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EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Well with all the sissy slap fights, triggerings and pussy petting going on in multiple threads, it’s obvious that some of you need something else to do (besides those things of course, far be it from me to take away such freedoms!)

So here’s an unofficial contest for everyone if they’re interested.

It’ll be like the Edgelord contest in that you don’t have to bet any points, I’ll just decide which person won and give you a bunch of points accordingly and maybe some “achievements” will get passed out as well if I’m feeling generous. Who knows, if it’s really good maybe more warm and fuzzies will come your way.

You WILL have to write an actual story though. Not just post something in the forums like last time.

Anyway, the topic will be the theme that didn’t get picked for last contest idea.

Children’s Story

I don’t care what style you do this in. You can go Grimm’s Fairy Tale or you can go the modern sanitized Disney route.

Just whatever you do, keep it child friendly. (Try to keep it at level 3 maturity level or less)

You write a bunch of text filled with swearing, you fail.

You write about graphic violence, you fail.

You write about graphic sex, you fucking fail.

Now obviously the question I’m going to get from some of you is what constitutes any of those things. Well some of that should be obvious and I’m not really going to waste too much time on explaining, so I’m going to roll the dice and hope that most of you have enough common sense to know what is and isn’t allowed.

(Also it will be funnier when one of you inevitably fails in this task and loses the contest believing that they were well within the guidelines.)

However I will say, the most flexible of those is probably violence thanks to the good old Grimm Brothers.

Remember to post links to your stories here if you make one.

Anyway, the deadline is November 1st, good luck.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Well dang I have something I was going to put up on Starcatcher that would be the perfect fit, but I will feel badly pulling it and leaving B with nothing...

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

So go ahead and post it on both sites. Not like I care if you submit something you're already working on. I could read it and it could suck and you'd lose anyway despite having something ready.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Well I'm like two pages in so it's not much of a head start, but it's small enough to knock out this weekend. I was planning to make it my Starcatcher exclusive, at least until I got desperate to make my end of the year quota.

There's nothing inappropriate, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a kid story either. I dunno, I'll file this one under a maybe for now.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Also I like how from the index this is just Endmaster's Children. I expected to read something heartwarming about Thara and Minnie.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Knowing some of the people on this site, such stories would probably fail the contest's PG-rating requirements.  

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
The teacher that wrote Lily and the Forest would like this.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

I'll write about a boat. A big boat.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

So we're writing a children's storygame, correct?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Yep. Like I said, just stay within the guidelines and you should be fine. I doubt if many people are going to join so it's an easy opportunity to potentially win if you're the only one submitting something.

It's also a chance to get out of the pit of SHAME if you're currently in it. (Or the special cell of disappointment)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

If I enter, do I get a personalized, ultra vulgar Endmaster critique?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

This is a children's story contest, not a fucking Edgelord competition, you fucking mong. You're supposed to be writing a story for young readers that may stumble upon this site, not getting off on me verbally abusing you. Read the goddamn instructions. 

That being said, yes you can attempt to write an "edgy-lite" children's story. Remember, I didn't say you couldn't still write a villain protagonist. Might be slightly more challenging, but if you want to try to write an "evil Harry Potter" rip off, knock yourself out. He just can't be doing stuff like raping his female wizard best friend obviously.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Oh, I wasn't gonna do any edgey anything, I just wanted you to call me a fucking mong. I succeeded! I'll go write about alligator pie now.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Puddlebunni I'm very upset at you right now.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Alligator pie is extremely nutritious! :D

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Are subtle references to lewd humor or violence allowed? 

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Lewd humor, well if you want to risk doing that I'm not going to say no. After all, there is a proud tradition getting shit past the radar in children's stuff. Even in today's Disney movies they're hiding dicks in every scene.

It'll be a case by case basis, but sure if you think you're subtle enough then you can go for it. Obviously if you mess up, you'll just fail and that will be the end of it.

Violence, of course. Death even. Like I said, just don't go into major graphic description.

