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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Okay. So I think we've got a community consensus and that's good. In essence, we need to purge a lot of storygames, and not just Warrior Cats games.

There are two main logistical concerns that I have:

1. How do we determine which storygames should be purged? When I admin-unpublish storygames, I usually send the author a message saying: "Your storygame did not meet minimum site standards for quality and was therefore unpublished" with some other details. I'd like us to, as a community, come up with a set of minimum site standards. Please reply with requirements for a storygame to remain published short of manually checking. In order to purge storygames, we need to have written rules for which storygames will be purged.

2. How do we prevent authors from just republishing their storygames? In the past, I've unpublished below-site-standard storygames rather than deleting them so that the author has a chance to fix them up. The only problem is that when they republish, it doesn't go back to the New Games list so there's no way for us to know if they've republished. I think I'm going to switch over to deleting games. After all, if so little effort was put it in that they've been purged, the loss of the storygame shouldn't be that large. Does anyone have a problem with this?

Once we've completed our purge, I have some ideas for how we will keep the site clean of very sub-par storygames.

Please reply to this thread with minimum site standards that you think we should adopt. Things that a storygame MUST HAVE to remain published on the website. Wording matters because we'll be purging based on the letter of the law.

I will construct the minimum site standards from the standards you submit and then I will award points to the users whose standards I use to construct the final standards.

@Aman, @Tanstaafl, @Killa_Robot, @BerkaZerka, @Endmaster, @Briar_Rose, @ugilick, @ThisisBo, @Drakilian, @cool74, @Sethaniel, @nmelssx, @Danaos, @Ford, @FeanorOnForge, @Fleshnblood_78, @Galobtter, @Fireplay @Kiel_Farren @claw2k11 @LelouchTheZero @Drakoblare @Delta44

Please contribute even if I haven't tagged you. Please tag other active and intelligent members.

Confirmed Standards

  • The central concept of the storygame must not be pornographic. (Drakilian)
  • The storygame must maintain a rating greater than 1. (Drakilian)
  • The storygame must either maintain a rating greater than 2 or have a length greater than 1 (Drakilian)


Maintain: After 1 week or 7 ratings (whichever comes last), the specified condition must be met.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

A game must respect that stats the author gave, for example he puts a 2\8 difficulty, then it should be that instead of a impossible game. The same goes with the  Maturity levels too.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I don't think so. I won't be deleting every story that doesn't have the proper difficulty/maturity ratings. I'd be deleting some great stories. Instead, if you find storygames that don't match, we will change the maturity/difficulty ratings to match the story. Use this thread to report them.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

@Madbrad2000 @SwiftStryker @ISentinelPenguinI @SindriV

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Whoops. @Madbrad200

I'm wondering if I edit a tag in, will it work, or do I need to make a whole new post?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

- A storygame must be a minimum total of more than 5 pages in length (word-wise, so if you add up every word written for the entire storygame it has to be more than 5 pages; should stop quite a few troll games right there.)

- A storygame must be rated above a 1 one week after its publishing or it shall immediately be deleted.

- A storygame cannot be a venue for graphic sexual material (that's you, kitty porn fan fictions).

I think these three would serve quite nicely.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This is a decent start. However:

1. The first point isn't feasible. I need to be able to use these ratings to quickly purge stories. I don't want to spend fifteen minutes adding up the word count of stories to see if I should delete them.

2. I like this rule but instead of a week, I'd like to say 7 ratings rather than 7 days. Agree?

3. I think it can't revolve around sexual material, but it can certainly feature sexual material. I think that's what you're trying to say but I'm just clarifying.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. Fair enough, I suppose. The length rating is automatically calculated right? That could help.

2. Really? That seems very easy to abuse (any storygame that the author abusively falsely rates, for example, and it doesn't seem like it's enough time for some people to rate.

3. Yeah (hence my use of the word venue - if you are using your story purely to showcase sexual fantasies, instead of having a story merely feature them as an aside, then it should be deleted)

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. What about this storygame? We'll need to tie length to a low rating or something.

