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Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

We realize that we've been vague about getting your "own personal trophy" so we are going to set down the "guidelines" for how you go about getting a trophy.  This is how you do it:

1.  You need to have more than 1250 points.  This ensures that you have points from a variety of different places: most importantly from featured games. 

2. A history of at least three featured games or one contest winning game.  If you have three featured games, they don't all need to be featured at the same time. 

3. You must have acquired at least half of the "personal" trophies on the site (rounding up) - these currently belong to 3 admins and 5 members.  One of the trophies acquired must either be from an admin or from the person with the highest points on the site (currently JJJ).  Since there are currently 8 trophies available - you will need four to get your own trophy.  As the number of trophies available increases, so to will the number you need to obtain to get your own trophy.

These "guidelines" are subject to change at our whim.  We may also over-ride these rules completely if we feel somebody has done something extraordinary.  If you feel that you have met these criteria, PM an admin.  Nate has placed these guidelines in an article for us.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
There goes my chances. I'm not close to any of those. lol

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

ok, i just wrote the article. one of the mods or admins needs to look it over and accept it before others can see it.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Read, edited and accepted! Nice job Nate!!! I wanted to put the quote from pirates of the caribean where the girl is like, 'i thought we had a deal, the rules for parley" blah blah, "well, the rules are more like guidlines, anyways" something along that context lol... anyways, good job! and btw, i love the requirements!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

crap, now I won't get one.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
honestly tho, it shouldnt be based on points, it should be based on ALL other factors (cuz im too lazy to re-iterate them, i will just say ALL other factors)!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Hmmm, so I need to get either alex, march, choco, or jjj's trophy and one other trophy. (And 17 more points, but that's easy.)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Can having your game in honourable mentions count as a contest win?


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

"those looking for an easy way to these guidelines will not be rewarded."

Oh shit! Please forget that I posted that last post!


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Hey, if you are co-authoring a game and it gets featured, that counts for the 3 game thing, right? I am writing a lot of it...


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
A very smart idea. I was getting very annoyed at the fact that people would be able to get their own trophies so quickly, so I like your ideas.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

This is phenomenal


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Oh, and also, if their are 9 trophies available, or any uneven number, does the amount of trophies you need get rounded up or down?

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Ouch. No way I'm getting all those featured games and trophies soon. Maybe points, but not the other stuff...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Up. He said that.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Oops. Must've missed that. I'm guessing Havacoman's trophy still counts.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

yep - for now.  It may be that we'll eliminate trophies due to inactivity in time, but for now half doesn't seem unreasonable.  Good luck to all of you!


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

I say we take away his mod powers, crush his trophy, and eat his brains.

Naw, just kidding.  I think all inactive trophies should become rusty.  So its obvious.  But if the person signs on, then they go back to gold or silver.  Hold on I'll go post in the FWW.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

I think my own trophy isn't as far away as I think it is. I'm hoping that Assassin, Dead End, and possibly To Hell and Back will be featured. After that I will be really close to 1250 points, and I will probably get a few people's trophies if all 3 get featured.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Dont count your eggs before they hatch.  Believe me.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

yeah, I know, i'm just hoping for it. I always hope for the best and expect the worst.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
So I wonder what I'll put on MY trophy...  HMm... Maybe a sword...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

YOUR trophy suddenly got a lot more valuable JJJ.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Thanks to you :)

However Nate is gaining ground fast.  Same with Tsmpaul.  I wish I was a dueling whiz like Nate :).  Oh well hopefully another 100 point soon.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

It's too bad that your trophy looks less like a sword (to me) and more like a lightning bug!  (lol!)


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
well, you know mine is sacred, eh, its... the maple leaf!! actually, i think it does look like a sword, and i think it looks cool.... whats a lighnting bug anyways???

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
lol i thought you were linking to the show :D

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
ahh, naw i sitll think that jjj's looks like the sword... and not that bug...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
and btw, i call it firefly, so thats why i didnt get the word association lol "lightning" :P

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I thought JJJ's trophy looked more like a pencil rather than a sword lol.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

me and my girlfriend went to Elkmont Tn on sunday. at nite, for 2 weeks the fireflys (lightning bugs) all flash at the same time. its actully pretty awesome. i really liked it.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I've seen that phenomenon as well.  Its amazing.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Okay, let's see.

I have 4 trophies. When I've made the MySpace page I'll have five, then I'll have 5. I have three games currently featured, and 4 in my 'feature total'.

Once I've made the MySpace page, I should have 1149 points. Then I'll have to do some big thing. I'm hoping that my current Zombie game could get featured. Shouldn't be hard, those two other zombie games in the sci-fi section just plain suck :)

Damn, then I'll STILL be on only 1249 points.

