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17 years ago

Hi everyone :) Here's some advertising. Hope it's okay to advertise on this website, it's related to interactive stories, anyhow...

25th April 2007


Gamebooks are novels in which the reader is able to influence the events, and even the ending, of the story. Stemming from an imaginative storyteller who entertained Charlemagne in 778 AD, these interactive stories developed into the famous Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books that reached popular culture in the 1980's.

By 1984, more than 3000 Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style books had been published. Joe Dever's "Lone Wolf" was a highly popular gamebook series in the mid 80's, selling more than 9 million copies worldwide.

Unfortunately, concerned parents and some church leaders believed that the contents of many such books were overly violent, and a bad influence on children and teenage readers. As a result, sales plummeted, some books were even burned, and rising authors were out of a job. Many fans of interactive fiction turned to role playing and computer games.

In recent years, there has been a growing revival in interactive fiction, with reprints of books originally published during the late 70's and 80's on the rise. In 2005 there was a relaunch of classic Choose-Your-Own-Adventure titles by R.A. Montgomery, Shannon Gilligan, and Jay Leibold, with revised text and new artwork.

While many gamebooks sold today are reprints of previously published titles, first-time Australian author Paul Turner is writing a new series. Unlike most gamebooks, which deal with classic fantasy 'swords and sorcery' themes, Mr. Turner's books are set in the distant future, with massive starships travelling through hyperspace, teleportation devices, hand-held laser blasters, and strange alien races.

Mr. Turner's first book, "Ulysses: The Pegasi Incident", will be available for purchase early in May of this year, through online publisher He is currently working on the second book in the series, which is expected to be published later this year.

Hi everyone :)

This is a Press Release I've been working on. I borrowed some information from the History of CYOA in the FAQ on this website. For those who don't know, I've been editing, revising, and expanding the "Ulysses: Episode One" story on this website, into a paperback gamebook, along the lines of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book. I've finally finished the book. It's a 6" x 9" paperback, 220 pages long, with 170 story sections, and 12 endings.

I plan to unpublish "Ulysses: Episode One" tomorrow, and I'll change the text on each page in the game, so that it matches the text in my book, then republish it. However, the web-playable story on this website is only the first two third's of the book, so if you like it, and want to get to the end of the first story, you'll have to buy my book :) I thought that two thirds of the book would be a good sized demo.

I know my stories aren't as amazing as Joe Dever, Steve Jackson or Ian Livingston's famous works, but it's my first attempt at writing a book, and I think my writing will develop as I write the rest of the series. Since I am unsure as to how new gamebooks would be recieved in the wider market, I have opted to self-publish the first book through an online print-on-demand company. This means you won't find this book in bookstores, but will have to order it through my online shopfront.

However, if I find it sells well enough, and people seem to like it, I will broaden distribution for my books to online bookstores, like Borders,, etc. That also means that if someone went to a major bookstore, they could get the shop to order the book in for them, rather than purchasing it over the internet. However, I will not go that path unless it seems commercially viable, as it all costs money :) I'm trying to make sure that after all my publishing and advertising costs, I might actually make some money, and not just cover the cost of making the book.

The book should price at:

US$12.68     AU$15.30     CAD$14.22

However, you've got to pay your own postage and handling. I wish the P&H costs were a cheaper, but I have no control over that. I've calculated AU and CAD prices using an online currency converter using today's exchange rates. (for anyone who's interested) There's an Express option as well, but it costs a lot, and only works inside of America, so I wouldn't use it. I just use the Economy.

Economy: US$10.75     AU$12.97     CAD$12.05
Standard: US$20.74     AU$25.01     CAD$23.26

Here's the blurb from the back of the book:


The humans aboard Pegasi Station have fallen strangely ill. This sickness seems only to be affecting humans, and so far none of the other species working aboard the station have showed symptoms.

High Command fears it could be the initial testing of a new bio-weapon designed to target humanity!

This gamebook adventure lets YOU decide how the crew of the starship Ulysses will respond to the mysteries - and dangers - that they face, for there is more at play than this medical emergency: perhaps hostile aliens, starship battles, and a conspiracy to shatter the Federation of Worlds, awaits you in...


I'm planning for it to go up for sale on the 10th of May, but it might take as long as 20th of May if there are any delays. As homage to ChooseYourStory.Com, I've listed this website in my book's dedication page! Thanks to this site and members for reminding me how much I enjoyed interactive fiction :)

- Paul Turner (tsmpaul)


17 years ago

thats sweet dude. congrats.



