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YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Name my main character! Describe what marsellus wallace my main character will look like as a bonus! This means -s-pick a race for him as well!

Main character is:
-Does not look like a bitch

Preferably a memorable name that is easily pronounced and not really associated with anyone of worldly significance (i.e. I'm not going to name him Jesus, Hitler, Obama, et cetera).

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

xD Writer's block getting to you a bit early in the development stage, there, Ford?

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Midway in dev, actually. I just keep calling my main character Dave. Which isn't a good name IMO - so I want to change it :P

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Well, I'm bored atm, so ... can you tell me anything about him that's pre-established by the story's plot? And do you need a last name?

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Not really xD basically that he's a human, and that I've imagined him to be white, but that's subject to change considering it's not a main plot point.

He is hearty, laughing quite often, and enjoying what reality throws at him. Never really down about anything (nothing serious anyways). When he's serious, there's no shaking his mind. He can be stubborn at times and enjoys messing with people.

That's about all I'm willing to give without much consideration.

Plot wise I can't say anything :(

Just a first name :D

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Well, I can't say those traits really stick out to me as if they belong to one particular name or something of that sort, so ... much like I usually do when helping someone with this, I'm just going to throw a bunch of random names at you to see if one of them sticks:

Jack, John, Justin, Kyle, Randall, Mark, Luke, Tommy, William, Rick, Hadrian, Aaron, Alvin, Edward, Hank, Harvey, Isaac, Jared, Kelly, Keith, Shane, Tyler, Vincet, Wyatt, Zane, Warren, Adrian, and Eric.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Hmm...none really stuck. Does it help to mention that this main character belongs to [this storygame] I mentioned making? He is a magical human being, imbued with divine powers.

Edit:: It should be Kiel xD

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Hell fucking no. Don't use my name. xD

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
You've only tempted me more by saying to not do it :3

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Does he look like a  bitch?


YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
;D lol

So are you going to suggest a name or sit around smiling at pulp fiction references? xD

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

What about Xerxes?

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Cionaodh: Irish form of Scottish Gaelic Cináed, meaning "born of fire." Conlaed: Variant spelling of Irish Gaelic Conlaodh, meaning "purifying fire." ~Born of fire, purifying fire.

Edan: Variant spelling of English Aidan, meaning "little fire." Fintan: Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Fiontan, meaning "white fire." ~Little white fire.

~Bright orange, spiky hair, tanned skin previously white, ice-blue eyes, lean build meant for speed, burn scar across upper left half of body/face.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Way to complicated o-o too much meaning and not easily memorable. Great names though, good try :D

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Name: Abu ibn al-Omar Suffiyan al-Muhammad bin-Jinnah Shams.

Desc: The most Arabian looking guy ever. Giant beard, covered body/head in a robe, a Turkish sword in sheath at his hip and brown skin. Also carries a Quran. He looks like he just stepped out of the Middle Ages.

Extra: He was apparently once a prince in a now non-existent Arabian empire, furthering the theory that he, back when he was lving the good lfe in the empire, found a time machine and things were never same again. (Kinda depends on your story's time/setting though).

Precautions: Dunno if he can drink wine, as it's a well known fact that alcohol is basically none existent in Middle Eastern countries.

Reason: C'mon, when's the last time you've ever seen an ARABIAN GUY as a protagonist to a story?! It's time to overthrow this white supremacist society with the dawn of a new era: an Arabian Guy as a protaganist.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago


Ali Baba


That guy from 13th Warrior

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Endmaster, what's your real life first name? @Endmaster

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

He should totally name him "That guy from 13th Warrior".

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
LOL holy shit xD

He's totally going to be Arabic now god I laughed so hard at his name. He won't have that name, but he's Arabic definitely now. No wonder the middle east is a crazy desert of anger - you guys need some booze.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Arabic, huh? Gives me something more to work with... found a list of popular Arabic male names, tried to pick the best:

Altair means "flying eagle", Cyrus means "king, sun," Faris means "Knight," Hakim means "Wise one", Jamal means "handsom," Jed means "The hand", Karim means "generous," Malik means "Master," Omar means "First son," Raja means "Hope," Sabir means "preserving," Shadi means "Enchanter," and Taj means "Crown."

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Cyrus is quite I suppose it's between Cyrus and Kiel...

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

... If you're taking meaning into account, you do not want to use my name.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

So your name is either "Victorious" or "Lily of the Valley".

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
"Lily in the Valley" could be an alternative name for an STD.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Eh? I don't know where you got "victorious," but that wasn't what I meant. I'm told the more accurate Hawaiian translation is "Gardenia" or "Fragrant Blossom," and no, I didn't know about that meaning when I picked the name Kiel, but yes. That would be the meaning I was referring to. xD 

... Other meanings include "narrow"/ "wedge"/ "a sound" (Gaelic), "Slender," (Celtic), "Channel" (Scottish), a nickname for a boat master (German), "Tooth" / "Fang" (Polish), and I can't find the language / region anymore, but I actually liked it for the first meaning I found which was "it" / "itself". (Why? Well, it sounded arrogant and derogatory at the same time.)

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Dongle Butters

or possibly

Percival Weebottom


YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Thoreau to flip the finger at some old novel.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Octavious Davancia

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Jim. His name will be Jim.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Jim, the most Arabian looking guy ever xD

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Melvin X and he's armed with a magic whistle.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

The fuck?

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Allow me to elaborate; a while back, there was a thread. And, like all other threads, this thread was eventually derailed. It evolved into Ford deciding to make a story about a magic whistle. Not so sure about the Melvin X part, though.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Obviously he's a black Muslim.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago


YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

@Ford  continuing the Pulp Fiction references, name him Ezekiel. It's obscure enough.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

It does sound like a magic user's name, imho.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

You kidding? Ezekiel is one of the most magic-user-ass names in the damn Bible. Surpassed only by Gideon or Hammund.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

xD ... Actually, the Biblical stories would be why I said it sounded like a magic user name.

(At least, in part.)

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago
Brutus is the obvious answer if you're looking for a non-bitch name.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Bruce Jenner. 

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago


Because why the fuck not?

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

Dude, I was talking about what he should name his character. I know the name changed.

YOU get to name the main character!

8 years ago

I know.

It'd be unique for the protagonist to be named Caitlyn for the lulz. Because why the fuck not?