You can say the witch cooks little children and eats them, but you can't say she skins them alive, uses a sharp iron rod to skewer them through their ass and out their mouth like a pig on a spit and feasts on their tender bits first because she likes those the best.

If anyone needs a good example of a guideline for a children's story here:

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
I'm remembering now why I don't write children's stories, and it's because when I sit down to think of them every plot I come up with ends up being impossibly sad.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Go ahead and write your emo children's story. The original Little Mermaid had a shitty sad ending so it's fine.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Considering I've never put much of any swearing and certaintly no graphic sex (or violence) into my storygames, I may write something if I can get a working idea and a muse.

Does making it child friendly also mean I should use grammar that a child could realistically comprehend? I beilieve the answer would be: "Yes, you fool. Why the F### would you make child friendly game just to scare away children with words like 'superlative'?" :)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
The idea of limiting vocabulary is complete bullshit IMO. That's how stupid kids remain stupid.

Don't use obscure words for the sake of it, but any child voluntarily reading a story on the internet already has enough common sense to figure out the important things from context, or use a dictionary if they really need one.

They don't need you to prechew their food for them either.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

What Mizal said.

Though if your urge to help children is just too overwhelming, include a link to a glossary for words that you believe are too "complex" for kids.

I'm reminded of an old children's book called "The Adventures of Mole and Troll" which did this at the back of it. (And several other old children's books that I can't remember at the moment, probably were school related though)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Once I had to ask my mom what a concubine was, and after that I just started using dictionaries.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Cool beans, that's delightful news. Thank you.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Ill join

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Don't Grimm tales have a lot of sexual references though?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

They probably contained sexual references that would be pretty tame today. Like there was a bit that was removed about rapunzel being pregnant ("Why is my dress getting tight around the belly?").

I mean if you put something pretty innocent like that in your story, it's not going to be an automatic fail.

If you start going into excessive description of the long haired maiden having a triple X throw down with the prince, that's where the story would get disqualified.

Again, err on the side of caution if you aren't sure.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Grimm was kind of bloody. It had a kid slicing open the throats of talking animals over a card game, (casino knife fights must have been ubiquitous even among kids back then?) And a witch without skin who wore the face/skin of a young woman to seduce a king. It read a lot more like Conan then any other book back then. Ideally, you should be free to write some dark Indiana-Jones-ass shit as long as you don't swear or explicitly mention the blood and guts.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Still these will all be stories getting the Geared for Children tag in the here and now. Authentic fairy tales are great and hilariously fucked up but you just have to use some common sense when translating that over to a children's story written today.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

That is true, but I think a lot of what was fucked up about the kids stories of yore was the tone. They escalate quickly and often end on sour or neutral notes after a lot of horrible, uncopable shit has happened. A lot of kids' stories these days are much happier, so you tend to forget the horrible fucked up parts because overall, it was a positive adventure that rewarded you for getting past the scary parts rather than being horrible all the way through, EG So much Don Bluth stuff, a lot of 70s Sci-Fi/fantasy stuff, The sordid and violent history of LOTR, almost everything Roald Dahl wrote, etc. etc. Then again, as someone who actually did read a lot of pulpy fantasy when I was little, I may be a tad skewed.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
So, do we have to write a CYS style story or a traditional story? I am confused. :(

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
A storygame. He says in the OP just posting a story on the forum doesn't count.

Any relation to banned alt HexArcher BTW?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Obisovusly not because Archer and Mage are to totally different classes

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

No need to be confused because you're banned again Negative.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
The posting history didn't look that bad so maybe he's evolving, but the name was just lazy.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm actually hoping to do something in correlation with the Coraline movie. That really was able to bring scary shit to viewership of children without going over the top. 

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

how scary can I make this?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Lol. Okay, I'll play for now.