2. Isn't it conceivable that a storygame could receive only a single rating in a week, though? If it were a good storygame with a single shit rating, it could be unpublished. How about 1 week or 7 ratings, whichever happens later? 7 is flexible.

3. I agree on this point. This will go into the minimum site standards and that means you'll be getting a piece of the point pie.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. Hmm, yes, I suppose; though you must admit that 8 rolls 28 goals is a rather unique case, it essentially just being a random number generator which tallies your total at the end.

2. Hardly, guests alone will usually rate it about ten times, and we have site members who spend a very decent amount of time rating every new story that comes out.

Just looking at the newest storygame section, the one with the lowest number of ratings is "Rat story", and it has 7 ratings about a day and a half after being published, and even then it's been very much abused by the author to keep it from falling too low.

3. Woo! 

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. We need to phrase things in a way that they won't include unique gems like that one, though. We need to be careful with our wording. Maybe all storygames rated 2 or less should be automatically deleted and all storygames rated 3 or less with a length of 2 or less should be deleted? Or perhaps length just isn't a necessary metric. What do you think?

2. Can it hurt?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. Rated 3 or less with a length if two or less is too strict, I believe. I just set my filter and played two or three games with those standards and while rather bad (and sometimes filled with dead links), I certainly wouldn't say they would be worth deleting.

(Like this:

Length is definitely a factor, however. It is common in practically all trollish stories - the length is short because the author does not want to put too much effort into the story not meant to be worth anything, and sometimes the rating system won't be enough because it is so routinely abused.

2. As Briar said, trolls could get new games deleted rather quickly as guest raters if they did this.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. So, how would you encorporate length?

2. No, I mean, how can it hurt to do it my way with either a week, or 7 ratings, whichever happens later.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Just got an idea. I remember one of the members saying that the number of our points carries the weight of our vote. The members with a higher number of points wouldn't bother trolling (I hope) and their votes could help regulate. That is if they are willing to do so.

As to that story you linked me below, it is a quiz. I think quizzes should be exempt from some of these rules since...well it's a quiz.

Length can still be considered by what Drak and I have said, games like quizzes however will not fall under those rules.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Then you need to write that exemption into the site standard...

I'm not sure what you mean by the first paragraph, there.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I think he gets the impression that the more points you have means the more important you are to the site?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I understand that, I just don't know how that fixes our problems.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. My original suggestion was that you delete any storygames with a consistent rating of 1, not 2 (because i'm sure that there are some 2 rated games not worth deleting), I think length would best be incorporated as "Any storygame with a length of 1 and a consistent rating of 2 (as per rule #2) shall be deleted from the site" as then it would ensure that the story failed on both length and rating (waranting a deletion, even if it's above 1).

2. Ah, whichever happens later, nah, that works perfectly.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. Can you find any storygames that are rated 2, with a length greater than 1, that should be kept?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Closest I found was this:

Which I consider deletion-worthy.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I asked if you could find something with a rating of 2 with a length greater than 1 that is not deletion worthy.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Oh greater than one. (Sorry, a bit foggy today, haha).

Let me check...

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This matches what Drak was suggesting in my opinion. The story itself is pretty poor but it's clear that the author at least tried to do something here.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yup, this would be one such case.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This only complicates the overall rating to the story length rating point that you brought up.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

How so? I could not find a story with a rating of 2 and a length of 1 that shouldn't have been deleted.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Oh I misread that. My mistake.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Okay. I think I like that. So, in fantasy, we'd be deleting 8 games.

One of those games is this one. Thoughts?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Hmm... on the one hand, it is absolutely deletion worthy (you can see that in the fact that it is entirely linear, silly, and lacking in plot and length, being only three choices long any one way).

