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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Tell me friend, have you ever said to yourself, 'I'd like to participate in the site, but I don't feel like reading, reviewing, writing, or using the forum?'

Well do I have the place for you! Zag's unofficial CYS Discord, the home of mostly CYS originating nerds who don't do anything!

Unlike the Villain's Lair there are no confusing hurdles such as basic competency, an interest in writing, the technical knowhow of setting up an app, or a deep burning loathing for all mankind.

Zag's Outlanders are friendly and welcoming people who roll dice a lot while Zag doesn't bother to update his Roll for Shoes thread, and only a couple of them are annoying enough to warrant a block, you should hang out and be yourself, somewhere that is not here on the forum!

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Did cowbell start lowing?

EDIT: Since I hear that you're having a nervous breakdown trying to figure out why I replied to you...

I replied to you because I was asking you, seeing as it's your Discord and you wield the hammer. But mizal has informed me this was a very complicated topic.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I think the general issue was one of voluntarily coming into someone else's server and then complaining about the 'tone' instead of just deciding it wasn't for him and logging out/also white knighting some trash noob troll. But I think he also annoyed Ford before that, idk I don't always pay attention but it's pretty easy to do.

His nick got changed to 'Literally the biggest faggot' at some point yesterday and I'd think at that point anyone could read the writing on the wall.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Cowbell's name was changed (and restored) previously. The rest though is basically accurate. As a result, might as well include that he voted for himself to be banned. 

Those of thicker skin than I (everybody?) might enjoy the aptly named venue. I had a few good laughs on there, made a friend or two on the side, and got great notes on my story (also, on the side).

It’s basically (for better or worse) the same general “tone” as the forum. Except, you are likely to get banned and have your name changed the first time you speak. The people on there are, at least, very funny.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
You could always set up your own server. Or go join that one with all the emo passive aggressive weebs.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
@MinnieKing MCB belongs on your server :^)

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I would invite them, but I don’t want to.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
He really could set up his own server. I've actually considered it but then in the end, after a lot of soul searching, realized I just didn't feel like looking up how. Current Discord is basically The Lounge but with more emoji spam and uncomfortable details about Ford's sex life, there's probably room for something more positive! ^_^ and writery like MCB seems to want.

Although I'm pretty sure Ford sat basically alone and ignored in his for months (years?) before it really took off and that takes a certain level of dedication.

Also instead of writing chat it will totally devolve into nonstop bitter bitching about the forums and defeat it's own purpose and/or ignite a gang war but really that's half the reason to do it.

Bonus points if he gets a bunch of teen boys to call him daddy.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

My own discord server? That's actually a great idea. Yeah, I'll probably do it.

BTW, 3iguy/triclops probably deserves a medal or something. Finally read about Social Justice Warriors/White Knights... etc. So, fine. I'll shut the fuck up about the tone.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago


Good indication of just how annoying MoreCowbell is if Minnie doesn't even want him hanging around.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Oh shit, Minnie still has a server? I thought we killed them already.


?Explain why you guys still exist as a group, please.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

It has been more quiet since the, uh, incident for sure, but it’s still relatively active. Talk of CYS is minimal there. The server was never deleted, the invite was just revoked.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Is Dark Phoenix still about?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

He’s still a member, but he barely talks anymore. He’s more active on his own server now.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Oh, sham, you have to give me a link to that server. I can think of nothing more entertaining.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
What do you guys talk about, I'm curious.

(It's anime isn't it? I just know it's fucking anime.)

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

We talk about anime sometimes. But mostly it’s just random discussions about whatever seems interesting that day.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Cool, that'll do, gizza link. I want to say what the craic is.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Wow what is this do you want everyone to get reported to the FBI for cyberbullying again?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I assume because he's a nice person and doesn't mind at all if his buddies turn on him like a pack of wild dogs over literally nothing

Or mope off into the sunset. Or continue being obsessive alt spamming trolls well into adulthood and years after their initial ban. It's all good.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
The best thing was how you got banned shortly after all the sucking up about him being 'the best comedian on the forum' and how his positivity stood out in contrast to the rest of the site etc.

Fucking Ford, lol. Even Leora knows better, you poor naive thing.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I said he was my favorite comedian, but I never accused him of positivity or niceness to noobs...

