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Taking a little break

3 years ago
Okay so I'm not actually LEAVING or anything, because I have a severe addiction. But due to extreme business, for a little while going forward you will probably see me logged in less often and around the forum a lot less. And I'm just giving up on replying to PMs altogether for now. (Sorry to the couple of you still waiting on plot suggestions in particular, but it's actually a lot faster to just make a thread, and I think you will find I don't really have a lot of unique writing advice to give that you couldn't get quicker from multiple other people.)

I'll still read everything, I just have major commitment problems and so will not make any promises in regards to replying or participating in anything for awhile. Hell there's still a couple threads I planned to make months ago which at this point may never materialize, and updates to the Skybreak LP I expected to get around to by now...

There's still a couple of promised reviews I'm going to do, and I'll still post in the Blacksmith thread over this next week, but I can feel my brain actively turning to mush and after this I need to focus more and screw around on the internet less, and figure out how to get enough sleep before anything else.

Just as an aside, if a nursing home ever tries to hire you "part time" for "a couple of days a week" in any position whatsoever, run the FUCK away, it's a trap.

Taking a little break

3 years ago

I personally really enjoyed the Skybreak thread, so I hope you don't postpone it indefinitely!

Taking a little break

3 years ago

You deserve a rest for everything you do here. Enjoying things is great, but not with an overheating brain. Hope your break will make you feel better ^^

Taking a little break

3 years ago

I hope that this break will help you feel better! You definitely deserve it for everything that you do for this site, you genuinely make it a more fun place to hang out in. I will also be taking a break from the site for other reasons of my own, but I hope that you can continue threads like the skybreak one in the future, I was really enjoying that. Hope you feel better soon!

( If this post has lots of grammar issues I apologize, I am writing this on an iPad) 

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Hope things pan out for ya soon.

I'm still limited to my cell phone after a nightmare move from hell. Plan to finally have internet next week though and will be getting back to writing on Legacy of Dracula's Castle soon.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
I know exactly how that feels -- I hope you quickly find a way to manage, balance, and coordinate everything in your favor! Take care!

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Balance and coordinate, haha. Hahaha. Haaah. Well I got home a little while ago and feel technically still alive, but I'm going to bed immediately in pursuit of that damn near mythical five hours of sleep, a ritual that I hear is a such a big help and the reason other humans can brain think good in cpherent worsds on screen.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Yeesh, I get seven hours* and I'll still always tired. Sleep is important, there's already a billion studies on how everyone in our society is mentally fucked due to the lack of it.

*less today, I am experiencing belated Father's Day fish murder bonding time this morning.

Taking a little break

3 years ago

Sorry to hear that mizal, I hope you're able to get back to doing what you want soon. You've been a big help to me and I appreciate how you always find time to answer questions, but you should take some time for yourself until you feel better. 

Taking a little break

3 years ago

I'm a caregiver so I have some idea what you must be going through, although I'm at least spared the bureaucracy that looms over you. Best of luck. 

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Nothing I do is particularly difficult, most of the problems are just in juggling it with my original job, after the hours I was actually hired to work at the second one were almost immediately doubled. And it seems to be going from a temporary situation to an indefinite one, with us still shorthanded enough that even if I wanted to quit I can't extricate myself from this without being a massive asshole.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Well I seem to have jinxed us by making this thread, as I found out yesterday another person will be leaving in a week.

I'm just glad I live in a capitalist society where more demand equals more money and also being able to feel good about not leaving the cool people you're working with in a desperate state, instead of a communist one where you just dig mass graves all day for free.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
So I did some masterful negotiation that might even allow me to start writing again.

Starting next week, I go to the second job seven days a week, BUT, I can go in a couple hours later, which means obliterating the useless mandatory break that I hate and making everything so much calmer in the morning.

It's all the rushing around that wears me out, having to hurry through the morning job and always be playing catch up there, then going home to quickly change and take care of the dogs and rush out the door again to barely be on time at the other. Now I can use that extra two hours to take a nap or make a nice breakfast or read and chill a little while. And things won't pile up around the house so much.

I have a "half day" today, meaning I'm only working seven hours, but I have to use a couple this morning to catch up on stuff at the other job I'm supposed to be off from that I didn't have time for yesterday. Also, this morning I injured myself by sleeping late. This schedule is clearly not working.

But this thread had been really sweet, thank you guys for all the well wishes, I should have posted for attention like this a long time ago.

Taking a little break

3 years ago

Get some fresh air and some sunshine and remember that all of this is just silly nonsense, even if it does mean something.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Oh yeah this guy lol. Well he sure amounted to nothing.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Quitting the evening job October 1st, this is the most ghetto operation I've ever been a part of and the hours are intolerable. They'll also never be able to hire anyone to fix it when they suck this bad and can't even compete with starting wages at freakin Walmart anymore.

I'm gonna chill at home all afternoon and be poor and watch the world burn. And do reviews.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
Well, at least you'll be able to keep yourself entertained for cheap, what between here and your 7 billion games on steam that you haven't played.

Taking a little break

3 years ago
We love you