So some of you might know that every six months or so I rant about somthing. I'm generally an easy going guy but certain things just set me off.
So at Christmas I got Dragon Age: Inquisition. I know there have been mixed reviews of it, but I've been loving it as a way to relax after work etc. yesterday I was obviously off and between doing other things I put in some solid hours playing it as I knew I was back working today and didn't expect to get on much at all this week. I am a completionist so a lot of the time was on side quests, levelling chars and completing fiddly bits like running over every inch of the maps to uncover every secret and collect resources etc.
Turns out this evening I get an hour free so I think, "well over the weekend I tied up all loose ends, finished all available side quests and world map missions so today I'll just chill, follow the latest unlocked story line and explore the newly unlocked area. A fun chilled out hour to myself."
So of course I log in and hit continue only to find myself in the wrong place. "That's wierd, it's loaded the wrong save." I think and head to the load menu.
Yup, all my latest saves gone. The auto saves and manual saves all vanished and I'm back to where I was hours of gameplay ago. All the fiddly hits, exploring of two entire maps and resource collection, char levels and gear I crafted and found gone.
I then spent 40 mins trying to recover my saves to find that this does not seem to be an unusual issue and many people are loosing saves and entire games.
My time to chill out has been spent pissed off at the game and now I don't even feel like playing it any more.
Rant over