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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
Props Chocolatebot!! You too Nerves&Arteries_78. Great magazine.  One annoying thing was how we had to hear about good that horrible Infinite-Story website is... :P

Megazine #2

17 years ago
LOL nerves and arteries :P yes, choco and nate deserve a big props.  i love the robotology story! and yeah, infinite-story sucks :P

Megazine #2

17 years ago

although some here may not care for infinite story, lets all remember that it is another writing site. its a site that promotes the creative ideals found in all writers. if we want to keep the world of writing alive we must continue to promote writing, ALL WRITING.


Megazine #2

17 years ago
All writing.  But infinite story doesnt count... Cuz well... they suck.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

We love you guys too.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
Oh man, I still haven't gotten my magazine. I ordered online for an emailed version, but it hasn't come. But it'll be coming soon, right Aztec's_Secret_To_Eternal_Life-bot?

Megazine #2

17 years ago

OH wait, your interveiw was sweet.  Meant to mention that.  :D : D


"Usually they call me End...  But I'd rather if theyd call me master."


ahahha.  Yeah, I remember thinking that it couldnt be so bad if it had some great humour.  (I only recognised you from your DP)

Megazine #2

17 years ago

(deleted derogatory post)

naw, its not that you suck, its that we are too addicted to cys lol.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

You guys really know how to display your literary talents with such extensive and obviously well thought out insults. (I don't do smiley faces, but I suppose this is where most of you would use the one that sticks his tongue out)

Megazine #2

17 years ago

So I joined this site forever ago and read a few stories but didn't find one I liked. I then went to infinite-story and read quite a few I liked, and stayed over there. (I also love the easy formatting on infinite-story)

Since you guys have been on here for a while, perhaps you could steer me to some stories worth reading?

Oh, and EndMaster sucks.

Megazine #2

17 years ago's fantastic!

Anyway, I saw a story called "Mommy Can I go out to kill Tonight?" which sounds promising. I imagine that might be a good one.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
That does sound lovely.  I'll have to check Diplomacy out.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
... or wait. Are we already doing that?

Megazine #2

17 years ago

Check out "snow" by seth, and any game by TSMPaul if you're into Fan fiction as easy starting games. 

If you're in the mood for an epic play "mommy" and if you're into movies play "locked out"


Megazine #2

17 years ago
(Quick clarifier: TsmPaul stories = Sci-fi, not fan fiction!)

Megazine #2

17 years ago
my bad!  lol.  i know what I meant.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

And JJJ, we'd rather NOT start some type of "those guys suck" war with infinite story.  They're doing what we're doing, just differently.


Megazine #2

17 years ago

DEP: I meant "diplomacy" was what was going on between IS and CYA.

March: Nah, we weren't offended (we've said worse to each other) but yeah it's better to get along given that I think we're the only two fair sized, non-porn CYOA type sites on the web.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

Blargh. I meant CYS not CYA.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

Wait... There's no porn on infinite-story?

That's it... I'm switching sites.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
I just played with Mommy (giggle) I got the worst ending when I thought I was doing well, but I liked it. I'll try again later.

Megazine #2

17 years ago

LOL i got the worst ending too, and i thought i had been doing well also lol! i know how you feel :P

Anyways, i like the concept of IS, but i am in love with cys and so my opinion is very bias.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
Screw you whoever just deleted my post.  Im going to infinite story.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
lol what did u say? (pm me)

Megazine #2

17 years ago
Cool, is it out? I didn't get it yet.

Megazine #2

17 years ago
I got it via pdf.  My actual copy will get here in like 2.5 months, knowing the vancouver island post service (rolls eyes and procedes to vomit on his moniter)

Megazine #2

17 years ago
I have the CYS magazine, and I took a look. Pretty awesome! I like the Robotology CYOA. I protested and then became a terrorist. But the virus ending should of ended much more in my power. I mean, I had all of society at my disposal!!!! How can the cops find me or arrest me? If you were going to make a formal CYOA based on it (and by formal I mean on the site or even a book), you should add more depth to the series; of course, you probably whipped it up fast, so in the end, it was a great and entertaining story.
I haven't read all of it, since we have guests coming over. I'll finish it eventually.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

First time I posted on here.

Never did get my free copy of the CYS magazine with my interview!

Megazine #2

11 years ago

What the... I... I don't understand...

There's a CYS Magazine!?

Megazine #2

11 years ago

Alex, march and choco produced a cys magazine, but I think it only got as far as the second issue. I didn't really know anything about it until march wandered over to infinite story to get an interview with me (and the Sev the admin of IS I believe) 

jjj or one of the older members probably know more details.


Megazine #2

11 years ago

out of curiosity which site do you prefer these days?

Megazine #2

11 years ago

Well IS will always be home especially since I met my wife on that site, but I hang out here a lot more nowadays because things are pretty much comatose over there at the best of times. The forums used to be a little more lively and a lot more crazy. The main writing site still has the occasional new story so there's still people going there, a lot just never post on the forums. (Which are semi-locked down anyway, gotta get "buzzed in" by DEP nowadays.)

