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Walking dead

8 years ago

HOLLYYYYYYYY **************** All those deaths man. Good god, and the episode is only halfway through.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Hot diggity damn?, that was one helluva way to kick off the second half of the season.

Also watched a bit into Talking Dead, and after finding out how cool the kid who played Sam (Jessie's OTHER son) is, I kind of feel bad for cheering when Sam died. Seriously, what kind of twelve year old uses the word 'antiquing' (if you watched Talking Dead you'll get what I mean)?

Walking dead

8 years ago

Yeah, the kid is more of a gentlemen than I'll ever be. 

The guy who played the Wolf turned out to be really cool, as well. It's hard to hate villains when they turn out to be fucking delightful. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

Dammit Chris!!

I hadn't seen the episode yet. . . 

(Oh well)

Walking dead

8 years ago
If you didn't record it and have a dire hankering for watching it, AMC has it on their site for free (with mandatory commercials).

Walking dead

8 years ago

I despise their website, I tried watching a episode and those commercials looped for like 5 times, each with the same godddam every kiss begins with kay crap.

Walking dead

8 years ago
The commercials certainly do seem to run fairly long.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Terrible blocking though. I mean, from where the walkers got him-- okay, it's off camera to us, but Rick & Jessie would've seen them coming & I guess they didn't even try to save Sam?

Walking dead

8 years ago
Was he worth saving? Personally, I wouldn't have been feeding him for the past few episodes. He would have walked downstairs to eat like the semblance of a sane child.

Walking dead

8 years ago

He's the noob that got himself, his mom, his brother, killed, and Rick's son shot in the head, one wants to save him anyways. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

Damm good episode last night.

Walking dead

8 years ago

20 PEOPLE VS 200-300 zombies! PEOPLE WINS! Man, Morgan is so annoying. 

Walking dead

8 years ago
That who scene felt random really. And by random I mean "plot decided who was attacked". There's no reason why the kid carrying the gun shouldnt have been attacked, and carl/rick were making a big enough scene that they should have been attacked as well.

The ending fight as cool as it was... made little sense. I can see them putting up a fight, but you expect me to believe they held off that many zombies and not a single person was injured? Apparently ninja zombies are the only true way you can be killed by zombies in this show.

Walking dead

8 years ago
I was thinking the same thing with the trio massacre, but I was just happy to seem them finally die. I had the same moment of disbelief with them retaking the town without injury, but *shrug* it was cool.

Walking dead

8 years ago

By then, Rick and Carl was already running, and Mashone was already hacking away.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Eh, they were all standing around, gaping at the kid and acting pretty well and alive for a fair bit before he bit the dust.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Rick should've just left that kid behind. Got half their party killed. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

To be honest, the show's more of a guilty pleasure at this point, like a Soap opera with zombies. After the second episode, surviving shouldn't have been an issue. If you can become camouflaged pretty effectively by covering yourself in zombies, the group should've spent the rest of the show always covered in zombie guts. Don't take kids and cowards on missions and don't go when it rains. If they did that, no one would die. Also, killing zombies is insanely easy. Stand on top of a roof and use a spear or piece of concrete on a rope to wipe out the zombies while safe. With the amount of stupidity in the show, it's like my version of Jersey Shores.

Walking dead

8 years ago

the whole, everyone is infected plot kinda makes it a running gag, if it were like romero where it was more like a curse and you could only get infected by bite then all you would have to do is hide on a island and you would be fine, but on the show having a community is stupid because the bigger it is the more likely chance someone is going to turn, but i guess thats what makes it run.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Too much plot-armour to enjoy. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

Well I was happy to see that annoying family die, but seriously, that's it? I mean at the end there, there were like a dozen people fighting a million zombies and none of them died? Not even the town's people whose names we didn't know? Gabriel! Fucking Gabriel went out to fight and you didn't kill him off? I mean I get the show's trying to prove that they're not racist by only killing off white guys the whole season, but I promise, nobody is going to get upset if you kill off Gabriel!

And what really, really ticked me off is that, since nobody happened to die in the scene where bloody everybody should've died, everybody's applauding how brave Rick is for going out with an axe into a hoard of several hundred zombies... No. No he is not brave. He is stupid. Really, really, really fucking stupid. Will somebody please feed him to the zombies so they can put Daryl and Michonne in charge instead?