On the other hand, it is part of a series and if you look at the author's second entry, you'll at least see that the author isn't just writing stories to screw with people - yes, the second entry was still bad, but magnitudes better than the first.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I think both stories qualify for deletion. The second one is slightly longer and just as bad in my opinion. If you delete one I think you'd have to delete the other. However, the second one is an all and all 3/8. Does this mean we'll have to raise the "1 and 2 gets deleted" to "1-3 gets deleted"?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Ah god, I miss @Amy2 like my own dead kin :P

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Drak, that has a length of one.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I can see a problem with this rule. You might get trolls who go around giving new games a rating of 1, making multiple accounts and doing this 7 times with each game before anybody else can vote, and then you get a whole bunch of new games deleted straight away.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Thanks for your input! Drakilian and I are discussing this one post up.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

The rating system is the only thing I can think of that can determine which storygames are to be deleted aside from doing it manually. After a certain amount of time or after the storygame gets a certain number of ratings, if it's ratings are too low, it would get unpublished/deleted.

Preventing the authors from republishing is another matter. Obviously, it can't be "until the storygame's ratings increase", because that's not going to happen while it is unpublished. Deleting the story is the only solution I can think off. I don't have a problem with it if it is restricted to the 1s and maybe the 2s. The members of this site then also have to keep in mind that rating a story that low is asking to have the story be deleted, but that shouldn't be an issue since I doubt anyone would rate a story 1 or 2 if they see any glimmer of hope in it.

The minimum site standards for the site...I'm not sure there is anything that applies only to potential bad stories and not potentially good ones or at least okay ones. Should it be a certain amount of pages? That just means the trolls make their bad stories whatever the minimum is. Should it be a certain word count? Same with the pages, that just means the trolls increase the words, it won't increase the quality in the least. Any minimum site standards aside from decent ratings and being at least a little interactive are, in my opinion, ineffective.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

What about subjective site standards relating to plot, grammar and spelling, linearity. etc.?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Maybe, but anything subjective is, by definition, impossible to measure. The grammar, the spelling and the linearity can sort of be explained to whoever made the bad story in question. Like, lack of linearity can be measured as a story that does not offer interactivity, so if it does offer a little bit of interactivity, it passes on that front. The grammar and spelling can also be measured as "right or wrong", but the plot is a very subjective matter. What some would call a good plot, others might call a bad plot. I guess it's just what the consensus of the majority is, which, again, is pretty much left up to the rating system, that's where we leave our opinions on the story.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I see what you're saying, but using rating alone has its own problems. What about the fact that biased ratings occur all the time, when people invite their real-life friends to play their storygames.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Well, the systems values the ratings based on how many points the reader has, right? If I wrote a terrible story and asked my friend to make an account and rate it, it would be an account of 15 points giving the rating, and then you come along with your number of points (won't bother checking how many, but I'm sure they are loads more than 15) and rate the story as the unworthy stain on the site it is. I would have to have thousands of friends, or create thousands of accounts myself, or spend the time with several accounts earning thousands of points, to match that, and even then, I would only be matching your points, I'd still have to match the points of everyone else who wouldn't rate my bad story well just because they're my friends and would be honest with their verdict.

Or does the rating system not work this way anymore? I know it did not long ago.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

In the thread where the rating system is elaborated on, I posted this:

Admins have a set rating strength (and the three creators have an even greater rating strength). Users with 5500+ points will also have the same rating strength as admins (but not creators). As your points increase, you'll see diminishing returns in rating strength. Up to your first 500 points, your rating strength increases dramatically, and then in your next 5000 points, it increases steadily but not dramatically. I designed it that way because I think that a user with 500 points doesn't have a significantly less informed opinion than an admin does, but they have a much more informed opinion than a new user does.

Basically, the gap between someone with 500 points and an admin (or a user with 5500+ points) is not extremely large. The gap between a user with 500 points and a user with 0 points is very large. The gap between a user and an unregistered guest is very large.

