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Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

Yes that title is weird, no I don't know why I wrote it. 

Salutations everyone, it is I, your Berry King. I am of course new here and sort of excited? I came here, of course, to read and with the idea of making a CYOA of a bank robbery. I actually couldn't find one by searching so if anyone perhaps knows one, that would be great! I don't have much else to say besides have a good evening!

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
Welcome, king of the berries. I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Good luck with the story!

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

Salutations, self-proclaimed ruler of small roundish fruits. We hope you have a nice stay here at CYS. Feel free to go around and browse the forums to catch up with the latest buzz or even learn a bit about our history, which is quite... interesting...

Anyway, you should probably start going through all the good storygames, which I assume you have. Any favorites?

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

Actually the only one I've read so far is the Dead Man Walking because it was so long. I didn't go through the adventure in one day, so I split it up between 3 days. I finished yesterday! I'll probably get to reading tomorrow. 

Question (if you don't mind), is there something wrong with the search feature? I notice the search feature looks through descriptions and not titles, but sometimes that doesn't even work. I search one thing on a search engine, and it doesn't come up when using the search feature. 

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
The search feature, well, doesn't actually really work at all. So yeah, that's how that works.

Sorry about that.

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
It's OK, JJJ is fixing it!

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

Should be done by tuesday.

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
it's fixed and improved in the CYSCE. @TheBerryKing if you happen to be mildly technologically proficient and using google chrome you can take this and pick a youtube tutorial on how to use an extension not on the chrome store in order to have a fixed and improved CYS experience with great storygame search functionality.

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

You’ve lost me already @-@

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
Ought to make a new thread on that now that all the newbies are here.

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago
Really best just to browse the category you're interested in, there's a lot of little...charming quirks about the site and the search might be one of them. Never really it though.

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

I’ll make sure to look out for the little quirks 

Yellow Ammo it's a Tempo Hello

6 years ago

Oh that's right I just remembered. Will11 has an outstanding series called American Outlaw, where there's plenty of robbing and action (though not to extreme detail). It's an edutainment series, so if you don't mind learning a bit of history along the way, you should probably check it out.

Yellow Ammonia is Tempored Hollow

6 years ago