Walking dead

8 years ago

Without even having to click on the link, I already know it has to be the scene where Rick axed that prisoner. 

Walking dead

8 years ago
Nope. Click the button. It won't bite.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Guess the show was trying to prove that after surviving for so long, a few hundred zombies are pffffft. A hundred defenseless, retarded, slow, civilians to the slaughter. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

WHY would Rick let Gabriel take Judith? 

Everything in the entire show up to now has said that going out in a group to fight a zombie mob is the stupidest idea ever.  

But all of a sudden, it's brave and noble and inspiring. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

Yes! Yes that too! The guy bloody left his whole congregation to get eaten while he hid inside his church and they go "Here, take the baby, we totally trust you to keep her safe."

Just... I mean I don't care how stupid and crazy Rick is, the show's constantly rubbing in our faces how stupid and crazy Rick is. But how have the others not figured out that he's crazy yet? Even the people in the town (that he wanted to sacrifice to the zombies) think he's a leader and a hero and rushed out into the zombie hoard to help him... Why? What the hell was even the point? Was there a reason he ran into the zombie hoard other than because he was pissed and wanted to chop some zombies up? >.<

Walking dead

8 years ago

And, even if crazy Rick is back-- Rick and Gabriel hate each other! 


And what about the ending!

You know, Carl, when I charged like a blood knight into that horde of zombies, and the people of Alexandria came out and stupidly risked their lives for no apparent reason to join my senseless rush towards death (thank god Daryl showed up and saved us) it made me realize that . . . I want to rebuild those cookie cutter gingerbread houses, and those giant walls and live in peace and tranquility forever!! 

Walking dead

8 years ago

Look i know the show has its retarded moments but its still a great show and i'll only stop watching it when i see a zombie animal or a rage zombie as that would be utterly moronic.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Zombie animal wouldn't be stupid... Infact I find it weird that the animals don't turn into zombies. Why wouldn't they? Makes as much sense as people turning into zombies.

Walking dead

8 years ago

The disease was obviously weaponized towards humans. What use would they have to infect their food sources too?

Walking dead

8 years ago
Diseases can cross between species.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Not all diseases. What about AIDS?

Walking dead

8 years ago
I didn't say all. But it wouldn't be the first time that mankind created something that had additional unwanted and unexpected side-effects. I mean, we do it all the time, with just about everything form fertilizers to medication to weaponry. And seeing as this jacked the whole world to hell... yeah, I'd say they underestimated the collateral damage. Anyway, Briar's right, it wouldn't be surprising at all if the animals were affected. Or at least, some animals.

EDIT: And you actually picked a rather poor example. AIDS is a condition brought on by the HIV virus. The HIV virus is commonly believed to have originated in Non-human primates.

Walking dead

8 years ago

I said AIDS because it is a disease that has not been known to affect anything other than humans. The primates that are believed to be the origin of AIDS are unaffected by their strain, as it is dormant. I guess it could be carried by animals, but based on what we have seen, I doubt it affects them. And honestly, it would be surprising to see a zombie animal because there has been none in five and a half seasons. Seeing one would definitely be unexpected, but admittedly not entirely impossible.

Walking dead

8 years ago
I'm pretty sure Briar was referring to from the beginning. Yeah, if they had one at this point, it'd be breaking established canon.

But AIDS isn't a disease. It's a syndrome/condition/symptom of HIV. HIV is the disease. You can have HIV without actually having AIDS. Sort of (but maybe not exactly) like how all the humans are infected with the zombie virus, but it doesn't affect them until they die.

EDIT: If you think about it, that kind of opens a brand new plot hole. If everyone is already infected, why does a bite kill you in the first place?

EDIT II: @jamescoker1226 You're an accountant in training. Account for this!

Walking dead

8 years ago

TWD zombies really don't make any sense. In the first season, a scientist says that the virus only revives the brainstem and uses it for movement, implying that the zombies' respiratory systems aren't working. However, zombies are shown to hunt by smell, when Rick and friends cover themselves with zombie guts. If you can't breathe, you can't smell things.

