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Would you play this?

7 years ago

I'm making a storygame and I want to know if it's something people would be interested in. Here's the current description for it.

This is a CYOA game similar to Asagao Academy. If you haven't heard of Asagao Academy, I HIGHLY recommend searching it up first. Unlike Asagao Academy, the dating aspect is touched on MUCH less. Instead, this is about a hypothetical school filled primarily with YouTubers. You can form friendships and rivalries with different YouTubers, and although there will be some romantic scenarios, it's not as important. This story doesn't have a set plot to follow, because the more you become friends with a specific YouTuber, the more connections you'll have with their friends, and the more scenarios you'll be put in involving them. Who you decide to make friends with is key to the story. There are many different routes to take, and this story will be updated as frequently as I possibly can. I apologize if you've reached a point in the story where you can't continue further, I know that can be extremely frustrating. But I will update it as soon as I can. You must understand how difficult it is to make a story with so many different routes and options. In conclusion, thank you to those who play this story, it truly means a lot to me. And if you're a YouTuber who's reading this, than don't ever stop believing in your dream. If you work hard at it, you WILL make it. If you're a BIG YouTuber like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Jontron, Etcetera, than thank you for all you do. You bring joy to so many people around the world. Thank you for reading this. Without further ado, let's get to the story!

I'm most likely going to change the description later. Anyways, if that doesn't give you a good idea of the game then just ask me what you want to know more about. I would greatly appreciate feedback of any kind.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

I didn't expect something like this when I saw the title of the post.

I personally would play it and play it very intently if written well. My favorite YouTubers bring me much hope in their videos, and I think I know how you feel when you say to not stop believing in their dreams.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Wait that's a reverse harem otome game thing or something? Someone just brought this to light. I really should've looked it up.

I would not play this unless it focused on friendship and not romance. Otome + YouTubers? Is that what's happening?

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Just to clarify, it would NOT be centered around romance. There would be SOME occasions where it would take a romantic turn, but very few. And it would only take a romantic turn if the player CHOSE something that would influence the romantic spin. The game would be mainly about a school full of pretty much any popular YouTuber you can think of, and they would all hang out in specific groups. For example, in Asagao Academy, people like JonTron, ProJared, and PeanutButterGamer hang out in the "NormalBoots Club" because they are all a part of NormalBoots in real life. In my game, there would be certain groups that certain people were in. Whether it's based on their company (If you can call it that) or what type of videos they make. And whatever group you chose to make friends with, you would have instances where you would get into a conflict with another group. I have many ideas of what I want to do with this story, but very very few will ever take a romantic turn.

Would you play this?

7 years ago
I have no idea what Asagao Academy is. I don't feel like looking it up right now. So if that's your story description, I would include a quick summary of what that is for people who don't want to go look it up. Either that or completely leave that out and just describe the story and then finish with, "Similar to Asagao academy."

Would you play this?

7 years ago

No. Youtube fanfiction is almost universally garbage. 

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Never read something like that. Sounds bizzare to me. How is it like? Any storygame here with that kind of theme?

Would you play this?

7 years ago

While I shouldn’t be surprised that such a terrible thing exists, it still sounds fucking horrible.

Would you play this?

7 years ago
just lol if terrible things still have the power to surprise you.

Would you play this?

7 years ago
I can definitely say that I would not play this.

Would you play this?

7 years ago


Would you play this?

7 years ago

If I can't have a threesome with Jake Paul and Idubbz in this male harem sausage fest then I'll be very disappointed.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

I hope that's a joke.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

That was not a joke. He's being serious.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Ummm, 'Idubbz'? 

I don't believe that's quite right, sir. 

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Idubbbbbbz.  I just give him a silly nickname like dubby.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Just to clarify, this storygame is NOT centered around romance like Asagao Academy is. For those who don't know what Asagao Academy is, it's a game that takes place in a school. The catch is, the school has a club known as the "NormalBoots Club" which is made up of all of the YouTubers that are a part of NormalBoots. Jontron, PBG, ProJared, Etc... The object of the game is to choose which one of the YouTubers you want to date, and try and get them to date you. It's a great game, but it's kind of cheesy. MY storygame however would have VERY VERY FEW romantic aspects in it. My storygame would feature MANY more YouTubers. Almost any popular YouTuber you can think of will either be a major character, or have a cameo. Unlike Asagao Academy, the object of MY game would be to find a specific club and be friends with them. Clubs would be organized by a YouTuber's company like NormalBoots or HiddenBlock, but also by what type of videos they make. Gaming videos, vlogs, react videos, etc. Clubs would also be arranged by the YouTuber's real life friends. So Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Pewdiepie would all be in the same club not because they're all gamers, but rather because they're actual friends. Then whatever club you choose, there will be opportunities to get into conflict with other clubs. The club that confronts you would be based on the YouTubers true life enemies, and people they've gotten into conflict with before. For example, a club with IDubbbz as a member would get into a conflict with a club that had Leafy as a member or Ricegum. My game would have MANY different routes and endings, and many easter eggs as well. Also, to reiterate, this game would contain VERY few romantic moments.