Make it as scary as you want, so if you want to make a story about a teenage girl who hates her mom and dad and a bunch of other bad stuff happening to her go ahead, just don't swear or write any graphic sex or graphic violence.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Okay, Thank you @Endmaster

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

              There was this girl named Haley, She lived with her mother and her father who she hated more than anyone could imagine. She was treated very poorly, they always beat on her and called her so many names that a child shouldn't be taught at a young age. Her father was always cussing her out and sending her to her room and locking her in from the outside.  Then one day creepy stuff started to happen, things were moving by themselves. Of course her parents didn't believe her that she was seeing things move that weren't supposed to. Haley would hear stuff being broken and when she would go investigate, her parents would come out and they would see her standing in the kitchen surrounded by broken dishes, they would jump to conclusions and they would automatically blame her. 

              I Would finish this but Graphic Violence is against the rules.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Wow, I guess you really aren't able to do anything right, Gemini. 

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Lol. So much fail.

Anyway banned again. I'm sure she'll do better next time.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

I can't find myself blaming the parents. 

I'm really starting to wonder what number we're up to with her. She's made many failed prompts and accounts that have been met with annihilation. Though history has shown she's not someone who learns very well, I will also try sharing this optimism of yours.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

As of the last one 10.

Whenever her alts pop up they always still share an IP with Seto for some reason. I know he said he knows her in real life though.

I mean it's possible this is some elaborate ongoing joke on his part for who would ever suspect Seto?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Nobody expects the Seto inqui... oh wait, that's not right...

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
I've considered that and I've also noticed she tends to pop up around the times when Seto does, which is more noticeable now that he takes all these hiatuses.

But fuck it I don't even care, if she's fake she's funny enough I can't even get worked up over it. This is how you do alt trolling, people.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Ohhh scary.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Tbf, we should only have one IP that is the same for reasons I've mentioned before, and I've been told I have around 3 pages of other IPs. 

I also was gone for a while because my other work sched changed and I had to work a graveyard shift.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Ahahahahahahahaha how did I miss this?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

u shoulda added trigger warning

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
WARNING: Shit-Posting will trigger a swift Banning, when the ironhanded dictator mod tyrants are too lazy to dock XPs.


EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

You know he's serious, cause he's already wielding the banhammer in his profile pic.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

The sad thing is that salty story is in the lead right now. I'm not aware of any other submissions...

Your name is Tommy. You have a Tommy gun. What do you do?

A. Rob a bank.

You rob a bank. You take a big bag of money, but the police come. They arrest you, and you go to prison. The end.

B. Practice shooting

You practice shooting and become really good at it. When WW2 happens, you shoot 300 Nazis and 2 Italian fascists. You win all the Army medals except the purple heart since you never get shot. The end.


EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Pfft there's almost two weeks left in October, why would anyone have even started yet?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Honestly I'll be amazed if any of you sloths submit anything, let alone anything that is worth a shit.

Still, this is the opportunity to potentially gain pointless points, comms, achievements, trophies and "get out of the SHAME pit" if you're in it, all at no risk, so it's all of your loss and none of my own.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
I am definitely going to start writing something tomorrow and finish it by the weekend.

I mean it this time. Not like all those other days when I secretly didn't.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Something is stirring in the forest.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
@EndMaster you know you have a good theme when you stir pugpup onto the forums.

EDIT: pugpup, be sure to come back the Friday after Thanksgiving for the one year anniversary contest in honor of the ballad contest


EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Dammit, I'd been planning to win this one...

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

I have entered your contest.

(There may or may not be another coming, but I wanted to be sure I had something to get me out of the Cell of Disappointment, sooner rather than later...Thara is into some weird shit.)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Fucking terrible just as I expected. If you stopped playing your degenerate dragon tranny game for one second and actually focused on writing for a change, you might have produced something of substance instead of whatever the fuck you tried to do just now.

But you're still winning so far.

It's also one more story towards your year's end goal (4 more to go) and it'll get you out of the cell. (Not yet though, so you'll just have to hold out until the end of the contest)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
I'm sorry but all my good stories are being stored in a secret underground vault, I decided long ago the world was not worthy of them.

And it was pretty plain to see it wouldn't take anything but drivel to win THIS contest. (Though I see it's already gotten its first 1/8, presumably from a jealous and despairing would be competitor.)

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

This sounds pretty interesting, and mizal insulting the competition has encouraged me to ask the following question:
Does the storygame have to be published or can it just be put on sneak preview?

