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It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago

So how are you all making out?

Okay okay I know this isn't a big deal at all, Steam has sales on more often than not and they're all getting steadily less exciting now. I'm just nostalgic for the days when this was a most anticipated event among nerdkind and communities would get together to egg each other on into an orgy of irresponsible gifting and spending. That was back when the way Steam gifts worker was so much more exploitable too and keys were passed around like Coins's mom. (Or is it Suranna's mom now? Did we decide to update to Suranna's mom for the new generation, I can't remember.)

Oh, and just a reminder we still technically, in theory, have a completely dead group the mods only use for keeping tabs on who's gaming instead of writing and then silently judging you, if anyone wants in on that arrangement.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
Wow! Spore is 2 dollars again!

I have sent some gifts out as Christmas nears. I'm trying not to look at the store otherwise because I really should play some games I already own. I suspect this state of mind will last about one week before I cave.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
And Civ VI is down to three dollars again? Deals like this only come around three or four times a year!

Kind of in the same boat though, I'm thinking I might buy one game, but there's not a lot that really speaks to me I didn't pick up at some previous sale. Although right now hardware is a pretty limiting factor on a lot of what I do have.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
The game, Warhammer 40k: Darktide, I've been wanting to play is 60% off! My current laptop too shit to run it though so probably a few more years before I can get around to playing it :(

On the plus side, it may be even cheaper by then and it gives me time to get through the backlog of games I already have but keep putting aside to play DRG

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
It takes two is a game I've been having a lot of fun with recently. If you have someone to play with its definitely worth a purchase. You don't need a good PC to run it either.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
I haven't played it or seen anything from it, but any 2-player game that only requires one person to own it is alright in my book.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago
I mostly play crappy platformers on because they're free and I'm trash that way.

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago

Platformers are my favorite single player gaming genre.

Do you happen to have any recommendations/favorites? Like, were there any games that stood out from the more crappy ones?! :O

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago

Yay! Harvester went down from 2.50 cents to 90 cents! Finally, it's in my budget!

It's happening! (Steam winter sale)

3 months ago

I approve of this playing of the gruesome classics.