Lots of people apparently log on to the site, play some game, give it a low rating and don't leave comments. There's nothing more frustrating for a writer than amassing ratings without criticism, praise, pointers, etc. I think everyone should have to leave a comment, or they can't rate the game. This could lead to people typing "asdf" into the comment box, but it would certainly be better than now.
Also, if a person isn't logged in as an active user, they should only be able to play each story once from the IP they're at. Otherwise, they could amass multiple anonymous ratings. Sometimes I think that is happening here.
remember the mods can delete stupid remarks on games. just tell one of the mods and they will delete it for you.
This must be implemented !!!! :)
btw, choco, is it Inedo, or HiddenNetwork, that you guys are working on?or a completely new/different business?
Right now were working under the title Inedo , and thats what Hidden Network falls under, and the dailywtf.com. I'm hoping to have a comic coming out called mandatory fun day on that particular site- which will eventualy be called something else because wtf gets filtered by employers filter systems. Halogen Studios might become out think tank aka group that plans on taking over the world, or atleast open up a gaming store.
I'll leave it at that because I've frayed from the topic, but I am glad you asked because I always enjoy taliking about myself.
I will talk to alex tomorrow about the force comments suggestion though
That's great to hear!!!!!!!!! :D
halogen studios taking over the world, eh? :P
Forcing to leave ratings sounds great! If you write an awesome game and everyone loves it, but someone just doesn't like you so they rate it a 1 and don't leave a comment, that just ain't right! I bet it's happened though... Biast is an adjective that I hope would not describe anyone on this site.
the only problem here POP, is this:
you make a game. Person X hates you for some reason or another, so they play your game and rate it a one. then they must leave a comment so they either leave a vulger insult, or total nonsense like "oeufegrkr3iu". which they know both of which would be deleted. therefore, you still end up with a bad rating, and no comment to compare it to. a paradox i must say.
oh, i think i got it!! if a comment gets deleted for some reason or another, so should the rating! what do you guys and gals think of that idea? although, im not sure ratings can disappear that easily... hmmm. well, atleast we are getting closer to a solution.
It seems to me that some people just like to rate things 1 because they think it's funny to be mean, or because they think the story is overrated. I know a few people like that-- they really think it's a 4-5, but because so many people are calling it a 7-8, they give it a 1 just to make a point.
This needs to happen.
Also btw, rating it a 1 wont do anything if its a 7 or an 8 :)
Let me tell you right now Silver.. There is no way to get the amazing writers without getting loads of crappy ones.
I wish...
i havent read much of this thread so i odnt know if it was already addressed but what baout someone who leaves "good game" or "yay i win!"
is that for the mods to delete then?
actually alex should just put in a character minimum, nevermind
Read the thread. Nate addresses that.
Yeah, mines static.
Ohkay, so how do internet signs ban you based on IP?
And there is a way for a site to request to the ISP to ban your internet address. But im sure it has to be on severe terms, and usually if its for spam and stuff, your ISP itself issues an email to you to stop what you are doing or you will face legal action.
For the record it is illegal in Canada to upload illegal content, but feel free to download. If you upload your games or somethgn to some host site, ive actually with my own eyes seen the letter that Bell (im with bell and my friend who did this is with Bell) sends you saying if you do it once more you will be charged.
It was accepted 1 1/2 years ago, and I'm still holding out hope for it.
Don't hold your breath, bro. Look what happened to tsmpaul!
God! this is a freaking great idea! is there a way for an admin to remove a mass of low anonymouse ratings?
should that be added to the wishing well or is it allready there?
Even if there are jokesters, it just isn't being honest here. Really old thread btw.
still relevent
Damn, 5 years have passed. I was in my early thirties when I suggested this. :(
Wow I'm suprised that this feature has not been implemented have all that time. It really is a great idea though, and so is posting the rating with the comment
We could just make it so you have to play through the story twice with an account to leave a comment.
I think the current system works well enough.
We need this more than ever now... please... please!
Just re-iterating my support for this idea now that the FWW has been cleared out. If you leave a 1 or 2 rating (or even just a rating below the site average) you should be forced to leave a comment in order for that rating to count.
qwl;fnwe;l knawe; lfknaew ;flkaen f;alken f;aeklnfae; fkla;e fklane
There, I just left a forced comment. I started a new thread with a modified idea -- Display Ratings with Comments
The only problem with fixing forced comments with the suggestion in that new thread is that you'll have all the people who rated the storygame appropriately leaving comments and having their ratings displayed and no comments (with ratings displayed) being left by the people who rated a good storygame a 1 for no (known) reason.
Once your "show rating with comment" idea is implemented, we could implement madglee's idea too and have it so that when you delete a useless comment (like your forced comment above) it deletes the rating along with it.
I like October's idea. I think that it's a great solution to the low ratings that are given to stories for no apparent reason.
Definitely. It forces someone who rates a storygame a 1 or 2 to tell the author why the story was bad. If the story was deserving of that rating, there will be valuable constructive criticism for the author to work on. If there wasn't a reason for the bad rating (which would be the case for most trolls), then the comment will show that, and upon deletion the rating will disappear too.
But the problem with that plan is if the author might not agree with your reason for rating it low. So they erase to keep there rating high and/or ignore the person's complaint.
Authors currently can't delete comments on their own storygames. If ratings were to be attached to comments then authors definitely shouldn't be given the ability to delete comments from their own storygames.
I don't really like this idea. While it's true most games get many undeserved 1s and 2s, storygames usually get the average rating they deserve in the end anyways. Forcing a comment wouldn't fix that at all.
I think storing the IPs privately and removing those that are obviously just spamming low ratings from the average rating discretely would be a good idea though.
No need to comment on a storygame that you really liked. But if you're going to be negative, you should help the author by giving them criticism. In addition, we should link ratings to comments. Those two things would reduce trolling.