So, to answer your question, madglee and I have the same rating strength despite the fact that he's crazily abused his power and added a bunch of points to himself, while I haven't. Alex has a greater rating strength than either of us because he made the site :P

But basically, even with this system in place, it's possible that vote rigging can still happen. This storygame has been rated 7300 times and it's definitely not worth a 6/8.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I'm not sure it's possible to make an "unabusable" system for this. My suggestion would remove the majority of bad storygames (hopefully) and leave the rest not too much for people to report on and be investigated for deletion.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yeah, your suggestion will work on the majority of bad storygames. However, I think that by combining rating with carefully worded subjective site standards, we'll be able to weed out additional poor stories without endangering good ones. So that's what we're going to do.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

How do we determine which storygames to purge?

  • Storygames rated as 1 or 2 will be purged. Ratings of 0 of course are left untouched.
  • Storygames with various dead links will be purged. If you won't put effort into it, they don't belong here.
  • Storygames with no more than five pages will be purged. By pages, I mean links. And about those links...
  • Storygames that barley have any word per page will be purged. This applies to the stories that majority are a few words on most pages. Even if you have more than five pages, you will be purged.
  • Storygames with false ratings will be purged. It ruins the integrity of this site and those that actually work hard to do what they do.
  • Storygames titles Warrior Cats are already under suspicion, thus are subject to thorough investigation before being deemed purge worthy.

How do we prevent authors from just republishing their stories?

  1. Delete the story.
  2. Delete the profile.

That's really the only way I can think of. This is why a "Hall of Shame" is needed. If you unpublish a story, it would automatically be tagged for the Hall of Shame. Should the author republish it, we would know and thus delete it. If it has improved since it was unpublished, the Hall of Shame tag is removed. Or, if we all just wanted a few good laughs every now and then, we could just leave their awful republished story in the Hall of Shame as an example. Or, for the stories still being judged, their could be a different category they go to before being sent to the Hall of Shame.

EDIT: I guess Drak beat me to suggesting some of these...

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

To be fair, i've been suggesting them for months.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Crap, you posted before I could correct the spelling of "barely". I remember Tan got me for that last time.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I'd actually increase the page minimum to 20.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yeah, if we're going by links and not words then a higher number is necessary

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Care needs to be taken. Let's see if we can work together to improve upon your good start.

1. Storygames rated as 1 or 2 will be purged. Ratings of 0 of course are left untouched.

So, what if the storygame is 1 hour old and has a rating of 2? Should it still be purged? Remember, we're doing this by the letter of the law, so you need to make sure to qualify your statements. You should reply above in the thread where Drakilian and I are already debating this.

2. Storygames rated as 1 or 2 will be purged. Ratings of 0 of course are left untouched.

Should we have a more specific rule here? I wouldn't be surprised if my (very, very) old storygame The Tower has some dead links at one point. Should it be deleted? I think maybe we should speak in terms of ratios. Maybe, if we see 2 or more dead links in a story with a length 4 or less? Something like that? How do you think this could be modified.

3. Storygames with no more than five pages will be purged. By pages, I mean links. And about those links...

I think I agree with this, but we should make sure to exclude storygames like Tsmpaul's 8 rolls, 28 goals.

4. Storygames that barley have any word per page will be purged. This applies to the stories that majority are a few words on most pages. Even if you have more than five pages, you will be purged.

I like the core concept here. But it might need some refinement/specificity.

5. Storygames with false ratings will be purged. It ruins the integrity of this site and those that actually work hard to do what they do.

Pretty much all of my storygames have false ratings on them. One member of this website rated OMS 32 times. . . I think maybe you mean, by the author?

6. Storygames titles Warrior Cats are already under suspicion, thus are subject to thorough investigation before being deemed purge worthy.

I don't think this is necessary. Let's focus on including bad warrior cats games in our standards so that they won't pass, rather than talking about them explicitly.

This is a good start.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

So I'll try to modify/specify this.

1. Storygames rated as 1 or 2 will be purged. Ratings of 0 of course are left untouched.

I was actually considering a time limit since I could just rate a just published story as 1 without even reading it. In this case it should be decided by a minimum number of votes, or time limit. Let's say I publish a story and it receives a total of 10 votes, if the average is 1 or 2 then it is purged.