I'll have to rate a game I suppose... I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to do that, but we all gotta work for these things...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
jsut get a daily free point...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
daily point - thanks for reminding me! I keep forgetting :)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I havnt used it in forever...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
i use it when i remember too, which reminds me.... lol

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Good idea :)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Dammit, the points race got a whole lot more serious-and I'm losing! i mean come on, I haven't a snowflake's chance in hell of getting 3 games featured, 1250 pts, and especially half the personal trophies until next year or so...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Next year? Don't get ahead of yourself :P (Kidding)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

I think it's a good idea.  

Personally, sure, now I have to get two more trophies, one of which is an admin or jjj, and I have no idea how I'm gonna do that. . .   but-

Trophies should be rare and hard to get.  That's what gives them prestige.  If most of the site members have their own trophy, it doesn't mean as much- to have one or to get one from someone else. 

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
1,000% Agreement with Seth.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Yep. I felt very happy to be the "first" to get their member trophy. Obviously, first came after several before me, but since that's been 3 years of only them having one, I felt quite good.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
you should have felt very happy, it deserved it!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Argh, it's going to take me forever to just reach the first requirement!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
no dude its easy.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

I've only been a member since 9/30/2006- and I'm seven points away from 1250.  300 points from featured games, 100 points from winning a contest, over 400 points from rating games, and about 200 daily points. 

JJJ's right- it's fairly easy to get a high point total.  You just have to be active on the site.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I Wish I was smart enough to use daily points.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Ah! I forgot again. Time to click the daily point!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
300 more poitns adn you've got a trophy, Paul.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Hey, now all I need is for someone else to give me their trophy- hint, hint.  ;)

This will be especially hard, since whoever gives me their trophy next will essentially be giving me my personal trophy (according to the new rules.)

Have:  JJJ, nate, solo

Let's see, what are my prospects. . .

alexp -- not likely, have no idea how to get this one

march -- not likely, has been previously stated as very hard to get, although he did mention a possible contest

chocobot -- not likely, no idea how to get it

madglee -- again, previously stated as very hard to get

havacoman -- not active

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Your best bet:

Chocobot, March, madglee. (Alex is easier but hes not very active)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
well, i wanna make it clear now that id rather have given you your trophy for your beautiful wriitng and wonderful stories instead of the stupid scavenger hunt thingy, but anyways, march did say that he would give a trophy to the person who made a good dinosaur game with pictures from qwantz or w/e...

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago


The dino thing :)

But yeah I agree.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
ah crap!  If anyone ACTUALLY tries to do this, PM me before you give it a go.  Make sure you completely understand what I want in that game.  (honestly the only person who could actually make it what I want would be the guy who writes the strip - and he won't come to the site!)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I could do it. (But I wont :D)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
naw, i dont want to do it, i got my own games to worry about LOL!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Im burnt out. 200 pages in 7 days.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
and what does this have to do with 'Your Personal Trophy"

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

"naw, i dont want to do it, i got my own games to worry about LOL!"  - Solostrike (To do with Not wanting to do the qualifier for March's tropy.)


This is my respones to that.  I just wanted it to restart from the left.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Oooohhhh!!! okay, that confused the hell outta me!!!! i was like, did he post in the wrong thread?? lol!

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

I SEE WHAT YOUR SAYING lol I get it, yeah that looks totally outa the blue.

So after seth who do you think is the closest?

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Good point! Forgot about the man!  Actually no offence to Seth at all, I think TSM deserves one more.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
He does have more featured games than I do, and higher rated ones.  Also, he has scripting skills, which I completely lack.  (Although I suppose that's a different topic altogether, whether mechanics trump writing or vice versa -- [tsmpaul has both.])

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

Guys, I was wondering, how many trophies are there altogether?

Also, going off on a tangent, Sethaniel - I don't think I've read all your stories yet, (for a member of this site, I really haven't read as many of the other stories on here as I should) but I was really impressed with "Snow", not just the story, but the way in which it was written! It really stood out at me for some reason. The whole mood/tone of it was really stylish, and poetic! Oh yeah, I also saw the "Zhang Ziyi addict" banner on your profile - I love her movies! Not sure about Christopher Walken for president though, :)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
I totally agree, tsm, the way it was written was excellent. My comments on the story reflect what you say here.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago

For a while, I thought Bai Ling might replace her as empress of my affections, but based on the final category- sheer ***kicking skills- Zhang Ziyi retains her title.

What's wrong with Chris Walken?   "An actor with so much identity and charisma that his mere appearance on a screen generates interest in any audience" (per Roger Ebert)  That bar is up there b/c it was the only Walken one I could find.

Oh yeah. . .

Thanks so much for your comments on the story!

I think there are 8 total member trophies, 4 point total trophies (100, 500, 1000, and 2000), trophies for contest winner and featured story, top/supreme rater, top/supreme forum poster, bug finder, lucky dueler.  Click on a trophy on your profile and it will pull up a list.


Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
9 member trophies soon :)

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
who's getting one?  tsmpaul or miccy?

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
lol was talkignabout you soon.

Your Own Personal Trophy

17 years ago
Oh. . .