Mr Kettle attempted to slink into his office, to hide his head in the sea of cubicles and slide right in without being noticed. Unfortunately, Mr Pot quickly noticed his employee, a snarl appearing on his face.
"What time do you call this, boy?!" he shouted.
"Sorry, sir. I know I'm late, but it's only by a few minutes, and I had to drop my kids to school! I won't let it happen again sir, I..."
"To school? You expect me to believe that, boy? God knows your kind don't go to school. Tell me, were you up too late last night playing craps, hmm? Listening to that godawful gangster rap, tagging signs?"
"My kind?" he asked in confusion, before hastily adding "Sir".
"Yes, your kind! The Negroids! Or as you hoodlums say on the street, the niggers!"
Mr Kettle felt a small bubble of anger form in him, but it was washed out by his confusion at the situation.
"Yes, sir, sorry sir, won't happen again," he said.
"Good! Now get to work!" Mr Pot yelled.
With that, Mr Kettle slunk away from the dark, almost ebony-skinned man in front of him to the safety of his cubicle.