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Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Hey, I'm new! Can't wait to write a story on here. Anyone got any ideas for me to start with?

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Well New, Welcome.

If you are looking for ideas on a story to begin reading, I would recommend looking at the featured or top rated lists and picking something that looks interesting to you.

If you are looking for ideas on something to write, well... I will just not comment on that.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Hey there, 

Often, when people join the site, they feel the need to publish something right away. Sometimes what they publish is sub-standard, because they rush to get it out the door. 

When you do make a storygame, I recommend you take your time. Make sure it has a branching plot and is long enough to have real substance. 

Enjoy the site. 

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Noted. Thanks for your help!

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Y'know, often when people ask for "ideas on what to write" they get scoffed at for not having their own. But I'm bucking that trend: you should write a short story (2000 words or less) about a newly arrived colonist on an alien planet, and post it in the Creative Corner.

Easy low pressure way to prove your writing chops and get immediate feedback.

As for reading, it might depend on what genre you're into, but what DB said is about right. And if you find anything you particularly like on the main storygames page, maybe leave a quick comment to let the author know.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Oh, and if you're browsing on PC, installing the site extension will let you toggle on dark mode and some other options for improving the site. It's here in Brad's profile:

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Nice! I'll try that idea next.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Welcome to the site! Feel free to take a look around, and familiarize yourself with some of the storygames here. You can pretty much write about whatever you want, as long it is decent (Meaning SFW or otherwise, but even that can be stretched within reason). If you want some ideas, maybe try a random prompt generator? Asking for others to do work for you is pretty frowned upon here on the site.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Yeah that makes sense. Thanks!

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Go back to AO3 for your lime degeneracy shit.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Welcome to the site.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Hello, welcome to the site! There's a lot of great stories here, and I would highly recommend reading those first to get an idea of the standards here. The others here have given some good advice. You're new here, so just enjoy the site, rate and comment on some games and take your time with your writing process :)

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago

Hi! Welcome to the site!

I think that a lot of writing is basically, 'write what you know.' For me, it's more, 'write what you enjoy reading, or what you want to reat.' Speaking from experience, though, I'd advise not starting off with something really complicated. That's a trap I've fallen into multiple times, and why I only have one finished (not great) storygame and a multitude of started ones that will likely never be completed.

Hey! Just a girl lookin' for something to read

4 months ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here.