Hey I am late to the game here, and you already have amazing advise in this thread, I’ll just add that when I was unmotivated in my current work it really helped to sketch out a plan to get excited about. I like to plan my games in block diagrams (I really should upload a picture), but basically I believe that if you can write down all the MAJOR plot points then it is easy to write from one to the next. It is like putting together the edge-pieces of a puzzle to make a boarder before you attempt to do the inside.
I did mine like this:
- start of the story: characters, setting, general world info
- first major plot item (battle, encounter, get lost, whatever)
A) first choice option
B) second choice option
- A) results
A1. Option A1
A2. Option A2
- B) results
B2. Option B2
A2. Option A2
That might seem confusing, so I make a chart. The point is that you only focus on the over arching story. Once you know the general steps of the story, writing in details becomes more of a connect the dots than a daunting unfinished work.
For example (making this up as I go):
- at the start the main character is in school and there are two cute girls he likes
you can talk to the blonde
you can talk to the redhead
- if you talk to the blonde the redhead hates you, and the blonde is too stuck up to talk to you
You can keep trying to talk to the blonde
you can try to make up with the redhead
- if you talk to the red head she flirts with you, and the blonde gets jealous and tries to butt in
you can switch and talk to the blonde
you can tell the blonde off and continue talking to the redhead
In the example above, if I have you this as a writing assignment for a class, it would be sort of easy to “fill in the blanks” and imagine what the first few pages would look like. You probably can quickly describe a school/class room, the girls personality can be easily assumed, etc. Notice that details like exactly what they said are left out though, it’s just the concept that is in the plan. I found this the easiest way to stay motivated. I can plan out the entire story like this in 5-10 minutes and not get bored. Then when I have two spend hours writing the details I can look at the plan and know where it is going. I typically think things like “man I just need a few more pages and I can get to the epic fight scene!” Or “I’m getting really close to the steamy romance part!”
note: for graph form it kind of works like a flow chart if you want to look that up... I should scan in one of my plans though, this has come up a few times