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I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 12/7/2023 2:07:58 AM



                           Cartoon a cartoon of a child in a tv

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                I Want to Play a Game. 


    The rules are very simple. All you need to do is create a caption to an image presented. The best caption wins, and will have their CYS avatar, or someone's of their choosing, be presented in the next image. The winner will also be given 10 of my very own points to add to their collection.

    The captions can be funny or serious, long or short, even nsfw if you desire. But be aware I am the judge and certain jokes may not appeal to me. Let's see how well you know me :)



I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 12/7/2023 2:08:02 AM

                Image 1:


A drawing of a person pointing an object

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I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

TFW the noob creates their fourth introduction thread :pensive:

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Capital m need not apply

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
POV it's the ninth time everyone's been asked to click a link and reply with a single letter

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Do you feel lucky?

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
Mizal has to finally kill the newb she tried hard to cultivate into a productive member and it just didn't work.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
This does seem to be a familiar storyline...

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Not a caption, but I just wanted to say that, at first glance, the picture looked like somebody with a tiny bionic left hand wiping the tears off of the left side of their face (or, alternately, flipping somebody off), before I saw what the rest of the image was of.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

The gun is going to miss to the left of the target, as the shooter is suffering from seasonal allergies.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Thats not a very catchy caption.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Well, honestly I thought all of these were awful. But this one amused me the most, even if it's technically not a caption.



Either come up with an avatar for yourself or pick someone else's. I'm not drawing your sperm thing.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
be cool if you did though

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago

Honestly, I only originally clicked on the thread because the title made me think that the prize was going to be that you would play a storygame of the winner's choosing (reaching at least a few endings, if not the whole thing). I'm not really that interested in the drawing (though Ford's suggestion is intriguing). You can skip the drawing part if you want, though I'll still gladly accept the 10 points.

If you're up for playing a storygame of my choice as the prize, though, then I'll choose Captured! by tsmpaul, or, if you've played that storygame already, then Arakhan's Vengeance or The Elle Files: Peril at Dandelion Hills.

I did also have a couple more caption ideas after I submitted my first one:


"The real reason why the forum is dead."


"I had no other choice. Hand over the birthday points, now! Or else!"

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
That's not a bad idea, a detailed review of a game of their choice would be a pretty sought after prize for anyone. I would recommend this be tested by the next person trying to drum up activity in a thread.

I Want to Play a Game

6 months ago

You may not have been officially participating but my points are yours now. Rule's rules. Though as you can see I disregarded your request. 

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
Stop cutting those onions, now.

I Want to Play a Game

7 months ago
"Leave my fucking cabbages alone"

I Want to Play a Game

6 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 1/6/2024 12:33:32 AM

I'm trying to branch out to more than just women and twinks, thus maintaining my hold over Darius.

Image 2:

 A drawing of a muscular person flexing his muscles

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I Want to Play a Game

6 months ago
I feel like nobody could provide a better caption for this one than @ISentinelPenguinI himself.

I Want to Play a Game

6 months ago

I came to kick ass and wear pants, and I'm all out of LEGS.