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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

Here is a guide demonstrating how to protect yourself from these... noobs.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Hahah!  Wonderful!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

I gotta protect us from the noobs...
Is there any defense infromation for our troops? The NON-Noobs?

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I dont know if that was sarcasm, Zero, but yoshi guy, you are a hopeless comedien and dont even try to make things funny because it just isnt! (Sorry that was mean but its the truth!)

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Emma, incase you haven't read the link, his post was COMPLETLY on topic. XD

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
??? Neither are you emma.

And you spelled Comedian wrong.

Emma = FTL (For the lose)

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Why yes, that was sarcasm, Emma.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I wasn't trying to be funny anyway, dumbasses

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Yeah, I'm sure you were being totally serious.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Yeah. I was infact.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

. . . Zero, quick, get him from behind, ill slip a bag over his head!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Wow. You missed. Fail

*runs off*

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
How's that noose lookin'?

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I think he is getting to know it pretty well. . .

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
And I ran away cause I run fast

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
You failed miserably

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Haha, are you sad because no one likes you?  It's the internet.  Get over it.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Really. . .

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
LOL. I think you should direct that to yourself. Cause I have so many people that care about me. And I'm not sad, unlike you emo kid.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Hahah!  Look at him trying to defend himself! 

"I have so many people that care about me..."

XD That's pure gold!!!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I know. Your so jealous. Your so bloody overzealous. Don't be mad because I have friends and you don't, sweetie. Just go back into your crib and here is your little rattle for you to play with until you fall asleep. Night night!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Dont call me sweetie you perve! Thats what my boyfriend does!!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I wasn't talking to you, reject.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
And I'll call you or Zero sweetie all I want. Because thats the person I am. I don't listen to people when they say rude and diminishing things. So your point in this world is to try to accomplish something. Your FAILING your life purpose. You have accomplished nothing more than post some stupid ass comment about how I suck and making false claims. You say how I act like a little kid when you go around spreading lies and rumors about me being someone I'm not. Trust me. If I were Bob, then you could tell. But I'm not. So stop telling yourself that lie because it isn't gonna work. You can say all this shit about me that isn't going to scare me off this website. I don't even see why I even joined this website. It's filled with hypocrites and delinquents. This is the last you will ever hear of me on this website... ever. GOODBYE MOTHER FUCKERS!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Are you talkin to me or Zero cause if your talkin to me then, just because your life is crummy and mine isnt is no reason to call someone emo! And thank you very much but I do not slit my wrists or have emotional problems!thats kind of funny that you would accuse someone of doing that!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I'm sorry, but emos, like you, always say they never do something... when they do because it shows in your posts. My life is fine and dandy. I have a GF and I have a job that pays me well. I have friends, who I hang out with almost everyday. Sorry if yo don't. No need to take out your emo ways on me.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Ask 3j if im emo because I know him in person and he knows that I am most deffinetly NOT emo, and that is extremely rude for you to say that!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

Hey toddlers, stop talking about pee-pee's. . .

As for you Plaster, goodbye: So long!

(And btw: I'm glad you have your little colonie of assholes that cares about you.)

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Haha, so noobs DO run in packs! XD

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
He showed his face?


The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
You know waht im talking about!!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
emma = emo?
emo = emma?
Emma the Emo! Just kidding

EP needs to have more self control

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

EXCUSE ME??? I'll have you know that I am MOST DEFFINETLY, NOT EMO!!! Seth dosnt think so and neither does Zero! All of the others havnt said anything!

You better be kidding!

Im too happy to be emo

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Mage, you were waiting for that, huh? Roflcopter, nice one.
Also, Emma... WHEN DID SETH COME INTO THIS? Did he send you a PM, or what? Haha.

Anyway, the three of you (Zero, Emma, Plaster) need to just, you know, shut up. You guys are trying too much when you're bickering. Hey, it's funny to read you guys yell about Emo...-ness[?], but frankly, none of your arguments are solid. Plain und simple.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Have you been paying attention?... No.  You haven't. 

To know that for sure, you would've had to have read all of our posts, but you see... They're gone.  So you, sir, have nothing to go on.  Our "arguments" were (He's gone now... duh.), in fact, solid. 

I think that also goes for the emo comments Seth(?) and I made.  They also got deleted.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Or they're in another thread?

Don't remember. . .

All I know is, I said anyone who uses smileys can't be emo.  Except  /(

(see, he's frowning, and his hair is in his eyes. . . yeah. . .)

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Yeah, that's possible that you said it in another thread, Seth. I don't doubt it.

And you, Zero, are jumping to conclusions. I did read every post thoroughly. I know what's going on. Don't have to be asshole.
Also, I was basically saying that all of your quarrelling was just childish. That's all.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
"Anyway, the three of you (Zero, Emma, Plaster) need to just, you know, shut up. You guys are trying too much when you're bickering. Hey, it's funny to read you guys yell about Emo...-ness[?], but frankly, none of your arguments are solid. Plain und simple."

Haha, I don't have to be an asshole?  I think what I said was pretty much the equivalent of this quote here (insult-wise).  You said more then just "your quarrelling was just childish," obviously...  But regardless, I'm not going to get in an argument with you too.

Seth... Hahah, nice emo face...thing.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Then...don't get into an argument with me by trying to make a comeback. Hahaha!

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Just pointing out your fault. :)

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Yeah, mine was the fault and your's wasn't, sure.

ANYWAY, noobs aren't that bad. I mean, what do you think keeps us fed, hm?

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Has evilplaster been on recently? I haven't seen him for a while... Must of scared him off (again, right?).

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
He declared that he left

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
rofl, What a nubcake.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago


happy mothers day Anubis :) [random]

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Thank you! I love mother's day because it's my special day. lol

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Hmm.. much like a lot of other topics, this one kind of sucked out of control for awhile there, haha.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Oh, yeah. Forgot we were spiraling down into pit of crapiness.
*ahem* Getting back on track, noobs are fine! Just so long as they are pubescent, whiney brats who think they're some sort of royalty and contribute in no positive way to the community.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
*edit* long as they are NOT...

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
You just defined noob though. . .

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Anubis reread the beginning of the article you, my good sir, are referring to a newb, something much different than a noob.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
Ah, whatever. I'm still saying what I want to say.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago

Ah this has turned into one of those stupid internet threads I hope don't happen on this great site, but do all the time, much like when someone posts an opinion on youtube and people fight with them trying to fit in the word 'fuck' as many times in succession thinking it makes them look smarter.

Please guys, try not to sound stupid, it ruins the site, really.

By the way, n00b is a shitty word some fat guy who plays too many games made up, as well as those people who get mad at you for using the same attack in an online game because it kicks too much ass and it annoys them, in Jedi Academy for example.

But anyway please guys stop making everyone sound stupid, it makes the site look bad.

The Noobs are attacking!

16 years ago
I agree. Was about to delete the whole thing once it went off topic but I'll leave it because of this post.