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Pedophile questions

11 years ago

So, I know that if someone over 18 sleeps with someone who's under 18 in US, it's statuaotory rape, but what would they so if 2 people under 18 were sleeping with each other?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Effing normal man

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

So you're saying that if two 14 year olds are sleeping together people are going to be fine with it? It's not against the law?

i call bull

Pedophile questions

11 years ago


It's really fucking weird, and it's something I have a huge issue with.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

You have an issue with it being socially/legally acceptable for teenagers to have coitus with one another? Why? Which one of them should have the right to go to the police and have the other one arrested and prosecuted for their consensual sexual encounter?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Last I checked people who are arrested for statuary rape are rarely sold out by the person they have sex with lol. We're sending the message that:

A) People who are under the age of consent cannot legally make the decision to have sex, thus if they're with someone older than them, that older person is taking advantage of their underdeveloped mind.

B) But if you're both under aged it's cool, because two people who are the same age (who both have underdeveloped minds) can't possible take advantage of each other. Nothing could possibly go wrong with two people performing an act that could forever change their lives, especially when we consider them at an age where they aren't old enough to make their own decisions.

Logic that is so warped, the only reason it exists is because people are too afraid of being against it because they instantly are given the social stigma of being a pedophile or being cool with pedophilia (cause remember, to most people all encounters with those under 18 IS pedophilia).

Or, it exists because people think those under 18 should have the freedom to make these choices themselves....while also not considering them legally old enough to make said choices to being with.

Feel free to point out how any of this makes any sense at all.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Merica says so...

^Not logic or myself

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

You're right in that none of this makes sense. The entire "age of consent" concept is rendered logically inconsistant if it is permissible for two individuals under the age of consent to have sex with each other. On the other hand, it's equally as ridiculous to punish that sort of behavior, or consensual sex between a minor and an adult, for that matter - as you stated, "people who are arrested for statutory rape are rarely sold out by the person they have sex with lol." That sounds like a victimless crime to me.

The way I see it, the reasonable solution is to abolish the age of consent and acknowledge that if a person is old enough to want to have sex, then that person shall be deemed capable of making the decision to do so. (If the person in question is in reality too foolish to make reasonable decisions regarding sex, then that's their problem, and they probably would behave equally as irresponsibly regardless of what the law is).

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Did someone say foolish government conspiracy to control our lives?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Well, not explicitly, yet. I was just getting to that part...

It's really quite simple. By making crimes out of carefully chosen non-problems - particularly those which can be associated with actual problems (such as the way statutory rape can be considered somewhat related to pedophilia while in reality being something infinitely more benign) - governments are able to facilitate a popular image of themselves as providing more services/stability than they actually do. This serves to decrease opposition to the gradual expansion of governmental authority worldwide by fostering a false sense of indebtedness in certain individuals who actually derive little benefit from the initiatives of their governments.

However, I certainly wouldn't characterize the conspiracy as "foolish." Far from it! It's working so well, in fact, that all of you kool-aid imbibers are probably about to denounce this revelation as the ramblings of some sort of loon!

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
No because people do that already

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

What about if one person is 17 and the other is 18. I've always wondered if that was illegal. Does anybody know?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Yes legal why?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago


Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Well that was completely uncalled for but I have to give you props bro on the timing

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

-.- wow. I'm 15 guys calm down. I was just curious. 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Yeah and I'm a fish it could be a lie. Just sayin' not implying anything.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure this isn't them hitting on you lol.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Yeah apparently we aren't ;)

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

I'm pretty sure she understood that, she just wasn't pleased by the implication that she wanted to find out so she could have sex with her potential 18/17 year old boyfriend 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Yes I think we may have crossed some sort of line.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Oh please, this is the Internet, lines are brought to the Internet just to be crossed

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
True I just think we may have offended the only female on this thread.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Now wait, let's not make assumptions (you're probably right), loon might be a girl, he/she has made no indication to it's probable gender, neither has killa. Hell I haven't specified my gender either. I mean, I'm definitely a guy but I still haven't specified it until now

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Well I doubt Killa's a girl and I haven't spoken to loon at all

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

The truth is, I'm actually a geisha.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

this is such a weird convo really guys?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Yes you have. And I'm done for the night except for forum games. 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
No Lexi don't leave we are sorry we are just playing around. Right drak?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Sorry Lexi (sends over little baby wolf in a blanket as an apology, the wolf has a letter that says "pweaze forgive me")

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
(Oh that's adorable) what do ya say Lexi do you forgive us?

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
I do believe we made her leave

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

I do believe that she was offline and therefore didn't get that message

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Plausibly quite plausibly

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Drakilian I think she might kill us.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

I'm not going to kill you :P and I was doing dishes. 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Ok I was really scared cuz there was a howl outside my window a few seconds ago.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Hagahahahaha great timing. 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago
Nuh uh bad timing just about had to change my pants. Man that was sketchy as heck.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

I think it varies from state to state. I could be wrong, but I believe there could potentially be legal ramifications brought on as a result of two minors having sex, but they would certainly be rare.  The thing that I find interesting is that I'm pretty sure there have been cases of minors having nude pictures of their 15-16 year old girlfriends and being charged with possession of child pornography, which I find to be a little silly.

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Just read the whole thread...


Pedophile questions

11 years ago

Better not be laughing at me haha. 

Pedophile questions

11 years ago

There's nothing illegal about two minors fucking. The weird thing, as noted above, is that if I was, say, 17, and fucking my 15 year old girlfriend, then took iPhone pics of her, and turned 18, I would become a rapist. Very strange.

I'm 39 now, god knows how, and luckily cell phones didn't even exist in the teens.

I like how people use the word "offended." There is no such thing.