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I’m probably not welcomed back, but I highly recommend people join the discord. It’s quite a lot of fun.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
who were you and what'd you do? I might've forgot by now and could let you back.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

If my memory serves correct, I was chewii or something like that. I had teased you and Leora for your conversation and then was promptly banned.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Well unless you changed your discord username then I don't see you on the excessively long discord ban list. You were probably unbanned shortly after being banned.

Edit:: Checked the audit log. You were unbanned on the same day you were banned.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Make her change her name though because it's ridiculous.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I’ll change my username for the server. I’d rather not change it on my actual profile since many people know me by it. 

Edit: Apparently that option isn’t in server settings. May as well change it now.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Out of fickle curiousity, what's the logic behind your band and how long is the ban list anyway?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Logic? Do you realize you're talking to Ford?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
yes and the list is many longs

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Think she just generally annoyed you by being 13.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I liked the small Asian girl, she was more entertaining that, say, Asian, Ace, Girl Ace or Girl Ace II.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Refreshing memory :

Harsh but fair.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I'll be honest, Mizal. You're the last person I thought would be promoting the place. I kind of figured you'd be telling people things like "avoid it at all costs."

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
No I enjoy it when the noobs come and do nothing of value. It's probably my favorite thing about noobs, out of all their worthwhile qualities.

I thing most of the regulars already know if The Lounge + no shitposting controls + a triple helping of Ford would be the kind of place for them so I can have no pity there.

Meanwhile I wait excitedly to see what great things @theycallmejane will go on to accomplish on the site, I could just tell she's brimming over with untapped potential unlike that angry incel Steve.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
There has been a great reaping and the souls of the unworthy have been cast into the fire.

Seeking volunteers, new blood is needed for the blood god the rebuilding effort.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Why join Ford, when you can head on over to a totally different and somewhat obscure member's Discord server? Who is that? Me! We have site favorite members such as Mistress Mizal herself, Ebon, Sent, and the titular Tim and Chris.

We play games, sit around, and erm...

We mostly sit around. So why not give us a try?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
There’s two discord groups and one IRC Channel, but there’s no Kik Groupchat. This saddens me

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Kik is for emos and other assorted people out of touch with reality.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I'm guessing the Hitler guy is Mardox.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

You've got it!

Give him a round of applaud folks!

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Speaking of Hitler, saw a guy that looked like a shorter chubby tech geek version of him today. Had the same mustache, hair and a look on his face like he was pissed off at everything while he was walking around the library.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Did you get to talk to him?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Nah, I was busy at the time and he wasn't around long. I sort of saw him just before he was leaving.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Avatar is not Hitler, it's the man who killed Hitler. It's a common misunderstanding.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

You constantly say that, but it's just blatantly false. Your avatar is Hitler. Your avatar may also be the man who killed Hitler, but your avatar is still Hitler.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Shame on you slandering the name of the man who killed Hitler. He may have made many mistakes in his past, but in the end, he did what no one else could and gave his life to kill Hitler. I use his image as my avatar to honor the courage and self-sacrifice needed to put an end to the genocidal madman responsible for so much death and suffering.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Once again, the man's Hitler, that's a fact. This bit might've been somewhat amusing the first time you told it, but at this point, you're just the dude with Hitler as your avatar, a misunderstanding of the fascist ideology you claim to hold and a bizarre frustration when the two are connected.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
your server is worthless and retarded like you

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Thanks, me too.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Wait, you executed people? What the hell have I done, joining a site where an admin kills people because a horde of people using Discord said, "Let's kill some motherfuckers," even when they could just be locked in maximum security? I run a hell hole, you know. All you have to do is send 'em my way, and it's Hell before they meet the devil!

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
So after the open invitation to every retard lurker on the site, Zag's quiet and pleasant server is a happening place now, so much so that it actively annoys me.

Meanwhile Ford's has almost completely died, as an unintended and wholly unexpected consequence of Endmaster kicking every single person in there. Both of these are results that no one could have possibly seen coming, and I will continue to monitor this reversal of fortunes as it develops.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
My server will exist with or without CYStians to tard it up.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
You are aware that you're a cystian too, right? Have fun tarding up your own server.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I didn't say I wasn't contributing to the tardness, and it is a fun place to tard up without having to worry about rules being enforced. My point was that with or without those additional CYStians the server will be as functional as intended (ie a place to talk CYS-centric programming and put the cys erotica). It will remain the official cys discord server even if it's not the most popular for two reasons: 1) it's older than the others and 2) it's more similar to CYS than MK's tard-pit of rejected children, Zag's bible-discussion-study-meeting of anti-swearing gamers, and Seto's not-even-a-cys server.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I like the part where I can kick people now, I'm staying.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
...and my server has the most cys admins on it now in part because I give them discord perms to kick steve

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Well that too but yes I do genuinely consider yours to be more official to the others, it's got the bot at the door demanding usernames and points matter, plus Larimar does all his CYS things and I love him.

