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How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
I've been trying out daily running every day, but I don't feel any inspiration. Whenever I run, I always feel tired and my mind is bored, waiting for it to be over. Is there any way for me to increase my motivation?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

do you time yourself? timing yourself usually helps. also, take an iPod. or in my day, a walkman lol.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
play some fast music, nothign dead or slow, it will keep you awake... also, see if you can find someone to run with, if youve got a pet, that works too... also, when running, keep thinking of your objective... obviously you have chosen to run for a reason, whether it be to increase your stamina, get some cardio into your day, keep fit, lose weight, just keep thinking of that objective, and everyday, see if you can beat what you did last day, so you could beat the time it took from yesterday, but do NOT race yourself, what i mean by beating your team is keeping a steady pace, but your steady pace becomes faster and yet you are not tired/out of energy at the end stretch, you should keep the same speed throughout the run. Also, you could beat the distance you travelled...

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

Great suggestions and all, but there's a few problems with me.

* I have no Ipod nor any music player (>.>)
* I don't have a pet and everyone is too lazy to run (>.<)

Yes, that's why I asked for help. Now, for some personal stuff, how fast do you guys run the mile?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

i got to doing the mile around my neighborhood in around 7 mins. doubt i can even beat 10 mins now though. lol


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Haha, you haven't been running lately, have you? I only recently started.. Makes me feel like I'm not very fit.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

havent been running lately? you could say that hahaha. the farthest i ever ran was a midnight road race that happens every year. it was a 5 miler.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Happens every year? Once a year? Amazing, you run once a year O.O

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Oh and also I'm not allowed to go anywhere outside my house. All I have is a tiny backyard built so that it seems as if I'm running in a neverending circle.. Sigh..

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
no wonder your bored....

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Yeah, I feel like throwing up and feeling very dizzy everytime I run...grr..

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

I havent gone running in a while... and i measured my distances based on the amount of sidewalks i passed LOL!!! but i would go for 10 minutes one day, 11 minutes the next, i would try to increase it. The average time and a good time to be at is 30 minutes, that is healthy, see if you can get up to 60 minutes, that seems to be the max with people...

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

That's a good plan. So far, I have gone 25 minutes though I think I can aim for 30 and more.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

no, i only did it one year. i was like 14. im now 29. lol but the race does still go on every year.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Ohh...well umm...have you consider running yet?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

ive not worked out in a long time. lol ive gotten old and semi lazy. also, i dont run, i roll. lol im in a wheelchair. (just to clarify, not to complain lol)


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Aaah. What happened?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

born and raised. lol disability. everything works normal, normal IQ and such. i just cant walk/run. but i used to race in my wheelchair. that midnite run took me just under an hour to do 5 miles. so about a 12 minute mile average.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Ah, I see why you wrote Schooled for Life. It must have been a kind of reflection of yourself. But 5 miles in less than an hour is good (I get slow after a mile). Your arms must be strong :O

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

yeah, SFL was a semi exagerated version of my first experience at college. the 5 miles was done in a normal wheelchair, ones that you see most people in. i didnt have a racing chair at htat time, so yeah, i was pretty buff at the time. lol those were the days. now i just rely on my reputation for being strong lol. people assume that ive got arms and abs of steel and i have no problems letting them think that haha.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
:O Bufffff....whoa, nate.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

haha well i was! what i wouldnt give for it to be 1991 again. lol


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Ah yes, who wouldn't want to go back in time?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
wow, what a year to pick lol!! i wouldnt mind living life from the beginning again :P lol, and plus, thats just when everything started clearing up in the world, berlin wall gets torn down, clinton is a few years after, lol, anyways ... :P

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

haha, you were born in 91? wow, i just picked a year. thats funny though. i was in middle school i think... maybe late elementary.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
GodsSlayer: You aren't allowed out of your backyard to start running? That's awful. I was thinking you were about fifteen or sixteen years old but you couldn't possibly be forced to stay in your backyard at that age. Anyway, why were you trying to get fit anyway? Was it to be buff? To keep healthy? To lose weight? Anyhow, you don't have to say how old you are, Gods, but if you want to give a sort of age range (as in 13-17, 9-12, 9-14 etc.) I could give you some better advice and I'm sure Solostrike and Nate would too.