The big problem there currently is the place has the occasional technical glitch that can make the site inaccessible for days or even a few weeks. The admin is cool in that you can pretty much write/say whatever you want there, but he's absent a lot so if there's a problem with the site it takes a long time before anything is done about it.

Wouldn't surprise me if one day I go on there and the place has been shut down.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

I get the feeling that if alexp ever stops working on this site that that will happen to us... 

My condolences for IS, but i have to ask, how did you meet your wife on the site? (it might seem too personal but i'm curious as to how you can meet your wife at a chooseyourownstory site, seems like one of the weirder ways to meet and fall for someone)

Megazine #2

11 years ago

See I never get that impression with this site ever being in danger. Even though Alex isn't around a lot, he seems to show a genuine interest in this place.

Sev does show an interest of his site too (hell he actually did keep it open when he shut it down temporarily back in 2006 I think it was, because he said he felt bad about doing it) however he's stated on more than one occasion he doesn't read the stories on the site and isn't a story or game writer, he basically is a coder at heart (and a musician) and loves coding websites to make money off of them. Obviously he doesn't make much on IS so its kind of why I get more of an impression that if the financial burden becomes too much for him to justify he'll pull plug.

As for the wife, yeah I didn't expect it either. Just sort of happened. She joined through knowing another member on that site and posted on the forums one day and we just seemed to get along.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

How long have you been with IS?  

Megazine #2

11 years ago

I've been there since 2004. Before that I was at another place called "The Neverending Story Engine" which was okay, but then the admin shut it down and overhauled it and it sucked a lot. That place is still around but I don't think a lot go there anymore.

I actually came across CYS (called MAG back then) before I found Infinite, but ended up passing this place by since there looked like there were too many "rules". Lol. And back then I was little more prone to getting banned from sites due to uh... "personality conflicts"' so I probably would've gotten into arguments with march, jjj, etc, and got myself banned from this place.

Of course I'm much calmer now. Ha ha.


Megazine #2

11 years ago

Heh , sorry if it feels like an interview, it's just that, other than knowing you're an extremely talented writer, we (or at least I) know very little about you, and you seem to be an interesting person all-in-all.


Megazine #2

11 years ago

So, so, so, glad you started hanging around!

Megazine #2

11 years ago

Do you still remember the interview? If so, would you mind typing it out for us to read? I'm rather curious as to what they asked what what you replied, and I'm pretty sure the others want to know too...

Megazine #2

11 years ago

I don't remember much of it. And I long since deleted the pm I got over on IS with the questions and answers. I remember some of the questions were simple ones like favorite movie. Others were like how did you get into cyoas, do you think they will ever make a come back, etc.

Feels kind of like I'm doing another interview now though.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

Hey, was the old CYS Mag pdf? I wonder if someone still has a copy...

Megazine #2

11 years ago

i have a physical copy of the magazine that i kept. I will look for your interview End, and I will let you know what i found. cool?


Megazine #2

11 years ago

I really wasn't mad about never getting the magazine, just joking around about that, but yeah if you find the interview that would be cool.


Megazine #2

11 years ago

i was only able to find the second edition that I worked on with Chocobot, but it is the same edition that included your interview End. Its like 3 pages! it was a walk down memory lane. years have gone by!


Megazine #2

11 years ago

Is it just me, or does seeing some of 3J's older posts make you wish we weren't able to revive these threads?

Megazine #2

11 years ago

What's wrong with jjj posts?

Megazine #2

11 years ago

They're just... different. I don't know how to explain it.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

Yeah... They are more... light hearted or something.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

He was younger then, I suspect my posts will look different in the future in about 2-3 years.

Megazine #2

11 years ago

This magazine was the shit. I think I still have my copy laying around somewhere. Probably won't find it though since I'm too lazy to actually look for it which is a damn shame

Megazine #2

11 years ago

I must have still been floating behind the background noise of space when this came out.  We were all more lighthearted then, I think.  I like it.  And then there were periods where the exact opposite was true, where we'd go off on novel-esk rants, argue a point down to its bear bones, make the case for FREEDOM.. lol good times.  I miss those days, like I was much more impassioned then.  I've certainly mellowed out more, which has been good in many ways, makes like much easier, calmer, clearer, but also I feel like I'm.. mm, I don't wanna say jaded, but I'm definitely different.  I don't feel any less able to argue a point, or less desire to argue when the opportunity presents itself, but I guess I don't care so much about the result of the argument.  Before I think I legitimately cared that people had unexamined views and views held for dumb reasons, whereas now.. it's like whatever, haha, if you wanna be dumb you can be dumb.  And also there's a lot more opportunity to surround myself with people who use their brains as an adult than I had as a kid in high school. haha  But man, those were wild times lol

Megazine #2

3 years ago

These fuckers STILL never gave me the free physical copy of the MAGazine with my interview.