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D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

So has anyone on here taken this program through school? I did I thought it was a waste of school funds, and a waste of my time.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Drug Abuse Resistance Education?

No, not really, but when I was in junior high, one of my classes had a six-week period during which a bunch of people from various groups came in and told us why we shouldn't drugs or have sex before marriage.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Does that mean you could do drugs after marriage? 

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago


D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

We had some “drug danger” lectures, but I can’t remember if it was specifically DARE.

Got some cool cartoons with characters shooting up and jumping off roofs, a coloring book called “Captain Detroit” and a neat rap about “The Wizard of Crack” who apparently looked like a lich.

I’m the wizard of crack
And you know me
I come in your school
Without proper I.D.

That’s about all I can remember, but there were several verses, the last one saying something about “YOU WILL DIE”

Anyway, my elementary school was more into lectures/programs about “Stranger Danger” and warning about pedos rather than drugs.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

You're a crack wizard, Harry.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
I feel like D.A.R.E. used to be a bigger thing in the 90s and early 2000s. But I could be wrong. Through middle school and high school we usually had to sit through 1-3 big lectures/movies/other nonsense in the auditorium. The programs weren't always specifically D.A.R.E. though.

We had a local officer come into the 5th grade classes during a set time period for a few weeks and gave us whatever the D.A.R.E. program was then. I thought the entire thing was common sense and a waste of my time. They had a contest at the end of the program where everyone had to write an essay about what they learned. The winner got some stupid prize. My essay consisted entirely of reasons why the program was wasting my time and impeding my educational development. Needless to say, I didn't win. So much for honesty.

I believe most schools get grants for programs like these, so your school may have just spent money they couldn't use for anything else. Anyway, several studies have suggested these programs may have the opposite affect than what they're preaching.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
I know is D.A.R.E. is popular in all states, but here in Texas it's still very popular. My kids had a program earlier in the school year, and I remember them from when I was in school over 12 years ago... (should be helpful, but mostly they are made fun of. I showed up to one drunk once in HS lol... but I'm not very proud of that fact now.)

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

The general problem I had with it is that it just shows the consequences of taking drugs and the reasons why or even the help someone might get if they have a problem.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Yeah, but it never stopped anyone from smoking weed in the graveyard. My school's more keen on ridiculous music videos about optimism and anti-bullying.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
Schools nowadays have gone all to hell anyway... I read somewhere that kids that are homeschooled are more mature and more prepared for adulthood than public school kids... (And I'm still asking myself why I'm not homeschoolong mine? Wish I had the time to...)

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
The quality of public education in the U.S. depends largely on the school district. The wealthier districts have more funds, can acquire better teachers and provide more programs and opportunities for students. I know some families that owned homes but sold them and started renting an apartment in a wealthier/more expensive area for the singular purpose of getting their kids into a better school district.

In my area, the two wealthiest school districts are around top 50 in the state. The two poorest are in the bottom 100.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

I've never heard of it until now.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

I wish people offered me free drugs half as much as D.A.R.E. suggests. 

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

I remember my days being warned of drugs. I was warned that my friends would try to pressure me to do weed. As it turns out, people on weed aren't pushy, pressuring people.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Im a pot head and none of  the * insert  long and frankly bull$hit list of dire stuff *  happened to me  that d.a.r.e said would.

The dare program does not work and it probably never did.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Like intensive culling programs?

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
That could work.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Basically, no one should use drugs or alcohol until 24-26 if they can help it. You are correct.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

My high school is a open kind of campus, but some areas smell knee deep in weed, in wasn't even a week ago that the locker room had the smell. Then there was freshman during basketball who was sitting in the corner with his friends, turns out he had one of those edibles and it looked like a fruity pebble rice crispy.

THEN there was a instance five years back before I was there that somone decided it would be smart to store their weed in a storage room for our music class. I didn't even know about that untill one of the students gave me a tour of the class. 

Another freshman was suspended for having a bong in his backpack.

I see hooka pipes everywhere on the floor, one of my friends I think is supplying em, most people think there's weed inside which I don't think is the case as he gets em from amazon, but i don't think he cares as long as he gets paid.

Tl;dr I'm not for huffing the puff, especially like a dumbass at school , but programs like this are ineffective, I would rather save a class that needs the funds.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

I had that when I was in middle school. One of the kids in my school is actually the son of a D.A.R.E. officer. Basically all we did is how to turn down drugs, and to report it. And of course, told why they are bad, but that doesn't stop about the 1/8 of the students in my grade that smoke pot.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Hhaha, an "officer." There have been other countries where rewards are given to those who report others.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
Nope, because I'm not from the US. We do have anti-drug, anti-smoking and anti-alcohol programs. They're usually like "yeah, these are reasons why you shouldn't, this person is an officer and he'll arrest you if you smoke/drink before you're 18" and that's that. I think we got them at 12-13 and 15? Big difference here though is that weed is legal so they can't do much about it other than just tell you not to.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Weed is now legal in 24 states in the U.S.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
Yet still federally illegal. That could become a righteous mess if the right people made enough noise.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
Exactly. I don't see it becoming legal US-wide any time soon.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago
Probably not, but I imagine it will continue to be decriminalized.

Personally, I feel that if you're not going to arrest someone for a violation of the law, the law needs to be repealed. To me it's embarrassing, if not outright arrogant, that states are knowingly and intentionally ignoring a federal law. If the federal government isn't going to enforce it, then it shouldn't be a law at all.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

Do you know how expensive and time-consuming it is to repeal laws? It won't happen any time soon, and it's much easier to just ignore it than fuss about it before it becomes a problem, (If you haven't noticed, the government isn't very proactive) much like people aren't arrested these days for carrying ice cream cones in their back pockets and/or jumping the border with poultry on their heads.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

I thought that program was killed in the 90's. That's when it was big. Every cop had that sticker on his window. It was indicative of the "war on drugs," which has thus far locked up millions of non-violent criminals in a privatized prison system which forces the "inmates" to work for 30 cents an hour.

D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

All the DARE program ever should have said was:

"You're right, drugs and alcohol aren't that bad. But if you use before 24, you just increase the probability that the habits you start now tend to turn into lifelong behaviors. That's just how the brain works. Do what you want, and we won't arrest you. But you'll waste years experimenting and going to rehab. It will suck."


D.A.R.E. Program

9 years ago

...and also, here's what your skin looks like when you get cirrhosis. Enjoy!