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Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
Mizal. I'm pretty sure it was you who dock by points. Why does it say caught being online? I can't be online now?!?

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10 months ago
it was definitely miz who took your points but I went ahead and gave them back to you +1. good job reporting it to the forums, captaincoolretard. It's noobs like you that make the site truly a gem on the internet.

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10 months ago
Thanks! Nothing makes me feel more loved than being called a noob

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10 months ago

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10 months ago
.....HAHAHA! Y'all people are funny

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago

That's tough.

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
I was pretty indifferent until I was shown this thread.

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
Those are some weak ass docks to be complaining about. Small time criminals over here.

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago

I suggest you stop being a cringe-inducing faggot.

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
Thanks for the advice but I'm afraid that isn't possible

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago

Why do you hate coherent sentences so much?

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
I have to stop practicing my voodoo magic to make them.

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago

She's just jealous of your coolness. ^_^

Why do you hate me so much?

10 months ago
Someone who doesn't hate me!