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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

An idea

18 years ago

I saw something called an 'interactive story' on another board. I changed it just a wee bit, in order to make it (in my mind) more interactive.

Basically, one person writes the first part of a story. At the end of their section (which should be at least a paragraph, but can be longer) they will offer several choices as to how the story should continue. A lot like a choose-your-own-adventure game so far, but bear with me.

After a set amount of people vote, the votes will be tallied up and the choice that won will dictate how the story continues. However, instead of the first person continuing to write it, a different person (chosen somehow-- perhaps the first person to vote, or simply a volunteer) will continue it, restarting the process again.

As I said, it is sort of like a choose-your-own-adventure game, but there are a few differences.

Firstly, there isn't a long wait for it to be published.  Well, technically, there is a wait between segments, but you get a little at a time over a long time, as opposed to nothing but cryptic hints dropped by the game's author for a long time and then you get the whole shebang.

Secondly, this would get a lot of authors together, resulting in an eclectic mix of writing styles and lots 'n lots of fresh ideas to spice the story up. This would be pretty much like having everyone on the site as co-author (even if they don't wish to write a segment, they can participate in how the story unfolds by voting).

So, does anyone else think this is a good idea? If so, I will begin the story. If not... well, I won't.

An idea

18 years ago

Heh Heh...

Those are fun to read.  They are called campfire stories I believe.

An idea

18 years ago

well, alex has already turned this idea down for the games section. however, in the forums im sure we could make something work. previously someone tried this by starting a story and like 3 people wrote the next part at the same time causing total confusion. however, a way to remedy this is to have the current author pick who to write the next part. for instance,

first- have people sign up to be a part of it. kind of like my RPS tourney i ran last year.

second- start a story, then when you are done writing pick a name off that list and have them write another part.

third- that person then repeats step 2.

get the idea?

if thats something you want to do then you can add me to the list. id like to just write for the sake of writing lol


An idea

18 years ago
I'm in.

An idea

18 years ago

Sure, me too. By the way, the other thing was started by Laffytaffykitty before she left. It was the first time I insulted another user on the site.... in a friendly way of course.

An idea

18 years ago

So far for the writing we've got me, (possibly) Havacoman, Fleshnblood, JJJ, and Miccy.

So I will begin. We'll go in order of posting. This means I'll go first, Havaco next, and so on and so forth.

Here we go:

Amanda was a very ordinary person, living a very ordinary life. She lived in an apartment with her roomate, Shanna, had a fish named Skippy, and worked as a salesperson at a clothing store.

Yes, indeed Amanda was very, very ordinary. Yet she dreamed of greater things, of adventure, excitement, and perhaps a bit of romance.

It was her turn to do the grocery shopping this week, so she drove over to the grocery store with the shopping list. The list read:

One gallon of milk

One carton of eggs

One bag of flour

Two bags of chocolate chips

Six jars of gherkins


Amanda reflected upon how very lucky she was to have a roomate who was so fond of baking, even though Shanna had an unusual fondness for gherkins.

Amanda entered the store and grabbed a basket. Just as she got to where the milk was stored, she let out a gasp.


Why did Amanda gasp?

A. She saw someone she recognized

B. The store was out of milk

C. She just remembered something important

Okay, so I'm new at this! Give me a break.

All right, to the voting! I won't vote unless I need to break a tie, since it's my segment. Havacoman (if he wants to) is next up to write.

An idea

18 years ago
I vote A for suspense!  I'm not gonna write these.  I'm not to good at those.

An idea

18 years ago

Choice B. The store was out of milk.

She let out a gasp... There was no milk. How could this be? With hundreds of people in this town and there is no milk? Amanda's pulse started to rise. She knew what was happening but she didnt try to stop it. She had been coming here for years, and they NEVER were out of milk! What kind of service is this that there would be no milk? She works hard every week just so she can go here and give them her business. She drives by 2 other markets near her place, but she comes here. Her heart was picking up. Even though she was in the milk isle, she was beginning to show beads of sweat on her forehead. People stare at her as she begins to clinch her fists and start mumbling to herself. She sees everyone, but she feels to overpowered by her emotions. Then it happens, everything goes black.

She finally wakes up to the sound of a mans voice. It was a man she knew well. He was a kind old man with a soft voice. He would always know how to make her feel at peace. She finally sits up and says, "Hello Dr. Humple..."

Where is she?

A. Psychologists office (different from Psychiatrists in that Psychologists can not perscribe medication, psychiatrists can).

B. Psychiatrists office

C. Mental Institute

D. At her appartment talking to her neighbor Dr. Humple

Somerandomperson, you are up again, atleast till we get more people involved.


An idea

18 years ago
If this happens to be it than I vote C.

An idea

18 years ago

maybe we can just leave a couple (2-4) choices and allow the next writer to pick their favorite?


An idea

18 years ago
All right, that makes sense.

An idea

18 years ago
All right, since Havaco doesn't want to, fleshnblood gets the next segment.

An idea

18 years ago
I'll do it. Seems like fun, I have seen RPG in forum boards done like this, but never stories.

An idea

18 years ago

ok, pick from one of the choices ive left you and run with it. cant wait to read it.


An idea

18 years ago

C. Mental Institute, lol!

"...where am I?" Amanda say's, Dr. Humple looks around, concerned for her health, he then speaks, "It happened again, Amanda. You passed out in the Milk Isle again, you just went crazy, started shouting things. Some employees were able to sedate you, and take you here to me. This problem must be worked out, or you could kill someone...someone dear to you." Dr. Humple was a kind man and took care of Amanda when she had these blackouts, He was determined to not let her get into trouble, Amanda looked up at Dr. Humple and spoke, "What must you help me, save me from myself and everyone else around me...especially my family." Amanda had a loving Mom and Dad and two baby brothers, she didn't want them to get harmed when she blacked out, Dr. Humple thought, "What could we do to help you...You'll need to see someone special for this problem, someone that could help better then I...who though?"

A. Amanda's Parents?
B. A mysterious boy that has the same problem?

An idea

18 years ago
If this one really makes it I choose A here.  Amanda's parents would be a wonderful 2 to throw into the mix.

An idea

18 years ago

you forgot to pick someone to start the next part leon. just choose somoene who has already said they would like to write. i think 3j is in on this somewhere.


An idea

18 years ago
Oh yeah, I forgot sorry. You're up JJJ.