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Good Day,

5 months ago
Ladies, gentlemen, how is everyone?

Good Day,

5 months ago
Everyone died sorry

Good Day,

5 months ago
Some of them got up again, and began to sort of shuffle around making weird noises and trying to mimic what they did on the site in life: nothing really.

Good Day,

5 months ago

Some are also writing long lines of text with broken sticks and charcoal, or at least what you hope is charcoal.

Good Day,

5 months ago

This is funnier when I look at it like you're replying to a letter, with the subject box as the salutation:

Good day, 

  Everyone died sorry

Good Day,

5 months ago

Do you wish me a good day, or mean that it is a good day whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this day; or that it is a day to be good on?

Good Day,

5 months ago
Please don't ask how everyone is doing after assuming they're having a good day. Thank you for assuming and asking though; it was very kind of you.