I respect your opinion on this, but I also have an opinion on the matter. I tend to enjoy the series and it is one of the books that inspired me to write. To me, however, I believe that Warriors is a good series of books which teach children, teens, and adults alike different emotions and scenarios in a more friendly way. Since you don't remember a lot of the story plots and sub plots, I'll give you a few that are a little more mature in matter. One cat dies while giving birth, many cats loose loved ones lost in battles, a few cats have to suffer through the pain of being disfigured and being taunted for it, major family issues, and not to mention the love plots where kits are separated from there native clans....and so on. While I do believe what you say about it being increasingly 'burnt out' with every new box set of books, I certainly do not count it as retarded in any sense. I wanted to point out that 'Erin Hunter' is in fact 6 humans, not one, and they collaborate on the books together. Also, you can't really compare books to other books unless they are by the same author. Everyone has a different writing style, and it's like art or music. You can't really compare Bach to Mozart because they are both good in their individual ways. My point is, Warriors is a pretty good book series, and though your comment was solely opinion based, I'd like to ask you to actually try the books for yourself again. At least the first one: 'Into the Wild'