And Nate, I wouldn't mind living in 1991 either. Man, I didn't know you were in a wheel chair or anything, I seriously thought you were my P.E (Physical Education) teacher pretending to be from America. I never mentioned anything to him, but I thought it might be him because he's 28 as well. That's what my mental picture was. Now its the same except in a wheelchair. Oh, and by the way you're married to a 36 year old Italian teacher.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

hahaha, 36 year old italian teacher. i like it. though my girlfriend told me that when i get old and crusty i can get a swedish nurse named helga. doubt Mrs. Italiana would allow that.


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

and also, godslayer is a girl. so she doesnt have to tell her age. lol females are exempt from that question. i learned that the hard way lol


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
No, you got it all wrong. Girls say their age until they become an adult, then they remain 21 :P Don't feel forced, GodsSlayer, if you don't want to or can't it doesn't matter.

Helga eh? I was trying to think up of a good comeback then but all I could think of was this brand of bread by the same name.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

There is a narrow window in which girls *want* you to guess their age.  But they want you to guess wrong.  Around 16 or so, they want you to guess that they're older, then suddenly, when they hit about 25, they want you to guess younger.  After 30, don't even think about it. . .

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

*sarcastically* Why are we even on the topic of female psychology, that topic is too never be touched by any male alive! lol :P

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

I actually lol at that, solo.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

Errr, back to the topic.

I'm 13. I don't really care about the age thing yet. Thanks, nate, you remember my gender.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

Oh and I'm running to have better endurance.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

no problem. i easily remember. after getting other people's sex wrong, i feel i need to get things right from now on lol


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
lol, how did that happen?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

i got seths sex wrong once. someone else too i think


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
LOL, sethaniel is a guy, yes?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Thirteen? I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed outside at thirteen years old. Maybe your parents are over-cautious, or perhaps they think its dangerous around your neighbourhood. I don't know, but still, you should be allowed at least around the block at thirteen.

And to increase your endurance - that's a good reason. Same with you, I want to do it. The only thing that makes me different is that I'm too lazy to.

It's hard to think of something if you can't listen to music and you're trapped in your backyard and don't have anybody to run with (I don't think it'd be interesting to run in circles with somebody anyway) I can't really think of anything to motivate you. If you're able to run around your whole house (like if you have little areas going around the side of your house leading from the front of your house to the back and vice versa) maybe running around your whole house would be more interesting. See how many laps you can do in a session and then try to beat that record.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

My parents are overcautious. Why don't you try running for a bit? Just a bit can help a little bit.

My house is also small and most of it is occupy by my grandma who gets pissed easily. Good idea, but my house isn't...very exceptional.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

ever thought of rollerblading? and yes, seth is a guy. i just thougth at one point he said he was a girl. (seth, if you are reading this, im sorry. rock on DUDE). lol


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
I don't have a rollerblade and I won't get it even if I ask for it. O.O, trick of the mind, eh?

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

Yes, yes I am reading this. . .


How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Oh yeah, when I'm cycling I tend to work on stories- you know, mostly thinking up new ideas or playing out conversations between characters.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
That's a good idea. Sometimes, when I'm running and I'm already thinking on a subject, I feel I cannot change it or else somehow my body will get even more tired. It's as if my body is currently distracted by my thoughts and if I change it, I will suddenly think of my body's condition and I will have this weird...sinking, tired feeling. Yes, I know I'm weird. I am of a different race from you guys..

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
I do. Just took place in the Cross Country Carnival at school. Out of the male people competing (females started one minute later as to avoid confusion), which was about 110 or something, I came 47th. Probably nothing compared to Nate's "run" though. This one was only about three or four kilometres (about 2-3 miles).