2. Storygames with various dead links will be purged.

The Tower made me sad...anyway. If the storygame is made up mostly of dead links then it is eliminated. We've seen games where we click a link and it just says "End Game" or there is nothing at all. The Tower is a thinking game and the wrong choices there result in end game, but not in a way that makes me say, "What the fuck".

3. Storygames with no more than five pages will be purged. By pages, I mean links. And about those links...

There can be some exceptions of course since some games are short, but that's why the rule below is there. If there are five pages of a grammatical shit storm of words/ few words at all. It's gone.

4. Storygames that barely have any word per page will be purged. This applies to the stories that majority are a few words on most pages. Even if you have more than five pages, you will be purged.

To specify, there are some games on this site that have only a couple words on a page. A few of them are fine but if there are too many, it feels like I'm reading a child's book. That isn't CYS in my opinion.

5. Storygames with false ratings will be purged. It ruins the integrity of this site and those that actually work hard to do what they do.

By false ratings I do mean by the author. In many cases, we can just tell by reading the story that some ratings are ridiculously false. If a story is obviously crap and got 10 ratings of 8 then I think there is a problem there.

6. Storygames titles Warrior Cats are already under suspicion, thus are subject to thorough investigation before being deemed purge worthy.

This could just be ignored.

I have one more to add.

7. Storygames with awful grammar will be unpublished with a notice to fix the grammatical errors. If it meets the standards of being purged then so be it, it will be purged. And by awful, I don't mean, a couple mistakes here and there. I mean a 3/8 grammar and below.


Any suggestions from you?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

For 4, you mean something like this?

(The links are longer than the pages, haha)

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This is a perfect example and may I suggest putting that abomination in the Hall of Shame. Third grade level grammar, short pages, various dead links = not good storygame,

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Hall of Shame doesn't work because we can't filter by tags yet.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. Go on up and talk with Drakilian and I about this, there! :)

2. Don't you think that 'mostly' is too high? I think a storygame that is 50% dead links should definitely be unpublished, but I think we can go lower than 50%. What do you think?

3. We need to change the phrasing so there are no exceptions. Drakilian and I are discussing this up top, you should go there and discuss with us.

4. By your standard here, this story might be purged. We need to make sure that we don't use standards like this one as they are. We need to qualify them with other things. Perhaps, stories with plots with very few words per page or stories with low ratings with very few words per page. Low words per page on its own can't be grounds for deletion.

5. So, what if a storygame that should be a 4, is a 6, because of false ratings? Do you think that should be deleted? And what if it's the author's friends and not the author? How do you feel about these situations. I'm genuinely unsure.

7. I don't think we want to get into unpublishing. They could republish without us knowing and not fix anything. We should stick to deleting. I do think grammar is a good standard, but we should phrase it in terms of readability. Perhaps, any story with grammar so bad it makes it an actual challenge to read, should be deleted?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

To me its about effort.

If a game stays at a 1 after several ratings (from actual people not 10 guest votes within 10mins of publishing)

If a game is very short and has no real plot or story. These are just pointless and random and have no reason to stay

Horrible horrible spelling and  grammer making it difficult to read

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

1. We're working on this in some of the posts above in this thread. Please join the conversation there. :)

2. I see where you're coming from, but this needs to be re-worded. This storygame is very short and has no real plot or story.

3. I agree that we need a spelling/grammar site standard and I'm glad you brought it up. Can you/anyone come up with something more specific than 'horrible'?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I see what you mean about that game, it has no plot but it fulfills its purpose well and is an oddly fun game so there would need to be a way of filtering out the ones that are just spam.

My personal spelling and grammar aren't good enough unless I take a lot of time to check my work so I might not be the best person for this.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

2. For this, perhaps we can word it such that: "It's plot is purely random or senseless." That way, we're excluding games that don't have a plot from the wording.