People in the show seem to have no problem procuring viable gasoline, even years after the outbreak occurred. Gasoline goes bad after about six months.

I'm not a virologist, but it seems like the whole "everyone's infected" thing should either equate to live people dying and becoming zombies without a bite, or their developing antibodies, granting them immunity.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Very nice. All of these things are accurate.

Walking dead

8 years ago

People do become zombies without getting bit. If they die of natural causes, they still become zombies.

Basically every human has SUPER HIV and when they become zombies they have SUPER AIDS.

Walking dead

8 years ago

The idea that I've read is that a non fatal bite causes death mainly because zombie mouths (And in general) are hideously filthy with bacteria that weaken the immune system and you get a general infection a lot quicker. That infection then just causes you to get sick and die at which point zombie time kicks in.

Walking dead

8 years ago

So, all zombies have super-AIDS?

Walking dead

8 years ago


Walking dead

8 years ago
Interesting, so basically, the zombies are a metaphor for the awesome killing machines that are Komodo Dragons. Just incredibly more stupid.

... fucking dragons. They're everywhere. Where is the love for the wyrms, wyverns and other shittier versions of the great lizard king?

Walking dead

8 years ago

Sheesh, it’s threads like this that make me rethink my second attempt at watching this series. Sounds like they should have just killed off Judith when they killed off Lori.

Currently slogging through the second season again. Now I remember why I disliked Lori so much. Really wasn’t anything do to with her being “bitchy” which I always hear why most didn’t like her.

I don’t like her because she’s like the queen of mixed messages and wishy washy behavior. Seriously, it’s like she’s got a split personality.

One minute she’s telling Shane to leave her and Carl alone, the next moment she’s telling him that he's being "mean" to Carl because he's ignoring him and also telling Shane to stick around like two episodes after he tried to rape her. Make up your fucking mind.

Walking dead

8 years ago

I remember that!  "Why are you ignoring Carl, Shane?"  "Um, because you literally told me to leave him alone like, yesterday?"

Shane was the misunderstood hero all along. 

But without Lori we'd never have "I'm doin' stuff, Lori.  Things." XD 

Walking dead

8 years ago
I always felt Lori's whole, "I know there's a 50% chance this is your kid, but you're still not even allowed to be 'Uncle' Shane to him," thing was the cruelest slap to the face possible.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Also, she was dumb enough to have unprotected sex with Shane. I mean, jeez...

Walking dead

8 years ago

The point is Lori's a dumb bitch.

Walking dead

8 years ago

You act like there's plenty of condoms to go around in a zombie apoclypse.


Walking dead

8 years ago

You act like people can't take it up the pooper. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

You act like that's not painful without the appropriate preparations.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Condoms best usage would be to transport and store water. Turn them inside out to keep any lube from mixing with the water and fill them up. They can hold several gallons. Survivalists usually carry a few in their emergency kits.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Human beings have an anus for these situations. 

Walking dead

8 years ago

I used that line verbatim in an abortion debate once. :p

Walking dead

8 years ago
And all this time, I thought it was to release fecal material!

I have seen the light.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Hey! When we were reptiles, those things were multi-purpose. Don't see any reason it should be different now.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Your ancestor's tail had a purpose too. I suppose you want that back so you can do... things with it. Don't you?

Walking dead

8 years ago

Do you mean helping me balance and holding my scent glands? Mine still does those things.

Walking dead

8 years ago
That is neither what I meant nor what I expected you to want to use it for.

Walking dead

8 years ago

What do you expect a fox to use his tail for? Sword-fighting? Oil painting? Dusting the drapes?

Granted, I have used mine for all of those purposes, but I still don't see where these silly presumptions are coming from.

Walking dead

8 years ago

And THIS is why I don't bother with Yawn of the Dead.....

Watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Watch Into the Badlands. Mad Men, ANY of the real good shows because clearly AMC's president is taking some serious drugs when he said that 'The Walking Dead will last forever.'....

Walking dead

8 years ago

The only reason he said that is because it's the station's most watched show. There are enough dedicated fans who tune in every week for it to keep going.

