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I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I used to enjoy the commentary of Markiplier, and he seemed like a pretty cool guy. His FNaF series was funny. But then I realized something... 

MARKIPLIER'S BROTHER IS FURVERT SWINE! Markiplier's male sibling is responsible for that abomination known as "TwoKinds", that pedophile cartoon comic. 

So, I've taken a vow. I'm boycotting his videos, until he denounces his brother's perversion. Join me, for a furvert-free Internet!

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Are you making fun of Warrior Cats?

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I'm not disowning Mark, and here's why.

1. Sentinel doesn't give a fuck about furvertedness. A Furvert free internet would be nice, but then the internet'd have nothing to discriminate against except harmless normal furries... Which would mean that you'd either have to join them or become a shameless filthy hypocrite.

2. Sentinel doesn't give a fuck about his reasons being written in the third person.

3. There's worse shit on the internet. I don't even need to see TK to know that.

4. You're on a personal vendetta against a guy until he disowns someone he's been friends with since childhood. Not only are you going to be boycotting his videos for the rest of your life, but it's pretty fucking stupid that you're doing it because his brother has a hobby you don't like. *Has never seen TwoKinds, too lazy to turn on incognito mode if it really is bad.*

5. Like Mark himself once said, (As a matter of fact, in one of those FNAF videos you mentioned!): "I'll do me, you do you, and hopefully we don't do each other!"

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago
What is the difference between a normal furry and a furvert? On second thought... maybe I don't want to know.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I'm guessing a furvert is a furry pervert, but I kinda thought all furries were perverts. cheeky

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Maybe furries are furverts that don't get off to it? Although, I don't see any reason to dress up in an animal costume unless it gets you off.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Furries that don't get off on it... Usually don't wear suits, unless they're the hardcore, LARP-Y type, in which case they should have worn face paint or some shit, not festered creepily in their own sweat.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

There is a pretty damn big difference. A furry is someone who is a fan of/likes to draw/write about/create anthropomorphic animals, which are also called furries, because that makes shit easier, just like how everyone in Australia calls each other Bruce. Khajiit are furries, Argonians are furries, Fozzy Bear is a furry, Kermit the Frog, Tony Tiger, The Cheetos guy, hell, I have been in denial for ages, but Penguinites are also furries.

Furverts are people who masurbate to furries.

Kinda like the difference between a brony and a clopper, but I guess they catch a lot of shit anyway because MLP is a terribly written and insipid show.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Wouldn't it be simpler to just call a furry an animal lover, and drop the sexual connotations behind it all together?

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Not really, because furries aren't animals, and Anthropomorph is kind of a mouthful for some of the younger fans... Not that I wouldn't mind ousting Ryder, since he is of that age group, but I'm pretty sure he already knows that word, so we're fucked either way.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I guess that problem is bound to happen when people's definition of a word don't coincide.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago
Furry fans are stuck in a sort of limbo where they can't enjoy the pure beauty of the human figure or the beauty of the various non-human animals whose figures they force upon a human frame.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Speaking as one, I can tell you for certain that they're not. They just add variety and look cool.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago
Oh! You reminded me of this! He made it onto Tosh.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Someone should put that kid on Ritalin.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Fuck you, Markiplier is amazing, even if his brother is a furvert.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Why do you fucking care? As far as I can there is nothing that bad about it and there has been worse shit on this site let alone the fucking internet.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Wait, there's worse stuff on this site then there is on TK?

Then what the fuck, Malky? I can understand your aversion to outright furfuckery, and since sexuality is sexuality, that's never going to change, but if it's an actual, legitimate story, then you're discriminating against the harmless kind. I daresay the Arthur kind of furry, probably. Too lazy and late to google it right now, and I have better shit to be reading, probably, but the point still stands, you're a bigot and a silly TLOU whore and all that rot.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

And you're a dickless Nintendofag. Good day. 