Now that I've explained my storygame a little better, (I hope) I'd love to hear any and all feedback and what you might do to improve it.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

I feel that a harem would be less gay than that for some reason. 

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Big youtubers are gay anyway. There's no point in me playing if the story isn't going to have any of the youtubers I watch.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Well first can I ask the question if you've written any fanfiction on wattpad before.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

No and I don't really plan on it any time soon.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Well since this involves harems but sadly with males I'll put my serious hat on for a moment.

What you're planning here is going to be very extensive. If you're going the Japanese 'Everyone has a club and needs to join a club' cliche and allowing the MC to join every single one of the clubs then it's going to get very tedious and boring for you to work on. Not to mention all the 'research' if you can call it that by watching all these youtubers that you want to implement into your story.

While I've read some good YouTube fan fiction over my years as a dweeb on wattpad I can say they all turned to shit because the author was some horny fan girl who self inserted her own shitty self issues that ended up making the whole story kind of weird to read. This also brings into question on what kind of personality you're intending your MC to have. If you're going to make her some horny girl who soaks her panties every time she comes into contact with a YouTuber. Or even worse if you make a MC with some depressing backstory who has to be coddled by all her youtuber friends and is white knighted and all that shit. 

Don't plan on making too many plans because I can assure you you'll only get around two done before you start getting drained with yet again on how extensive you're planning this on being. 

Personally I would much rather this be some sort of gender bender harem rom com where all the youtubers are girls with some futas involved and little bits of inserted kawainess. 

As long as as you add in Idubbz tho I'll be content with only reading his path.

But for a tl;dr.    Don't self insert with the MC which most fanfiction writers, espcially youtubers do. Don't make her obnoxious. Don't add too many paths.


Would you play this?

7 years ago

Well yes, I was planning on going with that club type of thing. But once you would choose a club, you wouldn't be able to join any more. You would go on that specific path and only follow THAT story. And I was planning on making it so that the player could choose whether they were a boy or girl. Not much would change at all except for the he/she, him/her, his/hers, and words like that. I wasn't planning on the character having any backstory really, just that they were selected to go to this school for whatever reason and that's about it. The MC would have personality, but the character's life and backstory wouldn't matter that much. And no, I'm not planning on making it a typical horny girl lol. And no offense, but there is NO way I'm doing a gender switch or futa. This isn't supposed to be a sexual game in any way. But I do appreciate the feedback and I'll take everything you said into consideration.

Would you play this?

7 years ago
...I'll never look at Digit the same way again.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Fucking hell...

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Does that mean I've gained respeck D:

Would you play this?

7 years ago

and here I was thinking you didn't deserve to be shot like a dog 

Would you play this?

7 years ago

That's a bit much.

Would you play this?

7 years ago
I'm shocked too, Malk should know this sort of thing isn't appropriate on our forum.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Yes, this wholesome forum has no need for this kind of negativity. I want a detailed apology by tomorrow Malk or i'll totally get mega salty.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Agreed. We don't condone the shooting of dogs or any other animal cruelty.

Next time just say Digit deserves to have his balls ripped off, put in a blender and served to him for breakfast while getting ass raped by dick girls.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

That's a bit mucher.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

I sure hope so.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

yeah, well you DO deserve to be shot like a dog, Malk

alright his negativity has been returned problem solved

Would you play this?

7 years ago

I'm glad I have so many white knights coming to my aid. I feel truly blessed.


Would you play this?

7 years ago
You are just so kawaii, they can't help themselves.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

no you deserve to be shot too

Would you play this?

7 years ago

nah it's to late you already white knighted me no take backsies.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

What is happening?!

Would you play this?

7 years ago

yes my lord

Would you play this?

7 years ago

No, I wouldn't read (oops) play something like this.

Would you play this?

7 years ago

Now, you've shown me that Asagao Academy exists, and that the female version of weird Japanese dating sims exist. Both of these are incredibly fascinating bits of information, and for that alone, I'd read your creation if only out of curiousity.