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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


one year ago
It's crazy to think that this site is older than YouTube, FaceBook, and possibly TSA. Not only that but people still use it, even though it's a dinosaur in internet terms. Not hating on the site at all, I love it a lot, but still.


one year ago

There is no way you're an old man. Facebook launched sometime in the two thousands, dude. Not long before I was born. Is it really so crazy to think that something could've existed before then and still be up and running?

Wanna know something actually crazy? Standard Oil was founded in 1870 by John D Rockefeller and still exists, only now it's called ExxonMobil (among MANY other things), which merged with the Standard Oil of New York in like, 1980 or 90 something. That company has been through a lot!

It was one of the first monopolies, coming along right when Cornelius Vanderbilt's railroad monopoly was nearing it's end. Another significant monopoly of the time would be Carnegie Steel, which J.P. Morgan turned into U.S. Steel later on, after Andrew Carnegie sold it to him for more money than you'll ever see ($480 million, which is like $17.5 billion in today's money... so a lot). Morgan also owned Edison Electric, which became the General Electric we know and love today. There was a lot of Mean Girls drama with Edison and Tesla back then, but anyway...

Teddy Roosevelt had a thing against monopolies. He thought they were bad for the economy, which is true. Very true. The people loved him... well, not the rich, powerful ones. They did everything they could to stop him from becoming president, paying money to edit their candidate (McKinley)'s speeches and even grafting for votes. They succeeded, and buried Teddy in the role of Vice President, which was powerless at the time (and really, it's not much better now). So, they won, right?

Well, no. The worst thing imaginable for them happened. McKinley got shot, and Teddy became president! He took Rockefeller's Standard Oil to court. Rockefeller avoided the summons for as long as humanly possible, but the birth of his grandson (I think, don't quote me) forced him to realize that he couldn't run for his whole life. So he went to court.

The trial went as expected- Rockefeller had to break up Standard Oil. However, he didn't get to where he was by giving up, no sir. He was a major shareholder in every corporation his company got broken into- in other words, he was still making bank.

Eventually he died and yada yada yada, but the company runs on!

Sure, this site is impressive, but really you should be impressive by the old monopolies of the late 1800s! Now that's a legacy!


one year ago
I was born 2009, I'm just making a character, edge lording a bit


one year ago

Hmm.. the edge lord character is already taken by the master himself (and also 3000 other noobs) but you do you

Also, lol freshman


one year ago
edge lording isn't a character, its something people use to sound cool by using grand terms they generally wouldn't use, and I'm not copying EndMaster's character, our characters don't share characteristics beside the fact of being close to a deity


one year ago

We're the same age? 

I'm disappointed in humanity. 


one year ago

Bro your pfp and name is stargirl. Pipe down.


one year ago
Stargirl vs npc guy

The match up is so close and yet so far. Stargirl is only worth 230x more - either one could win.


one year ago

Gotta wait till school ends for her. This afternoon the matchup of the century.


one year ago

A "matchup" with you would be more like pummeling a toddler as they flail their limbs and make high pitched squeaky sounds. I have better uses of my time. 


one year ago

Anyways you do Kung Fu, so I don't want to hear it


one year ago
Do I hear two contestants clamoring to spill blood in the Thunderdome?


one year ago

I'm down if she is


one year ago

Fight.. fight...fight...fight...fight


one year ago


If he wins he can have 100 of my points. 


one year ago

I offer all my points if *she wins, being the fact I don't have 100


one year ago

At least I was coherent enough at eleven to make an account and get a pfp. You were probably drooling over your cracked and greasy ipad, wondering how the tiny people in the screen were able to move. 


one year ago

When I was 11 I was most likely flipping out about the fact I'm gonna die, because I was intelligent enough to understand, but not wise enough. Also making a forums account, no matter what forum, is not a flex.


one year ago
You should both put that pacifier back in imo


one year ago

As soon as she realizes I'm just baiting her, then I probally will


one year ago

You're three years younger than me? What?


one year ago

How old did you think I was? I mentioned middle school quite a few times on discord. 


one year ago

I'm not on the discord :/
I don't know. I always considered you my age


one year ago

It's nice to know I don't act as retarded as the typical fourteen year old. :)


one year ago

You 100% do. (If you ask why you're getting and essay btw)


one year ago

I really think it's time for your nap.


one year ago
no mentally retarded actual children allowed in the discord anymore. now nobody is around to attempt to understand my abstract performance art and by the time any of you grow up you'll never find out why the new black is spicy though.


one year ago

Is it because of the new doritos flavor?


one year ago
The new black is spicy though


one year ago

I mean it is spicy, don't get me wrong, but is it spicy?


one year ago

Spicy is the new black


one year ago
If you need any further assistance or have questions let me know! Have a great day!


one year ago

Wait, you're 27 years younger than me? I'm disappointed in humanity.


one year ago


one year ago



one year ago

We were learning about it during class lol


one year ago

bro you're older than me and just learning about those monopolies?


one year ago

I have nothing to do with the curriculum choices my school makes, bud. We don't have American History until junior year.


one year ago

Thats fair


one year ago
Interactive fiction has been around since the 70s, and it was basically the first genre of computer game. Turns out words that tell stories can age pretty well.


one year ago

refering to the forum, I know interactive fiction has been around for forever