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The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago
Commended by Mystic_Warrior on 7/23/2023 1:21:30 AM
Fun bit of CYS lore: back in 2015, the site banned both freeform RP and Warrior Cats RP. This led to many threats of rebellion from the large population of furries and 14 year olds who used it only for this purpose, eventually culminating in a mass exodus to a new forum led by a user named DerpBacon.

The Forum Games subforum was eventually nuked and replaced with Creative Corner, and much cringe was lost to the world.

The new RP forum I of course knew of for its place in our history, but never did I view it with my own eyes until a chance search for a username unearthed this trove of ancient wonders. I'm just gonna leave a link here, I think it's significant for the purest glimpse into the past at what the long lost Forum Games of 2014-2015 was like, preserved in amber.

As for those of you still with us, I am so, so sorry: Empire of the Wolf God: LOOK UPON YOUR 2015 SELVES AND DESPAIR.

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago
Commended by Mystic_Warrior on 7/23/2023 1:21:37 AM

As I've said time and time again, Christ what a terrible era.

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago

I'm so grateful the purge happened. Here, have a comm for your suffering and as gratitude.

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago
Commended by Ford on 7/23/2023 8:59:07 AM

I did not exist during this era. Can I have a comm too?

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago

This is definitely a place I would have posted in 2015. I hate the thought of 10 year old me searching the internet for 2015 Warrior Cat fan-fiction. Thank god I had such limited internet access at that point.

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago

See, this is the risk that comes with trimming the fat that was Forum Games. The fat can sometimes grow sentient and rot into something much fouler.

Creative Corner for the win! Yes it's dead, so what?

The Wolf God's Archive of Cringe

one year ago
Once upon a time, when I was a child, I read a WC book. I can't remember if I finished it or not, but while reading it, another kid (presumably a WC fan) asked me if I had read the previous books. No, I hadn't. She so very kindly informed me of the errors of my ways. Never touched another WC book after that. I guess I should thank her for irritating me that much.