I got Brad to give Cysar to Zag and Zag promptly stuck him in some trash bin channel where he announces new storygames alone, because they do not care about new storygames there. (ok neither does anyone else but it's still considered proper to pretend)

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
- Points matter

Finding a way that points could matter is one of my most simple and elegant solutions to a useless thing.

- We know how to treat bots

Literally the topic du joure when the server was created. 50% of the discord mods are bot developers and the current owner has a consensual sexual relationship with the previous owners' 2nd discord bot. (orange x pibot)

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I see.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

*In my hacker voice*

I'm in.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago


I was banned for being bisexual. That's discriminatory!

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I can confirm this happened

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Cherry Pie is trying to convince them to let me back in.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
the answer is "no, go fuck yourself."

your sexuality is sin and your taste in music is shit. We don't take your kind. Go to Zag's church or MK's hall of rejects. lmk when you turn 15 so I can reban you for separate but equally worthy reasons.

10/10 last words btw - they make a nice pin to the channel, "I can like whatever music I like, or love whoever I want to love. You're the one being homophobic."

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Hey, it's a free country.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

He's not being homophobic for being anti bisexual. It would only be homophobia if you were gay.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

So, he’a being bi-phobic then?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

There's no hypen, but biphobic, yes, that's the word.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Discrimination is discrimination. Gay marriage is legal. Chan should be banned for his outdated worldview.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Indeed yes, in fact banning really isn't going far enough, let's have Leora tie him down and mutilate his genitals and then you can SWAT him for typing words you don't like. That kind of potential wrongthink cannot be permitted in a tolerant society.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Not sure why anyone would bother getting this angry with whatever Ford says.

Just do what the rest of us do, call Ford an aspie faggot and move on.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Well Endmaster, I think it's because HSAB is a tiny child who only thinks what he's been told to think and believes everything he reads on the internet.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I'm just going to walk away from the hot mess that is this conversation now and focus on my story.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Wait where are you going, come back!!

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Unless gay marriage becomes illegal of course, then you should do a complete 180 on your views and crucify some homos, since legality equals morality...I guess?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I'm bisexual and support gay marriage. If it became illegal I would want it's legality restored.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I don't give a crap what kind of porn you look at, but I do object to the use of 'gay marriage is legal' as synonymous with 'gay marriage is good and correct'.

Also it's kind of hilarious you took shelter in Zag's server all things considered.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Gay marriage... isn't really legal. I mean, it might be legal in a certain place or not, but it's not legal broadly, given there's many places it isn't. But nah, Ford's just a dipshit, he shouldn't be thought of or cared about.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I just looked and Ford told him to change his sinful sexuality or else leave but then he just admitted to loving Green Day instead and gave a short speech on his freedom to love whatever genitals or shitty bands he chooses.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

HighSchoolAtomBomb said:

Discrimination is discrimination. Gay marriage is legal. Chan should be banned for his outdated worldview.

I disagree. Chanbot is a good bot, and besides, gay marriage is fucking stupid. Discrimination is just opinions, and besides, you are in a forum with Americans here to cuss at you for you sexuality. And just because something is legal doesn't make it right. Like marijuana. It's legal. But it will still decrease your lifespan.

And just think ofJesus. Think about how God sent his only son to die for your sins. For my sins. For everyone's sins. And look at you. You repay him by giving into being gay or bisexual. I don't have to approve of your decisions, and I sure as hell won't even remotely begin to try to.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
If you posted like this on the discord and didn't post at all on the forums you'd work out well on the server.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I wish I could use discord, but oh well, the forums will do. Once signed up, but it got too confusing. Maybe I could get a link to it, and when I have access to some computers again, I can go on?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
linked in the OP and my profile

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Well, that's how Ford runs his sever. Feel free to come over to ours.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
banned him for liking green day more than the bisexual thing but the combo of sinful sex + edgelord taste in music + annoying first few messages = ban. PM me if you want a list of more annoying people to invite to your server :P there's a long long ban list of annoyances

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Was this encounter funny enough to make it worth scrolling past whatever other idiocy happened in there yesterday?

