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Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Um, So yeah I got banned

I don't know how to address this; I apologize to End if what I wrote to Shoujo seemed rude to him. I was trying to make a joke addressing how Shoujo wasn't in the contest. I understand that it seemed rude, disrespectful, and harsh. I also understand that it is hard to perceive and differentiate humor when typing behind a computer instead of talking with one another. 

I owe an apology to Bucky, for entering this contest and getting myself banned. I owe an apology to mizal who believing I could be better. I owe an apology to cricket who silently defended my stupid actions for reason's unknown.

I owe an apology to shoujo for my comment seemingly rude

I owe an apology to everyone who believed or liked me for a second.

Part of me wants to make a bunch of Alts in spit of Endmaster. Part of me just wants to sit here and stare at the screen. And part of me doesn't believe I even got banned in the first place. Overall, I'm apologizing to everyone I annoyed and to everyone who believed in me, and I'm just asking to be allowed into the contest again and for forgiveness. If not I'll probably just leave the forums entirely.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
"I owe an apology to cricket who silently defended my stupid actions for reason's unknown"
I did? Cool, thanks.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Yeh whenever somebody would make a thread about how fisted I am, you would either defend me, not join, or advert the conversation. Which I noted because of how many threads there are about how stupid I am.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
I am honestly a bit disturbed by how much you pay attention to me and read things into my every action like that

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

I do that to er'body. So you're as special to me as all them' other cricket's in the sea

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
How does it feel to be a champion of the downtrodden? Maybe you should write a story about it ^_^

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
It feels like I need to review my life decisions and find out what went wrong.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

A wee bit dramatic

You probably coulda just asked nicely and said please

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Can you let a man please free his conscience from the cruel soul-crushing pain of regret?

E: This is a joke.

Write for your honor! Or something ...

4 years ago
I haven't seen an apology thread in a while. Well, you have a lot of time to make up on that story of yours now. Hopefully you had it in a real word document.

Write for your honor! Or something ...

4 years ago

Yeh, mizal thought me that trick 

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Who called the Whaaaambulance

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Yes, really loving this choice of pfp.

It really just sells the entire thread here.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
I know, right?

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago


Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

I'm sure you can figure out what that means.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Used google, lol.

The pfp is just there because It looks cool and is like one of the only pics's saved on my laptop, that isn't of real people.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Lying already? Have you not learned a single solidarity lesson from this experience?

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago


Smart Girl 

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Clever girl would have been a better word choice 

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

It seems he was too much of a dumb boy in the end anyway.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
hoo boy was this ever a poorly thought out series of events.

And then the lightning struck again ...

4 years ago
The gods aren't culling him again, are they?

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

While I’ve already banned you again, I know you’re probably going to read, so here you go:

Honestly, you’ve been annoying everyone on here, it’s probably a minor miracle you didn’t get banned before now.

Now you were somewhat on the right path by entering the contest since productivity does count for a lot around here. Unfortunately you were sort of fucking that up by trying to “lord it over the noobs” or picking on those of low status (Like Shoujo for example)

While picking on the weak IS a favorite past time here, you weren’t really in a position to do it. Even as lowly as Shoujo is, he’s actually contributed to the site with poems and such (Mizal considers that sort of stuff important)

Now when you were being a dick to Shoujo, my reaction was a fairly neutral one since in the scheme of things I didn’t excessively care, so if it had just ended at my post, you would have been safe.

However, you shot your mouth off then Gower made his comment and well it was just too funny NOT to ban you at that point.

Anyway, you haven’t really been wanted here in a long time. I’m sure you could go ahead and make alts and I’ll have to ban those as well, but it wouldn’t be anything I haven’t had to do before. Maybe you’ll be the new Ryder or DrkPhoenix or something.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Bye Then.

Can we get a pitch count?

4 years ago
Any idea what the record is for most bans resulting from a single contest? Already at 2 with over three weeks to go.

Can we get a pitch count?

4 years ago

2 so far.

The last contest we had for example resulted in the banning of Fic and Lurkinator.

Can we get a pitch count?

4 years ago
My money's on #3 being BrycetheJew doing something dumb out of solidarity or protest or whatever now that Dave got himself taken out.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
Hey Dave you're black, when you make your next account can I get an N word pass from you before you get banned a third time?

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
Going back over all this while not exhausted now and still just can't fathom why he thought arguing with Endmaster was a good idea.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
I couldn't believe he explained to End that the letter format was a form of him being "courteous" to unworthy plebeians while using said letter format to respond to End.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Everybody I joined with is slowly getting banned around me. I'm beginning to get scared.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Now is not the time to show fear.

Now is time to focus and climb over the bodies of the fallen to seize your destiny.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Understood. I will ensure I do not fall into the faggotry that my fellow members did.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Is there any way though like at all I could do to get "unbanned."

Like writing 300-word reviews to 20 stories by the end of January. Whilst not posting at all in the forums.

Or writing two over 20K word stories by the end of January something, anything. Whilst still not posting at all in the forums.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
You're poison_mara's slave for now. Don't post again, bitch boi.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
Oh, good idea. Have him be Mara's proofreader.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
Someone! Give this man a quest!

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Find me my golden claw, it's northeast of town over at Bleak Falls Barrow

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
You can marry his sister after you find it.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago

Your slave has been put to death.

Fisted Dave Grovels

4 years ago
Actually, I take it back. I have no idea why I even thought for a second Dave could be reintegrated into society. He was listed very clearly on the short list of people who needed to SHUT THE FUCK UP, a level of warning End rarely gives to anyone, and I took the time to explain to him over PM a month ago that the worst possible thing a banned person could do is immediately make an alt and start posting with it.

And yet, here we are. Dave, you may have all the best intentions in the world but you just seem incapable of adapting, retaining or applying any knowledge given you in a way that will allow you to interact in a normal way with this community. I'd really recommend you just pack up and move to the frontier of Infinite Story and stake a land claim if you're seriously interested in writing.

Reading and reviewing didn't seem to be anything you had a ton of interest in, but you don't need an account here for either of those things and it's still the bulk of what there is to actually do on the site.