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US Politics Thread

5 years ago

This thread is intended as the US domestic counterpart to the General World Events thread. Post any and all things regarding US politics here.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

To begin with, the US Coast Guard just removed a Coast Guard member for making the okay sign with his hand.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I mean, it's pretty clearly not intended to be an ok sign. if it was, he wouldn't have had to be so sneaky about it. 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Fact of the matter remains that the ok sign isn't a symbol of white supremacy. Only retarded leftists still insist that it is.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

It wasn't the OK symbol, dipshit, as Malk pointed out, if it was he wouldn't have done it so sneakily. It's been used as a white power thing, with the the three fingers as 'W' and the circle and downward line of the hand making a 'P'. White supremacists do use this, but seeing as you're a troll who doesn't really support this guy at all, I'm really just explaining this to people who stumble onto the thread, I guess. Whatever.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

No one actually uses it as a white power symbol. They only use it to trigger libtards like you who’ve been deluded into thinking it’s a white power symbol. Even so, I’m not even convinced that this person was using it in such a manner. You say he made the gesture “sneakily”, but do you have an actual video of him doing it? All I’ve been able to find are still images.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Victim your whole thread is stupid.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Yeah, there's video of him doing it. First thing I found. So, check mate, faggot.

Edit: Hang on a second, I just realized that I'd literally seen the video in YOUR link, not one of the other articles I checked afterward. OK, so you got me on this one, you tricked me and I didn't realize you were too thick stupid to check your sources.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
I mean of the few things I remember regarding anything ever, I remember the thread on 4chan like two years ago about making another meme to put up on twitter (stuff like a plastic bag challenge to get tards to die etc) and someone put up a "gotcha lad" meme witht he ok hand and someone traced it and posted a kkk image macro with something along the lines of "white power nigger" and the thread died within an hour without much activity except a few more posts about various challenges to put up on social media and other shitpostings with few about the white power thing.

It's clearly not real given that the guy didn't even do it the right way round it was probably the gotcha lad meme and not the white power thing that (probably through reddit or some other shithole) resurfaced recently.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
Wtf, 'ok' is now a white power thing? I'm glad someone brought this to my attention, sucks the English language has lost yet another common word to jackasses redefining it but I guess I need to start docking points from anyone I catch saying it. Gotta stay hip to the times.

Opinions on whether spelling it out as 'okay' should still be acceptable here?

Anyway not sure why there's even a Florence response team, there is no Florence literally nothing happened.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
na it was a 4chan injected twitter meme.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
4chan is also an offensive term, please stop u nigg*r

e: well I thought it was pretty clear I was calling Ford an ignorant person but I've now been informed that word is also offensive somehow. Seriously I have no idea how you kids even keep up with all this slang, it seems like it would require a truly unreasonable amount of human interaction as well as spending all day browsing Twitface and Mybook etc.

I mean I guess the person could've been trolling me? But censored now just in case

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I am increasingly beginning to believe that most American police are violent thugs with a tribal mentality. 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

That seems hypocritical as all shit.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I don't know what you mean. 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Saying that sounds incredibly tribalistic. "Most of this group is evil! I am against this entire group!" 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I didn't say they were evil, just that they were violent thugs. Also, they're the ones who are tribalist in the first place. 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Yeah, I was exaggerating for effect, but put in "violent thugs" for "evil" doesn't change how hypocritical you're being. You're being tribalisitic in implying that most cops are this foreign enemy and another "tribe" you're opposed to, and in calling them tribalistic, you're being hypocritical. Doesn't mean tribalistic shit isn't an issue among cops.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
Pretty sure police officers are going to vary based on whatever circumstances formed their personality before they got the job as well as the training and experiences they'd had since then, we haven't achieved robocops plugged into a hive mind controlled by the reptilians in the government yet but hopefully some day.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Sure, variance is a thing and I agree cops aren't a hivemind like Coins is implying, but I'm going to have to agree with Coins that this kind of shit tends to lead to an "Us vs them" nature.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Also, cops do act really fraternally .It's the nature of the job, but unfortunately it also means they'll compare notes, lie on the stand, do all that sort of shit, and rarely, if ever, get prosecuted for perjury 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Agreed, cops certainly have tendencies towards that, as in with any job, but amplified tenfold by the job they're doing and the whole "It's us versus them" thing.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

omfg dolaned trundp... raCIST AND RAEP

But really, in my opinion, the US political spectrum is made up of the extremist vocal minorities forcing the people who aren't complete retards to pick sides. I'm just staying out of it, I'm not smart enough to do politics.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Painting both sides as extremist and then refusing to take part is a weak and cowardly move. It's the silent, reasonable majority like you who fuck up the entire system by not caring enough and then slowly shrugging as your world burns.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago


US Politics Thread

5 years ago
no wait I'm sorry I see I was wrong before. Chris the only responsible thing is to continue being exactly as unable to stop extremists from being extreme and shitting on things as you were before, but *also* be stressed out and miserable and burning with white hot impotent rage at the world at all times. It is not okay to be okay.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

dURrr both sides are exactly the same

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
That's the spirit! The results will get forced on you either way, the only way to win is not to notice or care.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

"Bet you think you got me cornered, well guess what nerd, BOTH sides suck! That's right, everyone who picks a side is a sheeple, and that's why I'm a centrist!"

Posted before Malk gets a chance to do it. (And I'm too lazy to use the actual meme pic)

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

yes I am cool and edgy

look how smart I am

red pill



why won't women sleep with me

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

ah you bastard. without my hatred of centrists, i am nothing 

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
Wasn't below the waist.

Didn't count.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I was expecting it to be the below the waste "got 'em" okay sign, but that was just shady. I was never familiar with that being associated with white supremacy.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

So white supremacists are throwing up gang signs like the Bloods and Crips now? Lol.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Retards even trying to ruin the okay symbol.  Next thing you know, it'll be racist to blink.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago
Obviously it is. People should keep their eyes closed at all times so as to avoid seeing anything but black.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

I'm sure Mayana would approve.

US Politics Thread

5 years ago

Throwing out the Roman salute would be too obvious.