I don't like how every unit seems to have three Tolkein-sized chunks of lore and each wiki page could make a reasonably sized word doc without even getting into tactics. It feels unclean. I guess it's great that they were used in all this shit, but there's a certain point when a lore grows to such absurd expanses that it becomes less about playing the game and more about reading books. Which is fine, but I only ever wanted to play the damn game. I mean, hell, not even TWM2 did that, and that's the game that literally pulled all its shit directly from history! This is the kind of shit that people write doctorate papers about to this day, and you don't even have to sift through that much bullshit... Granted, most of Medieval warfare was based on irregular military, and most of the information easily available highly specific units like Canons of the Holy Sepulchre and a few other crusader units, the Hungarian Battlefield Assassins, the Greek Fire Guys, and Literally Everything Welsh are 15-year-old, brightly colored webpages that vaguely verify their existence as troops...
Also, the art style just... Feels wrong to me. Everything looks all clunky and impractical and... Eugh... I'm sure it's justified by the in-universe physics and shit, but, I just hate it. Giant soulderpads and chainsaw guns, while iconic and I'm sure well-designed, gets really stupid-looking when you keep adding shit and adding shit on top of it. Everyone looks like dwarfs, carrying a bunch of impractical-looking emblems around... It doesn't feel kosher to me. It's like The Witcher 3, with Geralt spinning the fuck everywhere like Crash Bandicoot. I know it should be badass and cool, but I've seen enough semi-realistic approaches before that it just looks stupid and cringey.