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I thought we already cleared up the fact that I'm not a Nintendofag, but hey, I guess you were making an effort, so I'll give you a sympathy shot. Do please come back when you have something genuinely creative and insulting to say.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Tell it to your foxgirls, you furfag stain on the Earth. Your kind exists only for amusement, so we can laugh at the dregs of humanity that really shouldn't get to pass on your genes. As long as freaks like you get to fap to cartoon girls, there can be no good  in this world. You harbor an unhealthy obsession with evil perversions of the human form. Furverts are too pathetic to find a real woman, so they fap to big-breasted fox girls instead. You're only one step up from a curious farm hand who defiles goats. How does it feel, goat-fucker? Why do you continually asociate yourself with this basement-dwelling freaks?

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Alas, the poor fool with too much time on his hands struggles to get his rage all out. Let it out, Malkalack. Let it all out.  Tell me more about my kind, Malky, tell me what traumatic experiences you must have had in 3rd grade when you disvovered your sexuality watching the beach episode of Arthur, and spent the rest of your days in self denial shouting at anything on the internet with a tail. Yes, tell me why your were-capybaras, your talking rat god, and your llama-assed fertility goddess are any higher a class than Penguinites and Overgrowth characters. And you think furverts are the only vocal fandom minority who masturbate to big-breasted cartoon characters? Well, I'm afraid that's sadly not the case. There's a whole industry out there called Hentai, but I'm sure your internet history has seen plenty of that shit. And evil perversions of the human form? Why don't your Orcs and Elves take the same amount of flak? And why are they not several steps up from the bestialist farmhand? Please do explain how a goat's body is anything like a human's body? Explain to me why an asexual who thinks animal-people are an interesting design choices would fuck a goat, too. Your insults just leave too many questions behind!

But whatever, I have a huge fucking headache right now. But anyway, if you honestly think that there's
never going to be any good until people stop drawing pictures you don't like... Well, not only are you wrong, but if you honestly think stopping legitimate stories and porn of any kind just because of what theire characters look like is going to solve any of your damn probles, then you should probably go outside and find something more important to do, because from the looks of your insults and reasoning, well, you look like a pissy little kid with a serious case of "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKEEE!" syndrome with little else to live for except internet conflict. And that's a little bit sad. So yes, Malkalack, take a good, long walk, and talk to some people who can actually punch you in the mouth for saying stupid shit.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

My, my, Penguinny. You're going to excruciating lengths to justify your disgusting fetish.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

To justify a fetish that I don't have, because I honestly thought you would be funnier than this. Seriously Malk, use paragraphs, not single, uninspired TL;DR posts! I'm having a sick day, my logic's at it's weakest now!... But since you honestly believe that Wario is less awesome than TLOU, I assume you don't listen to such nonsense as "Logic" anyway, so this shit'll be fun. Seriously though, furrism isn't a fetish, it's a cartoon style that some people take in a wierd direction, but there's plenty of animes and mangas out there, and I don't see you haterallying them yet, although I'm sure you will at some point just to spite me. But really, if you have this much trouble with Markiplier when he isn't even showing you, or forcing you to watch any such thing is a sure sign that you need a fucking life.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Lol, I'm just fucking with you.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Please don't, my brain is making me take the wrong things seriously right now. Seriously, I just went on KYM and I actually though one of the 2spooky pics were actually spooky.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

3spooky5me, m8.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago


The communism is real, man. Very, very real.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

I find it fucking hilarious how the first response is: "Are you making fun of Warrior Cats?" XD It's like our community has made it so clear and apparent that any kind of offense anyone can make of anything will somehow stir up the cat fandom, haha! 

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago
Social justice warriors, assemble!

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

You bastard, Malkalack! Your unreasonable hatred broke Markiplier's heart, and he had to go to the hospital for three days to get it repaired! This is all your fault!... I think, I haven't actually watched those videos.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago
Hmm...maybe Malk voodoo-d him.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Impossible. Not even Malk is stupid enough to try doing th-... Well, he is Malk...

Wait a minute... What if Malk is actually disowning Markiplier and encouraging us to do the same because he was secretly his archnemesis, Malkiplier, this whole time!?

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

Or maybe he's ... nevermind.  I've already said too much.

I'm Disowning Markiplier.

9 years ago

He had some kind of blockage in his intestines.