
Forums » Creative Corner » Read Thread

Take part in collaborative works, share your short stories, poems, original artwork and more.


one month ago
You, Suranna. I challenge you to a blood filled sport of wit and skill. Fight me, in the THUNDERDOME. And may Calliope give you strength. @Suranna


one month ago

Man of verse, I hear your call. So I warn you, profligate, that the journey you are about to take will not be under moonlit skies. Do you still dare to traverse my hold even when you know that your undoing will be under thine own inflictions?


one month ago
I think the fair yet naive maiden does not understand. I am not locked inside this place with you. You are locked in with me. There will be no undoing but your own.


one month ago

Settle down Rorschach, all I see on your face are images of my parents fighting. I'll accept your duel, just keep that creepy mask away from me!


one month ago
You hide behind childish insults, but you know you will lose. I am death for your writing career, you’re Drake, and I’m Kendrick motherfucking Lamar. I’m just like that.


one month ago
I've got a dog in this race


one month ago

*grabs the popcorn*


one month ago
Lotta gay LARPing in this thread but I'm actually in the mood for some sci fi.

Your story must take place on a newly colonized planet and revolve around at least two of the following:

- warring ideologies
- treachery
- voracious fungus
- a sentient planet
- psionic weaponry
- a zealot
- a capitalist
- a communist
- a humanitarian
- a treehugger
- an unethical scientist
- the head of a junta

Bonus points if you zoomers figure out the fanfic I'm actually looking for. (Nobody tell them.)

Usual rules: 2000 words or less, send it to me when you're done and I'll post anonymously for voting. You have until midnight CDT on Tuesday.


one month ago


one month ago

*monkey noises*


one month ago
As long as I don't have to...

oh, crap. You're going to expect people to read these, aren't you?


one month ago
Might be better without you reading them, might hurt yourself thinking.


one month ago
Well I'm sure not gonna do it. I give myself the roll of chief copy and paster in these for a reason.


one month ago
I've received many, many wrong guesses on this.


one month ago
Are you guys going to finish this?


one month ago
Do you want a real answer?


one month ago
*raises hand* I can answer this one!


one month ago

You are both really tempting fate right now.


one month ago
I got an hour and a half, a story's gotta take their time getting pretty.


one month ago

I finished. I'm just taking my time to fine-tune it.


one month ago
Did Suranna submit her thing?


one month ago
Voting thread will be up when I get home, probably soon.