Although I gotta say I liked Zag's Discord a lot more when it was just a handful of chill nerds and he wasn't going out of his way to recruit people too cringey for even fucking Ford's server. Feel like I'm going to glance in there any day now and see DarkPhoenix or Dini hanging out and then it may as well be Minnie's place.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
nah. the last words were pretty cash the rest was shit. it was a short encounter,

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

What, shorter than your time in the bedroom with your girlfriend? Shorter than your penis?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
first off: how dare you. second: I fuck men and women and my penis is the shortest around - nobody beats my 2 incher in a smallness contest so no - not shorter than my penis. My penis is the shortest and I take that reputation seriously.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
2 inches erect? Sounds about right. He'd better not be fucking other people though, male or female :P

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago don't like me?

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Pretty sure she meant not liking Zag’s Discord in general (or what it’s becoming) rather than you specifically.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure Mizal doesn’t like anyone. Maybe tolerates everyone at best. 

Also, you probably shouldn’t be expecting everyone to like you here. 

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I'm sure you're a very special and worthwhile individual and your mother loves you very much but as you're a noob I've only got a very limited set of information to go on here:

1.) you name yourself after Green Day lyrics
2.) your Discord name is 'RisingDragonBlade'
3.) you're writing about magical middle schoolers
4.) you complained it had been 'over an hour' and no one had yet expressed enthusiasm about the above
5.) Ford nailed up a sign in front of you labeled BAIT in large friendly letters and you instantly launched yourself at it and started gnawing like a rabid beaver, and then came here to whine. (and are still whining, as of four minutes ago)
6.) you're probably like 14

All of these things make me think I would not have made a point to go out of my way to share a chat environment with you, but Zag in his lust for quality over quantity has abandoned all good sense in the last few days.

None of this means I automatically object to sharing a forum or site with you, I'd say right now I'm tentatively shelving you on about the same level as Taco. A lot depends on whether you will continue to post the way you're posting.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

You make a good point. I'll try and prove myself to you and the others in the future by acting well.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I want you to stick around a couple of years, at least long enough to grow to loathe your username while having too much time sunk into that account to be able to bring yourself to change it.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Not gonna happen. I will love Green Day forever. I will stick around, though.

Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
We don't see @Malkalack around here much anymore, I'd love to know if he still has enough anger inside him on the subject of Green Day to respond to this.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
That Zag, he sure is a decent guy with a pretty all right Discord.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
You disrespected the gods and it has hurt your magic. I wouldn't recommend attempting any hero quests for awhile.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
fat channel up for grabs or vote for deletion in case anyone wants to weigh in :^)

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
The five people left on the server weren't enough to hold a vote on their own I see.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Ford, that was rude. I want you to apologize.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
you catholic or christian?

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Catholicism is considered Christianity, just so you know. The question you are looking for: “Are you Protestant or Catholic?”

However, I am glad that you agree that Catholics are heretics.

Just try harder next time.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
How hard do you want me to go?

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Very. <3

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
M----- Christian School <3 current guess


Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I haven’t attended an inherently Christian school in my life.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
I just started gimme a break; I said it was a guess.

Edit:: you are a very normal and boring person

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Thanks, love.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
You lead an excessively uninteresting life comparable to orange like holy fuck you're normal. How can a guy with a face like yours be so average? How have you managed to do nothing unique or out of the ordinary your whole life?

I don't meant to sound that your life is "boring" but it's extremely "typical" it's unnerving. What kind of kinks do you have? Are you a hardcore closet bible-discussion and study-meeting guy?

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I do my best to be active and open in my faith. As for kinks, I have a foot fetish.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Like Quentin Tarantino?

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

I guess? I’ve heard that he has one. But, every person has their own tastes.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago
Since this seems to be a self promoting discord sausage fest my anime discord is also open :).

We don’t talk about CYS or anything but it’s still kewl and kawaii. Just myself and my music bot.

Zag's Discord wants YOU, Random Noob!

6 years ago

Are you going to post the link, or just sit there with that deranged look on your face?