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End of the World 101

6 years ago

So I'm in university and noticed a class that's basically called "the end of the world class", which was of course a name that caught my attention immediately and I signed up. It's basically about all the different ways the world can end and how they are represented in films and literature.

Now I have an assignment to get input from people on some kind of public forum about climate change, and since I assume all the other students are going to go with Facebook or something equally as dull and typical, I decided to get the fresh perspective of of the cystian populace to be hip and different.

So climate change, do you try to lessen its effect as much as one person possibly can? Do you think it's just a hoax. Are you completely indifferent? Just share your two cents on the matter...or not. I can also write about how everyone ignored the subject so whatever.


PS: If an eccentric Icelandic teacher joins the site in the near future it is probably my fault.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Of course I believe climate change is real, and I also think that there should be a broad, international consensus to try and minimise the damage that climate change causes (or possibly even reverse it altogether). Though in terms of what I personally do about it, it mostly comes down to little things like making sure all lights are turned off when I leave a room, recycling my garbage, and such. However, in general, I don't think I do as much as one person possibly can because, among other things, I am quite lazy and prefer doing things that don't take up too much time. Furthermore, I also believe that most gains can be made on a political level, and I'm not living in a country with a broken two-party system, so I do prefer to vote for parties that also address sustainability issues.  

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Strange, I was just talking about this with my dad. Anyhow, global warming is clearly real. I don't do much to stop it, because I'm a hedonistic narcissist who refuses to take away from my own happiness.

Really, the obvious solution is radical population reduction. I mean, I'll be honest, I know a huge amount of people who propose that only do it because they think they and all their family and friends would make the cut, and I know this is a douche move, but I really, really do think I deserve to make the cut, because I'm not a depressed fuck, I really want to continue my existence, unlike all the vast quantities of cunts who complain all the time and are suicidal but keep taking up resources. So yeah, cut down our numbers and we'll be grand. 

I mean, we could do this loads of ways: Downright genocide seems pretty efficient if cruel, the mass promotion of suicide could help to get rid of everyone that's suicidal, sterilization, or fuck it, I'll take a big ol' gay ray to turn everyone gay to cut down the population.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Yes, the climate changes in many ways. It changes due to time, for there are "seasons" which we call winter, spring, summer, and another one people can't agree on. Some call that one fall because leaves fall from trees. Others call it autumn to sound more intelligent than the ones who call it fall.

One can also change the climate by moving in different directions. Close to the equator is warmer while the poles are cold. There are also rainforests, deserts, oceans, forests, Ireland, grasslands, mountains, and swamps among other topographies of this amazing planet... Oh wait, you mean climate change...

I believe in climate change. Heck, there's even this graph. Nobody doubts graphs.

While I'm honestly not too afraid of global warming, I do like ideas like not pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere or having my state become at hotter. I also see technology trying its best to solve the problem and would not be saddened if my (and others') government dumped boatloads of cash into renewable energy, cleaner ways of cars, et cetera. 

I also believe that people should do all they personally and conceivably do to protect the environment. Don't chop down trees for personal convince (like not raking). That really irks me. I love trees. Trees are also a source of oxygen (which I also love). Recycle if you can and buy some solar panels. Try to find a second use for junk before you throw it away.

Lastly, no, I'm not a liberal or even consider myself an environmentalist (by traditional measures).

I hope this'll do SindriV.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Climates don't change due to seasons, dipshit. Weather changes due to seasons. Climate doesn't. 

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Sorry, I was too subtle in my satire. Everything before the phrase "to be honest" was myself poking fun at climate change deniers. It looks like it didn't work, but I do hope it gave SV some stuff to work with.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

I got that you were poking fun, but you did it through blatant falsehoods and angering Steve through the obvious failure to distinguish weather and climate. The clear option was to point out that the only person who could change the environment is God, and that snowballs exist.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Yeah it's real.

No I don't care since I'll probably be gone before it gets really bad anyway.

End of the World 101

6 years ago
Honestly there will probably be more immediate concerns making everything suck and causing mass death long before climate change becomes an issue. But otherwise things just need to stay normal a little while longer and then I'll be dead, and I don't have any kids to worry about either so I don't need to care.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Well I mean the obvious solution would be for government officials to drastically speed up the effects of global warming in which case anyone who plans on living longer than ten years will be totally fucked so we can come up with forced solutions. This planet has turned into a smokers lung and I honestly dont think we can do anything to stop the aftereffects, and with space travel with humans outside our solar system still being some centuries away, well I'll probably just take eternal sleep then stretched out suffering.

I'm honestly just waiting for sufficient enough technology to just upload our minds onto computers and live out in the virtual worlds for eternity in a watered down version of immortality that an average third world inhabitant would want to have.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback everyone. No climate deniers popped up. Not sure what that means. Maybe we're all just too intellectual here for that.

-waits for climate deniers to get triggered-

End of the World 101

6 years ago
I'm wondering if this is really just some pol-sci course to examine how people reply to things online. The old bait & switch if you will, then BAM! Rats in a maze Haha!

(Mark me down for paranoid conspiracy theorist response guy) ^v^

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Climate Change is indeed a thing. It kinda sucks, and hopefully it won't be a thing pretty soon.

But I don't really care lolololol #420Blaze #GotEeeeem #FirstWorld


In other news, with the topic being "The End of The World", I was expecting something along the lines of post-apocalypse survival.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Well. "Post-Apocalyptic" implies that it is after the apocalypse, not a part of the apocalypse, right? The end of the world is the apocalypse, not after it.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Er, I mean to say I thought it was preparing you for the end of the world.

I mean, I guess technically it kind of is by getting you to talk about possibly apocalyptic happenings, but at first I was under the assumption that it would be more physical.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

Yeah, I don't blame you. I don't even know what I could use this for in the future, I just know that having graduated in "end of the world" is going to sound cool.

End of the World 101

6 years ago

For a second I thought you said the end of Wizard 101. Best childhood game.