Walking dead

8 years ago
The ratings are down a bit this season, but they still own the 18-40 male market. Or whatever the heck they break it down to. Point being, they're the current top dog of a difficult to obtain, yet desirable, marketing audience.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Its just....HOW!? HOW DO TUNE IN CONSTANTLY!? DO YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT PACING MEANS!?...That is what I want to ask the guys who watch the show enough that the head honcho there can say that.

Walking dead

8 years ago
In fairness, parts of it are really good. The start of this season was awesome... then they decided to do nothing but filler for the rest of the first half of the season, with the exception of the Morgan flashback and the finale (which had good and bad, but brought back the action and excitement.)

@Briar_Rose and I are on the opposite sides of the spectrum on Rick. I find his Axe Crazy antics absolutely marvelous and seriously doubt anyone would really do much better. Daryl is a great 2nd hand man, but he doesn't want to command. Glenn would be good, but he gets a little too melodramatic to be an effective leader. He makes a better motivational speaker. Only Rick has the tactical knowledge, sheer insanity and raw unfiltered beard of manliness to lead a group of survivors. I can't wait until he meets Negan! I bet they become best pals! Insanity for the win!

But in all seriousness, I get where you're coming from. Some of the episodes fall completely flat with utter garbage for writing. Still, we overlook (or more likely just bitch about) the flaws because there is enough utility to keep our ass on our couch each week to see what poor bitch or bastard gets eaten next. Most of the people that annoy me are dead, so as long as Daryl continues to kick ass, they can do whatever they like. Shit, I'd keep watching if Daryl turned Super Saiyan next episode. And @malkalack was correct as well, the plot armor protecting Rick and Carl, or 'Coral' if you prefer, takes any real danger/threat/drama from them. Anyone who actually feared for the fellow's life just wasn't paying attention for six seasons.

Walking dead

8 years ago

From what it sounds like, this “Axe Crazy” version of Rick is somewhat following the comic book because Rick does go a little Axe Crazy for a little while, but he sort of ends up getting better by the time Negan shows up and goes back to being a rational leader type.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Also apparently they skipped the CANNIBAL ARC...Why!? You don't need MORE FILLER!

Walking dead

8 years ago
Nah, we got some cannibalism. I would have enjoyed more though. They didn't even comment on if it tasted like chicken or not...

Walking dead

8 years ago's the thing with filler in my mind...I get if you run out of ideas on an original show and have to resort to it, make it entertaining is all I ask. Now if its a show based on a Comic book or something? I don't think fans will be too bored of a few or so episodes on that arc, its not like the fans like those boring walking bits....seriously there's more walking than there is the dead!

Walking dead

8 years ago
I can tolerate some filler. The Dragon Ball manga had tons of material to work with, but they still added the entire Garlic Jr. arc to the anime. Then poor Gohan had to lose his new purple dragon friend because he wasn't canon :( Again, the writing isn't the greatest, but I don't really have a high opinion of the translation of most works between different mediums. Game of Thrones completely reinvents some of the major characters and story-lines (for no legitimate purpose) in the HBO adaptation. This is a poor excuse, but it's not exactly atypical.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Yeah...alot of people seem to not understand how FILLER works. Its meant to fill in the slot when nothing is around...yeah, DBZ...JESUS CHRIST Did a good number of arcs fall by the wayside, and all because of the THRICE DAMNED FILLER WHICH MADE FIGHTS TAKE AROUND 3 GODDAMNED HOURS AT LEAST! *Glares at Goku's fight with Frieza's Final Form*...While I get pacing a fight right, there is a reason people like Fist of the North Star's, Robot Jox', and One Punch Man's Fight Scenes, they didn't take the amount of time needed to write a short Novella!

What is it with people just assuming Filler means 'Pointless shit that just fills the timeslot.'? 

Walking dead

8 years ago
In retrospect, the Garlic Jr. Saga was a better use of time than a good 50% of Goku's fight with Frieza. I think they originally re-aired the 'Namek' Saga two-three times in America before they went all the way through. (At least we got two different, yet still amazing Vegeta's out of it.)

I've never read the manga, but I've been tempted to check out Dragon Ball Super. Are there really a bunch of arcs they completely skip over between the Saiyan and Buu saga in the anime?

