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Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Do you read forum profiles? If so, how often?

I often wondered if I was among a few outliers on the site who actually read them. I know we normally read newb's profiles, but do the newbs read ours? Do you check a well-known user's profile from time-to-time? Some people put a good amount of effort into profiles, so it would be rather funny if nobody bothers to read them.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
I click on names I don't recognize any time I see them. As for other forms of profile creeping, it really depends on how bored I am. I've read the profiles of all the regulars, but I know some people do changd them semi-frequently.

(Which reminds me I really should get around to replacing mine...)

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I'll know when you do...

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Yes, some of them are mildly creative.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I used to read long ones like tacos and the really cool ones when you could before the restrictions.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago


Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

People used to modify their profiles with coding about 8ish months ago, but 3J ended that with an update. It also made Ford sad.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago


Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Funny profile, piece of shit user with the worst autism I've ever seen in my time here. Should literally be committed, or ideally molested and chainsawed apart in a shed in the woods somewhere.

Any other salty, whiny profiles out there? Taco's was at one point but I guess she got over it. But I'm sure there are more than a few others out there.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Ah, I'd forgotten about him. A classic.

He'd semi-redeemed himself as Charaxes too, too bad he pussed out when outed.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I've almost forgotten about Lemon. It is to bad that only he realized the site's evil ways and was martyred for his beliefs. However, he was reborn as a Californian lesbian Mormon (which raises no eyebrows at all).

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

He actually made the Charaxes alt while still as Swedishlemon. It was his weird split personality or something. Made another alt (EndKraster) after he got exposed which was basically him melting down at that point.

There was another profile (AlixeTiir) which was supposed to be his brother's account, but given his brother was another retard that didn't contribute much I just banned the whole fucking family.

His last PM to me was bitching about how his shitty Hallway story got taken down because of low ratings and that this place had a serious problem with constructive criticism and that I was part of that problem. Lol.

Here's his tombstone:

Roblox Holocox

Swedishlemon, EndKraster, AlixeTiir, Charaxes

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Wait, so this entire thread was just him arguing with himself?

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Self-cyber bullying is a real and serious threat, look it up. (For real, please do, it's hilarious.)

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Also known as 'digital self harm', that's how serious this is folks.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I thought they were neighbors or something like that. I think that's what Charaxes said.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
I thought Lemons was banned? On in September.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
You can still log in, you just get logged out when you try and do anything.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Good question!

I'm kind of a newbie that he almost a week in this site. (Working on my profile and my story now)

You're not the only one who reads sometimes user profiles, I do!

I'm reading user profiles, if I'm interesting in the same creator of the story/or something else. (This is how often I read them, so like one time in a week- month minimum...)

The user profiles sometimes interesting and some are not interesting...

So I am thinking I know why some people don't read user profiles: they busy, or they don't want to read them at all...




Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
>we normally read noobs profiles

I have never once been inclined to even look at a noobs profile unless someone explicitly links it to me saying it's worth looking at. 99% of noobs have no profile to look at in the first place.

Personally I never look at other people's profiles except 3J. For dev reasons because he has all the trophies and also odd characters on his profile page. Other than that the profile pages I look at are my own, also for dev reasons. Pretty much never look at anyone's profile intentionally.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
You've never known the joy of clicking a brand new name and seeing they have exactly 18 points, and then that moment of excited anticipation before going into their EXP to discover just how terrible or simply outright bizarre the first few pages of the game they've created without doing anything else on the site will be? How sad.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I've had moments where they've had 18 points, but they'd just rated 3 storygames. 


Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I feel you Mizal. Most of the people here have points from 15-30, and it's just downright depressing. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I tend to jump around different profiles to find what they're posting in and to check for new storygames. I probably check End's profile every day to see if his storygame count has risen to 16. I also like to see cool content some people have, and to check what order they're in.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
*Slurping intensifies*

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

So, there are these creepy people on this site who send me PM's *cough cough* GamerKing777 *cough cough* about my profile which is disturbing. Newbs definitely read mine as I receive PM's about my goals. I'm just going to take down my whole profile, put a simple greeting and there. 


Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

1. What the fuck did they ask? Now I'm curious.

2. Hang on, is your name Cookie? If so, christ almighty. God, now I really hope that's a name that idiots actually call their kids.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
could've been worse; she could've been named steve

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Whoa, killing it with that wit and brevity, bud. Now I remember why you're useful to the site.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
thanks yours too

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

dey asked me to shuw my pussai

Technically, they're just private messaging me about the shit which I wrote on my profile and stuff. Also, my name isn't actually Cookie. My username is usually Cookie on websites, so I'm accustomed to people calling me Cookeh, Cookie, Cuckie etc. But Dini will suffice quite well. Don't fucking call me Cuckie. 



Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

"Technically"? Great, so our resident thirteen year old girl is being hit on by pedophiles. This is your fault, @Julian, and I will not rest until you apologize.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Don't worry, Gamer's just asking me regular questions. He's not being a pedo. 

(Though a block option would be nice to have in case.) 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Cuckie? as in the one being cucked? You can't just steal my nickname without at least asking me you sonofabitch.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Sorry Ford, I didn't know that my nickname was copy-righted. x'D 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Well how creepy is he getting exactly?

I mean if he's sexually harassing you, I can just go ahead and ban him right now.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Alexp groped me once in 1999. At least I think it was him. But I've never had the courage to come forward about it until inspired by Dini's brave example. End, I trust you'll do the right thing.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago


We here at CYS consider ourselves an ally to the feminist cause and it is a sad day indeed to hear that one of the founders may have acted against such principles.

These are serious accusations to be sure and if true then Mr. P should certainly answer for his crimes against you as this is a serious abuse of his position of power over you.

However, I cannot at this time go forward with so little evidence.



Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Oh god, it's all coming back now. It went a little something like the madlibs section of my date rape story. Conclusion: Alexp is a shape-shifting alien! There are barely any of those on the planet so it had to be him. How much more evidence can anyone need?

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Evidence required to merely piss and moan is negligible.

Evidence to amount to a "squirt" of piss however, is significantly more stringent.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I'm glad that I helped you gain courage! Go Mizal, woop woop. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I usually click on the most famous people's profiles on here so that I can re-play their games to achieve all of the endings. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I used to do it a lot because I was a bored and lonely piece of shit. 

Now I don't because I'm a bored and lonely piece of shit :D 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I jerked off to someone's profile selfie semi-regularly for a while back 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Do you still have her picture?

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago


Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Yeah, it's somewhere on my computer. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

That may not be the intention of user pictures... but thanks for letting us all know. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Cheers, @kitkatkaity

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
I still don't understand this at all, I remember that picture and she looked like she'd lay eggs inside of your abdomen after mating.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Yes, I do. I usually check someone's profile when I see them posting for the first time, but I also check the profiles of some more active members from time to time to see if there's anything new. My profile is boring right now. I might add more to it, maybe links to some interesting sites like mynoise, and links to the stories in the list. But it's not like anyone cares.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Wow, after seeing how many people check out user profiles, I suddenly feel very self conscious. I thought it was a thing that almost no one did. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
Just checked out like 6 noob profiles because of the unusual magnitude of noobs posting random shit in the lounge as if they know what they're doing.

Two were actually noobs from 2015 but otherwise the lot was uninteresting and not worth my time. Point proven that noob profiles are not worth looking at.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Already knew that Ford. What do they even do on here? 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago
99% of them: nothing of note

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

Mr Kettle attempted to slink into his office, to hide his head in the sea of cubicles and slide right in without being noticed. Unfortunately, Mr Pot quickly noticed his employee, a snarl appearing on his face.

"What time do you call this, boy?!" he shouted.

"Sorry, sir. I know I'm late, but it's only by a few minutes, and I had to drop my kids to school! I won't let it happen again sir, I..."

"To school? You expect me to believe that, boy? God knows your kind don't go to school. Tell me, were you up too late last night playing craps, hmm? Listening to that godawful gangster rap, tagging signs?"

"My kind?" he asked in confusion, before hastily adding "Sir".

"Yes, your kind! The Negroids! Or as you hoodlums say on the street, the niggers!"

Mr Kettle felt a small bubble of anger form in him, but it was washed out by his confusion at the situation.

"Yes, sir, sorry sir, won't happen again," he said.

"Good! Now get to work!" Mr Pot yelled.

With that, Mr Kettle slunk away from the dark, almost ebony-skinned man in front of him to the safety of his cubicle.

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I have no words.. Actually I have a few. This was beautiful, tragic and it clearly displays the lifestyles of the noobs new people on this website. 

Do You Read User Profiles?

7 years ago

I was doing an extended Pot Kettle black thing, because Ford has also accomplished nothing on the site.