3. I think we should talk about spelling and grammar in terms of its impact on the readability of the story.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago


Do underscores work? I know dashes don't.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Um… do they work for what? And also seeing my name tagged in this group kinda scared me, what's up? :p

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

They work! Cool! If you tag a user who has a dash in their name, it doesn't work. It apparently works if you have an underscore.

I tagged you because I was looking for your input on this situation.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Hrm… well to be honest I believe that the system that you and others is well thought out. It is as airtight as we're going to get. The screening process for all new and old story games will help clean up this website. However, I do have a tiny gripe on the layout of the website that could potentially help alleviate this problem in the long term, if used in conjunction with your screening process. Instead of having the story games in a category in alphabetical order, I'd say allow the community (AKA just users of this site) to use a "vote up/vote down" button on a story game. Voting up will, eventually, bring it up closer to the top of the list. Voting down will, eventually, bring it closer to the bottom of the list. Then, every five or six months, the bottom ten or fifteen are unpublished. I think that deletion would be a bit harsh in this case, but unpublishing them would help the authors revise them. 

The goal of this is three-fold: one, it pushes people to write better stories and to revise them if they don't meet the community's requirements; two, it pushes people to become users and allows users more input; and three, it helps show the "reader's voted" best-of-the-best before others, instead of the case where, in many categories, the worst are at the top. 

The members-only gate would also allow us to make sure that people only voted up or down once.

This idea would be especially useful if we had a team of editors who ensured that all unpublished stories were, if republished, edited at least somewhat.

I have no idea if this is feasible or not. Just a suggestion.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Just sort the category by rating, by clicking rating from the category page.


Out of curiosity, can you tell me if it tagged you in this post? I edited your name in.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yes it tagged me. And yeah this is true. All I'm thinking is that ratings aren't airtight, as we've noted. A "vote up/down" system is, because people can only vote once. I guess you could put a members-only gate on normal voting, but that kind of defeats the purpose. I'm thinking we should use the two together, a "members only" vote up and down ranking, and an "everybody" rating out of eight.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

The main reason that ratings aren't airtight is that people make duplicate accounts.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Oh… darn… ok, yeah you're right. Do you think there's a way we could eliminate that problem? I'm pretty terrible with computers, I'm just brainstorming ideas :p

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Not easily, unfortunately. That's why this thread exists.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This one's tricky, because I find that the most irritating thing about Warrior Cats games (particularly in cases where multiple games are written by the same person) is that they don't improve. Some people are kind enough to give advice in the comments section about how to improve their game, and then the writers add a comment of their own going "omg why u so meen i tryd rlly hard on dis game n i fink it purrfect n u r meen n i dun lik u n i rite rlly gud games n i dun care wat u say cos u r meen n my games r gud!!!"

They then publish a new game saying, "i dun a noo game n it lowds bettr dan de last won n i tri much hardr 2 do de riting write!!! pls reed it n tell me how gud it is!!!" And then you read it (for the extra point) and it's exactly the same as all their other games and has made no effort at all to improve on spelling, grammar and punctuation, despite the writer promising to improve on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. Then people point out that the writer hasn't improved on these things and the writer leaves more comments about how everybody's so mean and they tried really hard, even though they've clearly made no effort to improve their games at all.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if it'd be practical to try and implement a rule of "A writer with a storygame rated 1 or 2 must show signs of trying to improve their work after being advised multiple times on how they can improve their work." cheeky

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Goodness Briar, how was your mind able to withstand that grammar. *slowly claps* You're better at purposely misspelling words than I am, and yes I consider it a talent.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I was especially proud of the bit about doing the "riting write" ^_^

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

For dilemma #2, if I had the know-how, I'd script it so that clicking the publish button on a storygame brings it to the top of the the list of New Storygames, or put in a Republished Storygames section with a list of those that apply.  As it would take more than just a little amount of rescources, I'm not sure who would be up the to the task of creating that kind of system.

