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Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Why don't some people consider fish to be meat? I know many people that call themselves vegetarian yet still eat fish. Even people that don't eat meat for religious reasons will still eat fish. Also, nuts aren't meat, right? A health nut friend of mind claims that nuts are meat. I'm pretty sure they aren't, but I don't know what they classify as.

Also, where do eggs fall?

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Goes back to Jewish law. Nuts are not meat, neither are legs.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I'm pretty sure legs contain meat. Looking at mine, I don't see much, but it's definitely there.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Your friend is a pescatarian, not a vegetarian.

Generally speaking, fish is not considered meat because they "can't feel pain".

Nuts are not meat.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

What do nuts classify as? They aren't really fruits or vegetables.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Technically there's no such thing as vegetables or nuts. All our classifications are culinary, botanically nuts, fruits, and veggies are all fruit.

So I'd just classify it as fruit. Produce farming doesn't really harm animals so why even worry about it? 

Most people would classify nuts in their own category though, but there is still no ethics-based diet that restricts the eating of nuts.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I mean, it isn't all fruit; broccoli's flower buds, celery's a stalk, etc.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

We don't need your input here, Brad!

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

You've got it backwards, all fruits are vegetables, but not all vegetables are fruits. Fruit, to your standard dictionary, is the fleshy edible bits around seeds, and nuts are also defined as fruit with a tough shell and edible innards. Vegetables are plant matter that can be eaten as food, so basically, nuts must be fruit simply because they're the reproductive parts of a plant, and that seems to be the only concrete line between fruits and vegetables. (Hence the term "Give 'em a boot right in the fruit!")

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Botanically there is still no such thing as vegetables. That is a culinary definition. Botanically there are fruit, stalks, leaves, seeds, fruit, etc, but no vegetables.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Botanically, vegetable is a cover-all term for things that aren't fruit. Just because it's a broad area defined by exclusion doesn't mean there are no vegetables in botany.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Vegetable is not a botanical term. It's a culinary term.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Do they have to classify as something? nuts are nuts, just be happy and eat them, right?


Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

      Idk what it is, I guess when I stopped eating meat, it was mostly because I didn't want to put that trash into my body. All the shit they feed the animals. At first, I didn't care/really know how tortured they were. And I continued eating fish because there were still healthy properties in it.

     Well, with quitting meat, the realization of how fucked the industry is crept up on me. I get so sickened by the smell of it. I get sickened when I see people feed it to their kids, knowing that they have no idea what that sick shit is, just like I didn't.            Anyway I don't eat fish anymore, any meat at all, or dairy for that matter. I was getting bruises everywhere for a while-anemia runs in my family. They went away when I started to take iron pills. Also, nuts aren't meat. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard lol. They grow on trees. Trees don't produce meat.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago
Soo... you're vegan?

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Hmm... well, may be stop being fucking crazy about veganism?

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I'm not crazy, I never verbally project anything about it this is what's in my head, and I guess the part that makes me sick is when people give their 2 year olds McDonalds every day, not necessarily meat but the fast food kind, people eating meat doesn't bother me so much (I guess the smell does) but I don't care what other people do, my significant other is a meat eater haha

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Fuck you! My gelatinous salt-fiber sandwich is a fucking work of art, and I will eat it until me and my new vestigial liver die of ass cancer!

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

ok :P 

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I guess you could raise your own animals and kill them yourself if the industry sickens you that much.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

In the beginning that's what I thought, but now I don't miss it at all so there's really no point :P

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

That's what my family and I do. We've done pigs for about 3 years, and this years we got three sheep to eat (named Rose, Blanch, Blanch, and Dorothy after the golden girls) and we might expand to cows at one point.

They're all free range and natural and what not so it tastes better.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Here's your medal! Now please, you're mildly bothering the children.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

You're still missing taurine.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago
Some people believe that fish sticks grow on trees, I guess.  Most people are really that dumb.  And health nuts are generally just skin and bone so I wouldn't classify them as meat, but there are exceptions.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

If you object to eating animals on an ethical basis, there's no point in not eating fish. It's protein, and isn't as sophisticated as say, a horse or a cow. 

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I object yo that! Just because their feelings are forgotten the instant after they happen doesn't mean they don't matter!... It just means you should spear them before they know what's happening!

Ethical vegetarians should also look into insects. They don't especially give a fuck about pain either.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

Actually when I was looking up some stuff about vegetarianism and insects, I stumbled on some forum where some guy was saying he ate insects as part of his diet and the rest of the vegetarians went ape shit on him, saying he wasn't a true vegetarian and was giving the rest of them a bad name and making the term meaningless if he was going to go eat insects.

So apparently in certain circles of vegetarianism, even if you're a bug eater, you're still a monster.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

In elementary school, there was a group of kids who swore off swearing. They were annoying, precocious twats that said things like "You have to!" So I hated them right off the bat, and so did most people who also swore. One time during one of their "meetings" we heard them get into a loud argument, one of the kids was shoved into the slide pretty hard, and the alleged instigator was ousted from the self-righteous free masons forever. Turns out, he said "Turd", and they thought that was no bueno.

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago
How dare you!?  I would never eat a horse you insensitive monster!  Horses are the forebears of automobiles, tractors and trains.  What if someone came to your house and threatened to eat your car!?  How would you like THAT!?

Cattle, on the other hand, are ugly critters that beg to be eaten.  Have you ever met their doleful gaze?  They are practically pleading with you to put them out of their misery.  Even if they donned three piece suits and wore monocles they would still make for some of the most mouthwatering BBQ.  And, just think of the infestation that would consume our planet if their not-so-choice bits weren't ground into affordable dietary protein for the masses.  I would never doom the planet to such a fate.  It is my patriotic duty to save our species from the invasive hot dog and hamburger bun threat!

Meat and Eggs

7 years ago

I swear, I remember a rant from an episode of MASH where Colonel Potter almost made the exact same point you did about cows and horses.

“You ever seen a cow? They’re dumb and ugly, you’re doing them a favor by putting them out of their misery! But horses are noble beasts! People shouldn’t be making pork chops outta them!”