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New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
Commended by Sherbet on 1/1/2024 3:28:31 PM
(click for big) (You all already know who made this.)
You know it's a funny thing, the last 45 comments posted on games do not contain a single recognizeable name from this community. Unless you count a noob with an account barely a week old who chose to call themselves "5merald" and is just smoking us all as far as visible activity goes. But since it's that time again, I figure we're all gonna want to make promises to do better next year. However you want to do it--a detailed review every so many days, so many short comments a month or through the whole year, reviewing games of a certain size or by certain authors--make all your review related pledges here in this thread and use it to track your progress.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

5merald is currently my favorite noob.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
I am going to play something and leave a quick comment every Sunday. Terrible half assed soon to be unpublished games will not count towards this total. In addition, I'll do a minimum of 12 full sized reviews of larger games (6/8 length and up) at some point in the year. Ideally monthly, but as long as they're there at some point, I'm calling that a win. I also will make sure at least a few of the reviews are of Ninja's games, which seem to get shamefully overlooked around here.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

All right, Mizal.  You have successfully shamed me into making an identical resolution.  Done.  And double agree on Ninja's games.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
Awesome, your comments are always insightful and fun. And back when you used to rate everything, if I was ever waffling on a game I'd open up the admin view to check what you had given it.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
First off Happy New Year, I hope everyone has a great 2024.

This is a good idea and I know I've been very lazy with my reading. My target is to rate a story a day on average and try to leave a decent review from time to time and see how long I can keep that up. I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't manage to read a story every day though cause I'm really busy, maybe I won't read anything for a week and then do several in one day or something. And yeah, you're right about Ninja, his stories are fantastic but often overlooked, there are a lot of great but seldom read stories on the site (was there a page called stories in need of ratings somewhere or did I imagine it?)

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
I'll try to get my top rater trophy glowing by the end of the year :) On the writing front I want to keep publishing at least 1 story (hopefully feature-worthy) a year and maybe 2 or 3 if I'm productive :D

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
Good luck! I suspect a story a day isn't too tough... until you hit the ones that have novel length word counts. But then when it comes to the big ones I have a bad habit of putting off rating them until I have an ideal block of time and focus, and I think a lot of people do this. I keep telling myself even just reading for half an hour would give me a good enough idea of the writing and branching style to have an opinion so they don't sit there feeling ignored.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
The tab for stories in need of ratings would be on the home page.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
I was skeptical of that one a day thing, but Will has really been cranking them out.

Just have to point out though, Legend was not written by me lol.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
Sorry TCat! It'll be interesting to see how long I can keep this reviewing / commenting up. I've been very productive on the writing front too as people will see soon :)

New Year's review resolutions

10 months ago
So, I kept my New Year resolution to rate a story a day up for five months which is pretty good. :)

I'd definitely recommend it to everyone: it's pretty easy to do, it gives you a good feeling of setting a target and hitting it and basically lets you farm points. :D Gonna focus on writing reviews now.

New Year's review resolutions

10 months ago

I applaud you! I'm trying to give more time to rating games myself, especially newer ones so they get the attention they need.

New Year's review resolutions

10 months ago
It's a good idea, they really need comments (I saw one new story that didn't get any comments for three weeks, presumably because it was difficult to finish). A week or month challenge (rate a story every day for a week or month) might be a good starting point :D

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

Here are some thing I've wanted to do since last year but never got around to starting:

  1. Host at least 3 more review competitions
  2. Write 3-5 detailed reviews a month (with the exception of contest months) and sprinkle in some shorter ones too
  3. Choose a month to execute the Comment Challenge*

*I'll post at a random time each day and the first person to reply would choose the storygame I'll review. Depending on my schedule, I might hold this daily, once in two days, thrice a week, etc. It'll hopefully also incentivize members to check the forums more often.

Edit: To anyone going through old threads, let the records show that I have (mostly) completed my goals!

2nd CYS Review Competition
Free Reviews Here
Wall of Reviews in Will's Summer Reading Contest

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

I guess my goal would be to get the top-rater trophy by the end of the year. I already read a lot in general, so I just need to focus my attention towards stories on the site and it should be easy-peasy! In theory, of course.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
I need to get back on this, already slacking. And meanwhile Will is the only recognizeable name in the last 45 comments anyone has made.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

If it's any consolation, I feel guilty about this.  So at least that.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago
I know everyone is laser focused on in the contest (right? Right?) but there's been a pretty cool and ambitious story put up by a new guy if anyone has time for actual reading.

It's about 30k words so doesn't take that long to get through, and it does some interesting things. It's been a few days and there's only one rating (mine) so it'd be cool if you guys could take a little time to look at it since I really would like to see more from this author.

New Year's review resolutions

one year ago

Few months late to the party but I guess I can chip in my own resolution. When I'm not working on my own stories I'll probably try to consistently get reviews in for new storygames (that is, the ones that are actually worth something and not the product of an 8-year old or mental equivalent of an 8-year old slamming on their keyboard for an hour or two). If the new story well is dry, I'll review an unplayed game at least once every two weeks unless I'm unable to get on my computer. I would pledge a more frequent goal but I want to stay realistic so I'm more likely to actually keep the resolution.

Definitely going to start with Equator City as I've been meaning to play it for a hot minute.