MultipleMinds, The Contributor
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Hey everyone! It's Kitt here! I love to write, and look forward to all of you playing my games and rating them! Hope you enjoy them. The first game I have will be "Where the HELL am I????".
Story games I'm working on:
Where the HELL am I? Chapter 5 (Started, At a block)
Vamp vs Vamp (Started but will take a while)
Strike Out (Started but will take a while)
You must find love in 10 days (Started but will take a while)
The notebook (Started but will take a while)
Escape the building (Started, should be out soon)
Escape the Lair (Started, but will take a long while)
Currently untitled (Started and coauthored with Animalpaw)
Story games completed:
Where the HELL am I? Chapter 1
Where the HELL am I? Chapter 2
Where the HELL am I? Chapter 3
Where the HELL am I? Chapter 4
Trophies Earned

This is an interactive story about trying to deceive a demon in order to save your own life. Will you survive?
You've survived round one of the tests, but some of their words keep bouncing around in your head. A demon? They want you to become a demon? Now you're heading for round two. Good Luck! Don't die!
So you survived the first day of hell. Now it's time to really put your skill to test. Be careful, and remember that Dean is a demon. In order to live through this game you have to try and get close to him so that you can deceive him of letting you go. Good Luck!
You've won the three rounds of killing, taking Paul's advice and killing the last dude with Paul's knife. Where all the other demons didn't seem to notice and were happy about it, Dean seems to be suspicious and angry now. What happens now?
Sorry it took so long to publish this. There's not many ways you can die in this round. This is more to progress the story. If you haven't played the other games in the series this might confuse you. Enjoy!
Novec is planning a murder. Talk him out of it if you can.
This is an escape game. The object of the game is to find your friend and escape the building. Of course if you escape the building without finding your friend, you still win, but you don't earn as many points, not to mention you're a terrible friend. :) Should be rather easy. Good luck.
Escape Artist, or EA for short, has decided to choose you as his new victim to play "Escape the Lair". What might seem like an easy task may be impossible when you play.
You find a mysterious notebook that when you write in it, it writes back to you.
You are a vampire from the Pulchritudes, a clan known to be the sworn enemy of the Huamnitarainers. Your job is simple. Enter the Huamntiarianer's lair, pose as a non-threatening vampire asking to join their clan to gain their trust, then report back to the HQ of the Pulchritudes to give them the information. But be warned.... Neither clan is very fond on the other. Will you remain loyal to the Pulchritudes, or will you end up switching sides?
You've made it through your first round of tests. Paul helped you cheat during the test of morals where you were forced to kill three people. So far no one but Dean and Paul seem to know that you cheated. Paul saved you from Dean's wrath and decided to mark you as his. He's given you the new name Logan to go by. This picks up from the last chapter.
NOTE: I'm sooo sorry it's taken so long. I lost muse for a while, but I'm back now. Also, if you haven't played the other four games in the series, I would highly suggest it to understand everything in here. This hopefully will be done soon.
Recent Posts
New stories that seem kinda like a problem? on 9/14/2015 3:54:39 AMThough I will not unpublish any of my stories I've already created and make them better, I will try harder on the next story I write to improve based on the criticism I get. I personally feel that if a story's extremely bad, personally pming someone about it and explaining how to fix it might be the best route to take. Most people leave bad comments out in the open, which can make someone feel embarrassed about their stories and stop writing all together rather than try to get better. Of course, if you pm them, be as nice as you can, but no promises anyone will respond or fix it. They could have a series like I have that without the first few games that may not have been as good as the next in line, the story would be ruined. I wish I could unpublish my "Where the HELL am I????" games and redo all of them, but I really want to keep going with the story, so I'm just figuring that if people are willing to suffer through my bad beginning hopefully by the end, it will be worth it. Anyway, sorry for the ramble about my own games, my suggestion would be to pm them if you have heavy criticism.
Story-Game Contest Assigned as Homework Xmas Break on 1/1/2015 7:18:45 PM
I'll join if you extend the date.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! on 1/1/2015 12:05:56 AM
Happy new year!!!!!