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standards in cyos

5 months ago
when i joined i got a big long message. that said you have to have good grammar,pace,and story.i was like "that make sense" but then i looked across the site and i found tons of short ,weird pace, random stories.does the admin ever crack down on this stuff?i'm new so i don't really know

standards in cyos

5 months ago

Stories (typically) get taken down if they suck, but they'll stay up for a little while. Otherwise, just try to write well. Some things can be overlooked if other things make up for it, y'know?


standards in cyos

5 months ago

standards in cyos

5 months ago

You could start by capitalizing the first letters of your sentences. ^_^

standards in cyos

5 months ago
sorry.I will try to do better

standards in cyos

5 months ago

That "sorry" was not capitalized. You have invoked the wrath of the Grammar Nazi! Hang your head in shame!

standards in cyos

5 months ago
NOOOOOOO.I am shamed for all eternity.By the way i really liked your story Price of Freedom:Innocence Lost.I can't wait for the sequel

standards in cyos

5 months ago

Thank you! And that sequel is totally definitely coming out... Any day now... Yep... >.>

standards in cyos

5 months ago

The technical reason is that stories get automatically unpublished if they have more than 10 ratings and fall below a certain ratings level (I think it's 2.5). A lot of the really random stories still up are from the early 2000s and 2010s, when people were a lot more generous with their ratings. If they got published today, many of them wouldn't survive current standards. Also, there's no quality control on unpublished stories, which anyone can read if they're made public.

standards in cyos

5 months ago

Good evening, 

Upon review, it seems that you're likely too retarded to write a story. Consider roping. Hope this helps! 

CYS Moderation Staff 

standards in cyos

5 months ago