17 years ago
Nice job. Where's it getting published from though? I'll just go pick it up from a bookstore when I visit my uncle (he lives around where you do I think), if you decide to put it in a bookstore or something. See if you can get it into the bookstores, because then people wouldn't have to look online for it, anybody walking through could see it and be interested. - You're probably already doing that though, silly me.

Anyhow, great idea to publish it, and good luck.


17 years ago

oh my God are you serious? Dude, that's awesome. Go tsmpaul!!!





17 years ago
Wow, cool.


17 years ago
man, this is not just awesome but, SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME! TM,  congratulations.


17 years ago


It's getting published in America. It was hard finding any publishers interested in gamebooks, let alone a first time author without paper credentials. After reading up on the net, and reading what numerous other authors had to say, I decided to go into self publishing for my first book. The issue with self publishing is that you don't have a major publishing house backing you up, marketing you, and paying for stuff. With most publishing, lots of copies of the book get created, and placed in a warehouse, and then bookstores can order books from the warehouse. If they don't sell, the bookstore can return the books to the warehouse, and they get a refund. When self publishing, I don't have the money to cover stuff like that, so, I'm going with Print On Demand, which means, when someone orders your book, the self publishing company produces a copy of the book for them, and mails it off to them. That way, there's never left over books, and books are only made when they are sold, so you can't lose money. Doing this also means, though, that there is only a small discount when bulk buying. Bookstores that bulk buy usually get a bigger discount, which encourages them to stock books on their shelves, so with Print On Demand, bookstores aren't very likely to order copies of the book, unless it is a bestseller - and you can't become a bestseller without already having sold lots of books. So, I'm beginning with only online ordering of the book, and after a month if seeing how it goes, I might then attach an ISBN number to it, and broaden its distribution to online bookstores like Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc. When I do that, bookstores that have an online store will list it in their online store, and if it is popular, they may then buy some copies to put on their physical shelves - but it will always be up to them as to whether they think it's commercially viable for them to have physical copies on their shelves or not. I'll just have to wait and see :)

To give an idea, going with online ordering, Print On Demand, or going with hardcopies in warehouse waiting for distribution, with an ISBN, can be a difference of many thousands of dollars - so I'm going with what's easily affordable to begin with, and if I make any money, moving on from there.


17 years ago

I might pick up a copy.


17 years ago
omg, im gonna get this book!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!! LOL just, i gotta recognize it, could u like send me the exact title (so i can search it on Indigo) lol or is the title same as here/??


17 years ago


It's not up for sale till around the 10th of next month. I'm currently making an official website, which will have purchase links to the shop where it can be ordered, as well as other stuff. The title will be "Ulysses: The Pegasi Incident".


17 years ago

ahhh "...Mr. Turner's first book, "Ulysses: The Pegasi Incident", will be available for purchase early in May of this year..." maybe i should read more carefully lol.

make sure to post a link when the site is ready :D


17 years ago


You're welcome to look at my website-in-progress, at


17 years ago
Well, this is just awesome! Not surprising though, your matarial was bound to be purchasable in someway, you're an excellent writer, and this book is going to prove it! Good job!


17 years ago
Great!!!! the site looks really good! I also like the little bars that light up green on the links bar when you are at that specific page... just nice to see those little details...


17 years ago

I just registered at your site, but I never use that e-mail address (someone else set it up for me and gave it the name), so I can't remember the password.  Until I do... well, I'm kind of stuck....


17 years ago
If "Mr. Turner" isn't too busy, he can go into administration and change your password for you and email it to you.


17 years ago
I meant my e-mail password.  I never use e-mail.


17 years ago

Hi guys! Looked like I jumped the gun a bit, announcing my book. I thought it would be ready, but due to delays, it won't be out until late June, or early July 2007!

However, those who have been chatting about all this with me will have noticed lots of changes in estimated release date over the last few months. Luckily, I'm learning all the ins and outs of self publishing and marketing while working on my first book, so when I go to publish any other books, I'll know what to do and won't keep running into problems!

Anhow, I'll make sure to post when that time comes... On another note, I've decided I'll probably get an ISBN number before I release it, and make the book available for any bookstores or libraries that wish to order it. (It's up to them whether they want to stock your book or not)


17 years ago
Wow. Actually PUBLISHED!? Nice! It will be out just in time to compete with Harry Potter (Jul. 21st)...


17 years ago
You need to distrubute it to Britain! There are hundreds of publishers intrested in gamebooks over here!