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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Getting confused

7 years ago
Literally just posted in newbie central without realizing until I started thinking "Wtf why are there so many new people introducing themselves in the lounge? why is there so little activity since yesterday? I swear these aren't even the same threads I saw yesterday WTF!?" and then I saw "Newbie Central" on the top of the page.

Recently, I went up to my car and it wouldn't unlock after shopping. I stood there for a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out how I'm gonna fix my car remote and why my key doesn't fit in the car door. Then I realized it was someone else's car and I was parked on the other side of the parking lot. Like, it would've been better if I parked nearby but I wasn't even close!

Is this cancer? Is this autism? I haven't been recently vaccinated so... /s

Getting confused

7 years ago

Ford, you clearly must be bathed in our rituals.

Getting confused

7 years ago

It is likely just the comedy of an aloof and forgetful mind, my friend. No need to be worried unless you find it happening in a life or death situation.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Autism obviously.

Your next steps are to become a furry and threaten to hack the site.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Hey, I resent that...What's next? You gonna accuse us of eating all of your mom's prunes?

Getting confused

7 years ago

Considering my mom's dead, I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Getting confused

7 years ago

I'm sure. (Sorry to hear that, my friend)

Getting confused

7 years ago


Getting confused

7 years ago
A couple years ago I walked into class on the day we had a sub and I was wondering why there were textbooks I've never seen before on the desks. I presumed it was for some other subject (my HS teachers usually taught 2-3 subjects throughout the day so it made sense to lay out different textbooks for the sub so they won't have to do anything). So I sat down looking at it then someone sat next to me. Immediately I was like "Literally nobody sits next to me in the front row wtf she must be a new kid" - without looking at her of course. Then a noisy kid came in screaming about niggers and fags and I looked at him and he sat next to me with a confused look. I figured out he was obviously a freshman - way too young to be in my AP history class so again I was stupid and thought "wtf 2 new kids? and THEY BOTH SAT NEXT TO ME IN THE FRONT ROW WAT.PNG???"

Then it hit me - I'm in the wrong class. I looked around and confirmed: full of freshman in a junior level class. I just walked out like "oh. I'm in the wrong class." to be fair I was only 1 room off and both rooms had a sub that day so it wasn't that bad...

Getting confused

7 years ago

I've had dreams like that.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Lol. :3

Getting confused

7 years ago

"Then a noisy kid came in screaming about niggers and fags and I looked at him and he sat next to me with a confused look."

How is Drako doing anyway?

Getting confused

7 years ago

Wow. But things like this have happened to me rather often. I am usually deep in thought and walk into the wrong classroom... Or into a door.

Getting confused

7 years ago

It's the pudding, Ford.

Quit before it's too late. Pudding kills.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Wait, which kind?

Getting confused

7 years ago

strawberry ghost pepper pudding.

Getting confused

7 years ago


Getting confused

7 years ago

Wow. So, it's even worse than regular strawberry pudding?

Getting confused

7 years ago

Yeh, that's apparently possible.

Accept the sporks as your savior, Ford. Before it's too late.

Getting confused

7 years ago

What? You- you think I'm one of Ford's Alts?

I'm really not. Or am I?

EDIT: Oh, I get now. You were talking to Ford. Eh, you should have tagged as to not cause confusion.

Getting confused

7 years ago

On occasion I have a miniature panic attack thinking that I lost my car keys whilst driving my car. Then I instantly remember the keys are in the ignition and feel stupid.

Gotting confezzed

7 years ago

happens to the best of us.

Getting confused

7 years ago
I was talking to my dad on the phone while looking for my phone and I asked him if he had seen my phone. Felt pretty stupid afterwards.

Getting confused

7 years ago


This happens to me all the time.

I'm told that it's because you need rest, but I sleep for, like, 12 hours a day.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Seen better fording. 4/8.

Getting confused

7 years ago

It doesn’t come off as well because he’s talking about something negative happening to him.

His Fording is usually better when he talks about doing unlikely but positive things in a mundane way like supporting himself in a Las Vegas penthouse by taking online quizzes or killing his cousin by pushing him off a mountain.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Brain cancer. 

Getting confused

7 years ago
You have dementia.

I give you 3 weeks to live. RIP Ford.

Getting confused

7 years ago

Three weeks is too generous.

Three days sounds just about right.

Getting confused

7 years ago


This made me laugh a little too hard.


Getting confused

7 years ago

It's the aliens Ford. They're coming to getcha.