However, after reviewing your original idea, I think storygame deletion would be possible to be carried out by admins while storygame unpublishment would be carried out by mods.  If the storygame obviously reeks of troll / spammer, admins can be contacted to delete them.  If the storygame just needs more improvement, it can be unpunblished by both mods and admins.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Only Alex has access to the back-end, it's not like anyone can just hop on and code the website haha. Also, only admins, and not mods can unpublish or delete sotrygames.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Well, alex COULD give some access to the mods.  Not enough to outright ban / incapacitate users, but enough to obstruct and chastise them.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

No, you're not understanding, I can give that power to any user I want right now, but that would make them an administrator.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

So, Drakilian has come up with some good preliminary standards which are listed in the OP. This is a very good start. With these standards, we'll be deleting a few garbage games. Can anyone find any storygames that should be deleted but wouldn't be, if we used these standards? Immediate 5 point reward for each storygame you can find, that I agree with.

@Aman, @Tanstaafl, @Killa_Robot, @BerkaZerka, @Endmaster, @Briar_Rose, @ugilick, @ThisisBo, @Drakilian, @cool74, @Sethaniel, @nmelssx, @Danaos, @Ford, @FeanorOnForge, @Fleshnblood_78, @Galobtter, @Fireplay @Kiel_Farren @claw2k11 @LelouchTheZero @Drakoblare @Delta44 @coins @Madbrad200 @SwiftStryker @ISentinelPenguinI @SindriV @A_Plastic_Peanut @Reverencia


Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

This game isn't necessarily the worst on the site, but the grammar is atrocious and it is pretty historically inaccurate. The fact that it is "Edutainment" makes these sins even worse.

I'd suggest it for deletion, but that's just me.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago
  1. ShadowGunner
  2. Insult Eminem
  3. Victorious Warrior Cats
  4. Kitty Love,
  5. In the a Weird House
  6. Rescue a princess
  7. A day in the life of a dog
  8. A single rose,
  9. The Fisher Man
  10. The house of the dumb
  11. Spider Quiz,
  12. Wednesday
  13. Awesome Warrior Cat Adventure!
  14. true love lasts forever, or does it?

During my search, I saw a few that had a rating of 2 and a length above 1 that I think should have been on this list. Also, there were some stories rated 5 but had a length of 1 that I felt should not be deleted. I also checked comments on some stories and some people stated that they actually enjoyed the stories (actual members) so I also left them alone as well. Though I admit I couldn't tell if they were being sarcastic.

Anyway, let the purge begin. (\o_o/)

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Huh? Most of those would be deleted under Drakilian's standards...

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I think you're missing the point. Please re-read what I'm asking for.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Well...fuck. Once again I misread it. If anything, I at least gave you a small list of ones that could be deleted using those standards. frown

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I'll just use filters to find storygames that will be deletable by those standards.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Also, maybe I'm being a bit harsh but this was pretty bad as well. Grammar, story, etc. was all not up to the standards of this site.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I do think these are decent rules, but funnily enough, I don't think this will get rid of many of the Warrior Cats games, because most o them have a length and rating of 2 or above.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago


Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yes and that's my only problem with it. Curse these loopholes.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

That's why I'm asking people to tell me which other stories should be deleted. Please find the Warrior Cats ones that should be deleted. Once we've got a good list, we'll find what they have in common and add those to our standards.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

*holds thumbs up* Good job coins. Soon, we shall win this war.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I remember finding the She Cat Adventure series particularly annoying, since you're basically a cat getting sent on an amazing, super-duper important quest of awesomeness... But the game never at any point explains what the quest is or why you're on it. You just wonder around aimlessly for awhile and the series just ends with the kitties falling in wuv.

So, while I'd like to see the game deleted, does the fact that it's stupid, makes no sense and the story doesn't go anywhere mean it deserves to be deleted?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago


Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Not entirely sure. Some of the storygames I saw said it had a length of 2 or 3 but it should have been a 1.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

It's calculated automatically. If it was a 2 or 3, it should be a 2 or 3, unless you can find a 2 or 3 that is shorter than a 1.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I support this idea and what you have in the OP so far.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Not sure if this was changed or not but I have something regarding the rule

Storygames that barley have any word per page will be purged. This applies to the stories that majority are a few words on most pages. Even if you have more than five pages, you will be purged.

