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Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
I have been feeling cruddy and apathetic for far too long, and I will fix that by making this thread that lets me continue to not write. So I've been playing with one of those "writing assistant AI" things, or whatever they're calling themselves, on and off for awhile now. The one I use is called NovelAI, but there's another popular one out there called HoloAI (which has less cool things to fiddle with, but much cheaper subscriptions.) Both will let you mess around with them a bit for free if any of you want to check them out, there's some certain amount of characters you can use per email per month. Just note that: 1) they can frequently produce cool things, but are no substitute for real writing. Writing a prompt, setting up parameters for it, then repeatedly spamming undo and redo until it gives you something good, or even just fully coherent, actually can take MUCH longer than just writing a passage yourself to begin with. 2) the communities around these bots are *very* impure, but both of the ones I mentioned do respect user privacy and use reasonable security measures to do so. Do not use AI Dungeon by any means, it sucks now that they diluted Endmaster's vision too far, and it's owned by Mormons and Microsoft. All that said, I just signed up for NovelAI for another month, fancy $15 dollar tier. Probably will drop it a good long while after this, the urge to fiddle around with it comes and goes but never lasts a full month. That's where you guys come in. We are going to write a story together! And by that I mean, we are going to let the bot write the story while we give it gentle nudges. To begin with, I need characters, setting details, genre, style, theme, all that good stuff. Give me the suggestions for however many of those you like, and ideas for interesting places where scenes can take place. The bot can remember a lot of things at this tier and will incorporate them into the story as best it can. Post in this thread and you get on the tag list. People on the tag list may occasionally be called upon to submit a few paragraphs to reorient the AI when it needs some helping along. Rules: no sex stuff. The AI is very weak to suggestion and, having been trained in large part on the internet, is ready to do a hard swerve into an endless cycle of smut at any moment.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago

Throwing some random suggestions for characters/details/etc. out there, feel free to ignore anything that doesn't meet the theme. I am assuming generic fantasy as genre since that's the most common, let me know if that's not the case and I'll alter my suggestions.

-Character:  Goblin merchant who likes to scam people by selling fake relics & magic items and such.  Actually a very clever artisan, but using his talents illegally to make his family proud.

-Location:  Creepy cave with a bunch of stone statues of frightened warriors.  No actual danger here, just an eccentric sculptor.

-Item:  Enchanted high-quality well-balanced valuable steel blade enchanted to look like it's extremely poorly made.

-Character:  Major villain.  Friendly tavern barkeep who advises the protagonists.

-Character/Location:  Sentient tree/forest.  Plotting total world domation on a 10,000-year timeline.

I'll probably think of more later.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
I'd like to suggest a science fantasy story. I might think of a few better ideas later, idk. Location: An abandoned library reclaimed by nature. Human and animal bones litter the floor, along with large insect husks. Grub worms can be found within the remaining books. Item: A dagger made from a unicorn horn. Highly effective against the undead, but only a virgin can wield it. World Detail: Magic is chaotic. The intended effects of a spell or enchantment don't always happen and can be drastically different (e.g. a fireball spell causes mushrooms to grow on a person instead of burning them). It's also the main source of pollution and heavy magic pollution mutates everything in the area. Character: A treasure hunter except he (or she) is a ghost and can't take any of the treasure he (or she) finds. Character: Minor villain. A proactive thief/murderer that prevents the plot from advancing. Location: An imposing castle filled with ravenous monsters, but the owner is really polite and friendly.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
Lol. Haven't paid attention to AI Dungeon drama in almost a year, but it seems they've continued merrily pissing off all their players in that time. Advertising features that don't exist, selling 'energy' to give extra uses before wiping the whole system and not refunding. And now they're planning a similar system using a different fake currency for the few remaining people paying $30 a month for something other AIs do better and with less arbitrary restrictions.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago

Mormons always make things worse.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
TIL they just had another big security breach, where it also came out they're still storing player inputs from 8 months ago. They can't give anyone an explanation as to why though due to their natural Mormon deceitfulness.

Anyway, might be Thursday before I can get this thread rolling properly, or it depends on how involved some shit I have to deal with tomorrow gets anyway.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
There was this Mormon girl in some of my classes ego made a big deal about how she couldn't drink coffee because of the caffeine.... but then she would drink Dr. Pepper.

We told her that had caffeine to and she tried to play dumb and pretend like she didn't know that until we showed her what the label said. And then she just waved it off as not mattering because she'd always drank it and it was "fine".

That just was so weird, like a Jewish person horking down bacon every morning while refusing to eat ham.

She was pretty weird in other ways to, very snobby white attitude and wore turtle necks.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
Could still use some ideas for theme, style, or any tags.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
I want a joker or Chesire cat character to put randomness in the overal thing because the robot thingy tend to go emo and depressing.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago

Location: Mount Neverhunger.

Going off of lux's chaotic magic concept, this mountain was once just a normal mountain. One fateful day though, a wizard used what he thought was a simple spell to make some food. Instead of the results he wanted, he made everything, including himself, into living food.(think cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2) The wizard still lives on the mountain somewhere, and all of the food plants and animals do his bidding. If he ever wanted to leave, he would have a large edible army behind him.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
How about a revenge theme?

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago

How about throwing some puppets in the mix? I'm thinking marionettes. 

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
Lazy Leo, the fat guy who struggles with stairs.
A castle with wall-to-wall shag carpeting.
A talking frog with an attitude.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago

Will the exterior of the castle also be covered in shag carpet?

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
I worked on a real story today, robots are for feeble excuse making cucks.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
I am still going to do this, but, I cannot emphasize enough how terrible most of everyone's suggestions were.

Let Robots Do the Writing

one year ago

You don't need a computer program to help you with the story. But you can use random tables. When Philip K. Dick wrote his alternate history novel, The Man in the High Castle, he had characters sometimes make important life decisions based on how the sticks fell when using the I-Ching. He actually would use the I-Ching himself to decide where to take novel's story from there. The novel is now considered a Science Fiction Classic. There are plenty of RPG sites that have random tables you can print up for free!

Let Robots Do the Writing

one year ago

Let Robots Do the Writing

one year ago

I think the point of using Novel AI was to not have to do the actual writing, which you would still have to do if you used one of those story generation methods

Let Robots Do the Writing

one year ago
The point of AIs, whether they're text or image gen is to be wowed by the astoundingly cool things it can sometimes do amid the sea of failures at basic coherence and funny utterly ridiculous stuff.

Or furry porn I guess.

I'm going to launch a new thread for this maybe tomorrow since I GUESS I should actually do this at some point. Happily my procrastination now means that I can use Stable Diffusion to illustrate the story due to Brad letting us access it through his Discord bot.

I'll likely run an LP of a new game by the author of Skybreak! in a couple of weeks too, I've been helping to beta test it awhile and it can be let out into the wild as soon as the IFComp games are uploaded for voting.

Let Robots Do the Writing

2 years ago
If you're still doing this, there should be a meteor shower that is an omen of something important, and a sword forged from the ore found inside of one.