I did on the weekend though, with my uncle who wanted to get fit. He planned to run the whole street and back (2 kilometres there and back from the front gate of the house) but he only got about halfway and then wanted to turn back so we only ended up running one.

That's really hard if you've got your grandmother living with you and she gets cranky with that sort of stuff. I know what you mean, my grandmother lives with us too (and our grandfather, and he gets a lot more annoyed) and they get annoyed when I run past their rooms.

Seriously, that's really hard if you're hardly allowed to run at all. If there's a cross country or athletics team at school, maybe you could join that, it'd help your endurance (seeing that's what you want, right?). I personally wouldn't join the athletics team because I can't run that fast, but the cross country team seems like a good idea (but it's over now), because no matter what place you came you get the feeling of accomplishment after you complete whatever course it is you're running.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

My school has a similar running event to yours. It's called Turkey Trot where you run three miles and you get a T-shirt and a power drink, though you do need to pay $5 to enter.

Aww, I wanna run with you guys too. JK JK! But I do want to run 2 kilometers..

My grandma complains about a lot of things. Even I start to run somewhere just to get there fast, she's gonna yell at me -_-.

I'm in middle school and they don't offer any of those running clubs or team. I am doing Track and Field as part of P.E., but it's not like I run two miles every day. In fact, I don't even run a mile. Yes, that is true. I will join Cross Country when I get to high school. I know what you meant by that feeling. I went with my brother once to his high school and we ran for a while; it was pretty awesome. I felt so good.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Even ask if you can walk home from school (if it isn't too far away). Trust me, it helps. When I used to live in the city I pretty much only walked about half a mile to the train stop to catch a train back to my station and wait there for my parents. And if the train was delayed, I'd catch a different train line and catch the tram from there and got picked up. I hardly ever walked. Where I live now, I catch the bus to a suitable distance and just walk the three kilometers home from there. And if you've got a big school, it'll help. In high school it'll be easier for you, because you're not always in the same classroom and you have to walk to get to places and get back to your locker. You'd be walking heaps.

Walking doesn't really look like it helps, but trust me, it does. Of course, running helps more, but walking is a good alternative.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
lol, i've done that before. I'll be talking to someone on the computer and call them dude and they'll be like, "I'm a girl." and i'll be like, "Oh,,,uhh...i know..." lol, anyway back to the topic, usually i listen to music, but i think thats been said already.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
LOL DarthVader! That caught me off surprise.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

Yeah, I asked my mom about that plenty of times, but because I'm the only girl in my family, she's won't let me walk by myself, or even with friends. My parents are very protective of me.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Thats very simple to get around. Talk to your parents about the situation and say you want to run track or cross country and want to be prepared. All you have to do is state your cause i.e.running. why i.e.track or cross country. and who will train with you i.e. get as many friendsas you can get.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
That's impossible. They won't even let me go to my friend's birthday party.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago
Maybe arguing with your parents would give you the equivalent amount of exercise as running, as it'd probably go on forever (either that or they'd just go "I'm right, the arguments over" like my parents do). But seriously, that's strict as. I dunno, just do sit-ups or push-ups in your room. I know it's nowhere near as good, but still.

Or you could just run around in circles in the backyard until your parents come out and get the point that you want to increase your endurance and might let you do something. If they ask what you're doing, tell them that you're running in circles because somebody wouldn't let you run around the block.

How to Get Motivated for Running

17 years ago

LOL! Yeah, I tried doing pushups and situps, but then it got too tiring/boring and repetitive (even with music playing from my computer).

I also tried reasoning with my parents, but they always end it with a "No" and even if I started spouting reasons why they should allow me to run outside, they'll just interrupt me and say "No." It's really frustrating so I just gave up >.<

They watch me sometimes when I run in the backyard and then went back to doing whatever they were doing before -_-
My parents aren't American-type, they're more country-ish.