Walking dead

8 years ago

Actually I think they're retreading the movies but adding in additional moments, not to the point of sheer filler but to the point of shaking things up a little.

A good example of good filler would be Twin Peaks, though that was more or less the writing on the wall that the series was about to be canceled, what with *SPOILERS HAVE BEEN CENSORED WATCH IT YOURSELF!*

Walking dead

8 years ago
I use Axe Crazy a little loosely bit - but it still fits. His last two minutes of show time kind of suggests this might be a thing though. I hope not. I love Axe Crazy Rick. He needs more literal axes, another wild-man beard and rampant, brazen, bloodthirsty stupidity. He is Optimus Prime, the OMEGA. He cannot be killed. He just needs to lay waste to all of the sane people that are in his way (or trying to hold him back from his reign of mayhem.) He needs to start taking axes to gunfights and mass murdering entire villages because they might have people that oppose tyranny and ultra-conservative, yet super risky and deadly antics.

Walking dead

8 years ago

Again, I don't really have a problem with Rick's crazy. A lot of people in TWD are crazy. It usually makes people more interesting. Hell, Sasha went bat-shit insane after Bob and Tyreese died and I still liked her. The problem that I have is that, whenever anybody else goes crazy, the other people in the group pat the on the shoulder and say, "Hey, how about you ease up on the crazy a little before we decide you're a liability and put you down like a dog?" But for some reason, whenever Rick goes crazy (which is often), the group's reaction is to go, "Wow! Everybody look at Rick! He's fully evolved from slightly unhinged into cuckoo for cocoa puffs! It's beautiful! We all have a lot to learn from Rick. His crazy is clearly what's keeping us alive and we should all aspire to be more like him! Come on kids, start talking to your dead loved-ones, it'll make you stronger!" >.<

... Also he shaved his awesome homeless guy beard.

Walking dead

8 years ago

> Into the Badlands

> Good show

> Fucking kek

Walking dead

8 years ago
Is this the same Badlands that TellTale made a game of? If so, what are your thoughts? And if you have played the game, is it a worthwhile purchase?

Walking dead

8 years ago

I believe you're talking about "Tales from the Borderlands".

Still a good game, tho. 9/10 needs more Claptrap.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Yes, that's it!

I've never played the game, or seen whatever it was based on. But I've enjoyed the TellTale games I've played, though I already enjoyed the original works they were derived from. I've received highly mixed reviews on 'Borderlands.' Most were either all for it, or thought it was mediocre at best.

What is your opinion? Do you recommend it? Or do you think TellTale has something better?

Walking dead

8 years ago

It's a good game, but if you haven't at least played "Borderlands 2", you won't get any of the references or inside jokes.

Walking dead

8 years ago


Meanwhile I have Borderlands 2 *GOTY Edition so all DLC *Except for a few and the Headhunter Missions** So I actually got quite a bit of the references...also good choice on one of the characters in Tales to be voiced by Patrick Warburton

Walking dead

8 years ago

Okay, finally finished up watching up to season 6 of this show. Time to revise my opinion a bit.

Overall, still like the comic more, but the show seems to have gotten a whole lot better since the second half of season 3 (Which was just before I originally stopped watching it). I can even say that the TV show did few minor things better with some of the arcs they altered a bit.

One thing they did a whole lot better was the little budding serial killer girl and her sister. In the comics that sort of just came out of nowhere and it involved two relatively boring twin boys who never really did much until one of them killed his brother and then Carl busts a cap in the serial killer in training. They did a better job of building up to that similar scenario in the TV Show.

On the other hand the whole thing with Beth at the hospital with the crazy cops was sort of a shaggy dog story. (Even more so since even Noah gets killed pretty quickly afterwards.) That entire arc was sort of dull even though there was some potential there. Probably should have just extended the Cannibals/Hunters arc a bit more instead since the way they did that one in the TV Show was a bit more interesting than the comic.


Show stopped sucking as much around the middle of season 3. Will binge watch later seasons when they’re free on Netflix.

Walking dead

8 years ago
Yeah, they basically got rid of Beth and Noah just when they were starting to get interesting. Same thing with Bob.