Asking because:
"You WILL have to write an actual story".
"Remember to post links to your stories here if you make one."
"Unofficial contest".

I feel that I could reasonably assume that an "actual story" doesn't have to be published, links can be given to sneak preview stories, and this isn't an official contest so the rules could be different.

I am pretty sure that someone mentioned that forcing stories for contests to stay published would be good since as it is, they get taken down quite often to be 'improved' (which doesn't happen more often than not).
However as nothing regarding this was edited into the OP using your awesome admin powers I decided to still ask this.

Does the storygame have to be published or can it just be put on sneak preview (in order for it to be eligible for the contest)?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
I know my story was really good but still, you shouldn't be ashamed to publish yours.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

(Your story would probably still beat mine.)

The thing is that what I was trying to write ended up branching more than I was expecting, and I overestimated my writing speed. So basically I really doubt that I'll finish it.

So I figured out that if it didn't need to be published I could write a less branchy version and put it on sneak preview, then just write up the rest later and then publish (since publishing a less branchy version [instead of sneak preview] would doom the thing to never being finished, since no one would ever read it if I end up having to republish it later).

I want to try and have the first thing I publish be something I can be proud of (to some degree at least), rather than just something I look at and go "it meets minimum site requirements and isn't horrible".
So sneak preview is preferable in this scenario (for me).

With all that said, if it has to be published I'll probably just try and plan something else that I can actually get done on time (and finish completely).

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Just do what Mizal does all the time, publish it and then take it down after the judging.

Though a warning, I really don't want to see any deadlinks. I don't care even if you do something like "And then the dragon ate the princess because you didn't make it in time. The King executes you for not saving his daughter. The End." just to fill space for the choice.

I'd rather see that, rather than a deadlink.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Ah thanks for the reply.

Will make sure to avoid deadlinks, was planning on just throwing end game links while restricting the continuation ones with impossible criteria (ie SCORE = 100). That way finishing it would be a bit easier.

I'll consider taking it down after the judging (to finish it up), but I will probably dislike doing that. Anyways, will see what I can get together till the due date.

Thanks for the response, clears things up.

Thinking back on it, a tl;dr wasn't necessary, but I'll keep it anyway (just like this post script).

I ended up making some pretty bad mistakes, oh well not the first time I didn't manage to write a story (only the first time I publicly announced that I'd be trying).
Congrats to the winner.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

And so Mizal wins the contest and an achievement worth 200 pointless points and getting out of the Cell of Disappointment is her reward.

Bet you never thought you’d ever win anything so this must be a real special occasion.

Anyway the 200 should soften the blow a bit when I inevitably take away the 1000 points at the end of the year for failing to produce 6 stories.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Oh wow I completely forgot this was today.

I wish I could say I'm proud of my win, but mostly I'm just disappointed and disgusted with everyone else. My story was shit, y'all. How could you let this happen?

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Congrats! I'm so happy you won. I couldn't get a muse to be honest, and I've had little time on my hands. Anyway, be sure to gloat about your win. 

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Congrats on the hard fought victory.


But now this cell isn't any fun anymore now if I'm the sole occupant. At least give me the spare key so I can come and go as I please. If there isn't one, please do consider making one.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

The door was unlocked the whole time. Lol.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

It was all just smoke and mirrors, then? An elaborate ruse that I couldn't see the truth behind?


EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Never had time to finish. :(

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
He who laughs last laughs loudest ^_^

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Congratulations, Mizal. Only three more storygames to go. However, you're running out of time.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

She's got 4 actually. "Now you gotta deal with this shit" was created before self imposed challenge so it doesn't count.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago

Well, it's only 1,000 points and eternal shame anyway.

EndMaster’s Children Story Contest

7 years ago
Here we go, a heavily lobotomized version of what I had intended to enter. I have a suspicion it's kind of just a teensy bit broken but it's the 16th with two more games to go so giving a fuck is a luxury I no longer have time for. Still better than that silly thing about cosmic turtles, I'll pretend like I won 200 points for this instead.