you probably never hear much about Christians doing anything like the Muslims do probably because of a media bias.

I just realized that finding Mohammad will be a big issue since I haven't seen any pictures of him that aren't doodles.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Well you're Greek right?

Go back in time and try to make sure the Greek pantheon of gods becomes wide spread and stays that way.

This of course means multiple Ares Crusades.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I can't stop the Greek pantheon from becoming myth. Humanity will progress to the point that they can see Mount Olympus and realize the gods aren't really there, and I'm not going to bullshit them and say they actually live in space somewhere.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

"I'm not going to bullshit them and say they actually live in space somewhere."

Well glad to hear you wouldn't be ripping off ideas from Star Trek. Lol.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I've never watched Star Trek. :P

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Probably also Jesus, lol. He wasn't whitey mcwhiteperson as the pictures make him out to be. XD 

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

So Danaos is basically going to have to nuke the entire middle east region.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Yea.  Nuke the middle east, I'm down with that.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'm being facetious.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Won't I just have to find the guy that is pissing of the Romans and is being followed around by twelve guys? I figure that it would be easy to find someone with that much heat on him.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Or as dark as the black churches make him out to be. I expect him to have a nice middle-eastern tan. Before I kill him, I'll request he do a magic trick. I'll bring a sickly man and ask Jesus to heal him. Afterwards, I will shoot him dead...unless Jesus actually manages to heal him with his touch.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

But either way you're killing Jesus, right?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

If he turns out to actually be the son of God and a magic man, then probably not since it is pointless. I will at that point kill any and all of his followers that I can find.

EDIT: Screw it, yeah I'd probably kill him due to me being pissed off about being wrong. THEN I'd kill his followers.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

It would probably be easier to kill God's 'baby mamma' rather than wait for her magic son to grow up and to start gathering support.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Was Virgin Mary still alive when Jesus was on the rise? If so, then I'd rather kill them both. If not, I'll settle for just her. In fact, I'm going to invade Mary's village (wherever she lived) with Greek mercenaries. We'll turn her into our personal toy, and send her back to her home a filthy mess. Then, Jesus will have descended from Zeus! Not God!

There you go, the Greek pantheon is saved. Then I can make a bullshit story about why Olympus is no longer there.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

It might take a little more effort, but you could go the more humane route and try to have Jesus raised by a childless Roman family of some status.

See how that plays out.

Maybe he still becomes a prophet/messiah, but for Jupiter instead.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

The most passive hero ever.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Go back to primitive times, and draw the "Dickbutt" guy in a cave. Fast-forward until modern archeology period and wait for people to discover it.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd go to when Hitler was born and slaughter him so the Holocaust would never happen and I wouldn't have to read?? The Diary of Anne Frank??? in English class.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

1. That's a good book.

2. If Hitler never lived, there would probably be more problems now. I'd prefer he stay alive.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

 I agree its a good book, but there are so many versions of it and we have to read them ALL.


Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

This reminds me of the butterfly effect, (first movie, didn't see any others).  How one thing trips up and sets off a whole completely different future.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Would the future be different if I went back in time and gave a caveman a gun?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

He'd prob kill some people once he figure out how it worked but then he'd run out of bullets.  It'd be rusty and useless within a week.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

So, what you're saying is, it wouldn't alter the future?

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Probably not, the cavemen would have no way of maintaining and reusing the firearm. As stated, it would become useless at that point and fall apart. Especially a gun from our age, we took centuries to get this far in gun warfare.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Does that mean I can do it? :D

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Go for it, at worst you're going to be the cause of a couple dozen (depending on the gun) deaths.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

And some very confused archeologists that find the fossils.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd figure that he'd be more afraid of the gun.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

Give a caveman a dildo, wait for archeologists to find it, let the hilarity ensue.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

This whole topic has me thinking of an article I read regarding super powers that would not be as awesome as you think in real life.  Let's say you could actually go back in time.  Would time go at the same rate when you got back?  For instance, would 10 days in Ancient Rome age you 10 days when you came back to this century?  Plus, I think you could become addicted to it.  Like, you would always be going back in time to fix a mistake you made.

Where would you go in time?

9 years ago

I'd probably go back in time to when Michael Bay was born so I can smother him in his crib so we won't have to watch his shitty movies.