Some storygames are simple and short and still good. Others with super short written pages are awful. The difference between this paths ways and options. Some people write short storygame pages then give one option which just makes a straight path and only ends up with 2-4 real paths. Which usually sucks. I say if they have short pages they should be required to have a certain amount of endings.

Say 6-10 at the least.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I commented on that during my first list of games to delete.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

That standard was never implemented. You can see which standards have been implemented so far, in the OP.  However, it would take too long to find out how many endings each and every storygame has, so your idea isn't really feasible either.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

As much as I think that this is a good idea I have to throw out the example of Snow. Really, really good story with short and simple sentences, as well as few endings.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Yeah, I almost linked that to Danaos, originally, however Snow actually has 1+ paragraphs on most pages.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I was thinking of my storygame actually. I have about three sentences on some of the pages but I have several options so its rating is four.

Couldnt there be some kind of counter for the storygames? Is there some way you could make it count the end links in one so it shows how many endings there are?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Sure. But none of us have access to Alex's back end. We're not the site programmers and he's got enough on his plate. That would be like me asking you to go on google and code some code to change how google works.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I see. Oh well.Then maybe if the rating is high enough for such stories?


Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I already looked through Snow (it was what first occured to me) but it ended up being rather long actually, if you play it through all the way to the end.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Should proper use of capital letters be a factor? Like, storygames get deleted if they don't use capital letters? (This would refer to games that begin every sentence with a lower case letter rather than games that miss out the occasional capital letter accidently.) Not sure about this one, so I'd like to know what other people think.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Find me an example of a storygame that you think should be deleted, but that wouldn't be deleted if we used the standards in the OP. There's no point in continuing to deliberate over subjective standards if we've caught all of the storygames that need to be deleted, by using objective ones. Once we've got a list, we'll talk about subjective standards.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

That seems a bit strict, it would be better if we just let them know about it and ask them to fix it. 

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

It is too strict... but from personal experience, there's no point in unpublishing / asking the author to unpublish. They either don't do it or just republish it when you're not looking.

Does anyone have any more stories which wouldn't be deleted by the purge but that should be to submit?

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Funny enough, reading back over some of the Warrior Cats games, I find that most of them, I wouldn't personally consider bad enough to be deleted.

This one I find particularly bad and would like to see deleted:

Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint a specific reason other than poor use of grammar and those annoying times where she uses all caps.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

I also think that this one is particularly bad and deserves to be deleted:

Games like this are the reason I brought up the capital letters suggestion. While the game is just bad, I think the thing I find most annoying about it is that it starts off using capital letters at the beginning of every sentence and then just stops using them altogether about halfway through. This shows that at least one of the two writers was intelligent enough to know that capital letters are supposed to go at the beginning of every sentence, yet they just... Got bored of using them halfway through? I don't know, it looks like one person wrote one half of the game and the other person wrote the other, but even so, you think the person who wrote the first half would at least read through the second half and correct the mistakes before publishing it.

Also, it's called "Warrior Cats Adventures Remade" ... They actually unpublished the game, edited it and then republished it and they still didn't bother to correct the pages that don't use capital letters. >.<

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago

Thanks Briar, come join us over here.

Storygame Purge?

10 years ago


Sorry I am late here abit but Grammar is a very important issue and games NEED to be readable above all else so... how do we word it? is a good article and basically Cambridge Universcity worked out that as long as the first and last word are intact, it will still be readable so...

All gamebooks must be readable throughout. Both first and last letters of each word must be intact.

We could also add that Vowels must be intact.

All gamebooks must be readable throughout. Both first and last letters along with vowels of each word must be intact.

This would make every gamebook readable to all users.