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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
I guess I've been reminiscing lately, or maybe it's the music I'm listening to right now or maybe it's just the time I'm at in my life / the youthful frivolity (thank you Wikipedia) that I'm full of right now but I just wanted to tell y'all how much this site's meant to me over the past 5 years.

I feel like this site is a melting pot of personalities that have each taught me something unique. I dunna if as a collective, we're all dying now but regardless of that, I'm thankful that I've been able to mature as a writer. Not only that, I'm thankful that I can look back into the archive that is the forums and I can actually see my own evolution as a writer and a human.

I get to see the emotions that ran rampant, the rivalries, the bullshit, the fuckerwhooping, and the celebrating. And the debates. Love the debates. Just wanted to give a particular shout out to a few of you.

madglee - Probably the motherfucker who I owe the most to writing-wise. You've really helped me through man, you've witnessed me evolve from absolute shite to fairly competent and not once did you ever say or do the wrong thing. You had so many opportunities to totally fuck me up with one wrong saying, when I was a fragile kid and you never did even though I probably deserved it a few times. Thanks for that bro.

Zero - Probably the guy I've gotten along with the best out of all of y'all. I remember you showing up and writing one of the worst stories ever and now I see your writing and it's impeccable. You're awesome, bro.

Rommel - Hated you like a motherfucker when you first showed up and now we collaborate. You're great, man.

Darthvader_13 - Been talking to you for fucking years man. You've been with me through thick and thin and I really appreciate it.

Endmaster - You've inspired me to write better man, I love your style and I aspire to attain the pizazz you've mastered sometime in the near future.

Solostrike - Old times sake, need I say more? You're one of the few that's been here for longer than me.

Sethaniel - You broadened my horizons on what makes a story great. It's not always the epic adventure that creates a perfect story, sometimes it's economy of words and eliminating every unneeded syllable until you've got a finely crafted piece of art like Snow.

Love you all,

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

Wow, that's pretty touching.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
tis, I'm pretty speechless.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

I don't think I've ever inspired anyone before, or if I have I never heard about it.

Anyway, thanks.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

Thanks bro, right back at you. Been pretty much talking since I joined (pretty good for someone who hates all newbies....LOL) and you were always really cool with me, even if I was acting like a doucher. Even when my stories were complete shit (FD, Surviving school) you never stopped giving me the constructive criticism I needed to turn me into a half-way decent writer. Thanks again, man.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
Hey End, I betcha you've inspired more than you know, man. Your writing is incredible and I think that the vast majority of writers and literally every CYOA designer could learn something from you. You're pretty much the shit when it comes to crafting a story reliant on STORY while still achieving a certain personality which forces the reader to fully engage the protagonist. I think that this engagement is what I'm missing most as a writer.

Of course, the above only applies to the readers who can actually stomach reading more than 17 words without complaining: "I wasn't looking for 500 word paragraphs, I was looking for explosions and shit. What the shit."

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

In addition, how the hell can you have explosions and whatnot without detail? Is this the story he wants:






Dead woman.


What the shit.




Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

Hell, that's probably too long, I'd make these changes:




WHAT THE SHIT?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!



Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

Awesome just  made a storygame entitled "AWESOME" (of course) and it's pretty much exactly like this:











The End.


Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
Yep, JJJ, do your stuff. Lets see if he changes reactions. You've said my games are linear, but this doesn't have anything. As put above, its crap. Even your inspiration and criticism couldn't help him. But hey, this forum is about us, right?

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
It's marked for deletion.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago


Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

This was the first online community I joined. I suffered from being an internet tough guy back then, but hey, it's been how many years?

Also this will always be the place where I honed my writing. Oh, and how I got into RPGs.




I seriously think some of you guys are on par with Joe Dever and Lone Wolf. Madglee in particular (he deserves a pedastal). 3J and End come close behind.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
Thanks man. I think that TsmPaul is seriously underrated too. His writing is super impeccable. There's something about his style that's lacking (at least for me) but his ability is second to none in many ways.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

Light Space kicked ass.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago

I know how you feel, man.  This wasn't the first online community I've join, but it's certainly the one I've enjoyed being a part of the most.  What you said about the diversity, I completely agree.  It's like out of all the chaos, there's somehow order.

When I got here, I posted some dumbass, 10 second intro, not even sure if I was gonna stick around and I didn't feel a need to, but when I came back and saw the thread I posted, I was surprized to find that people actually replied and that there was some discussion going on.  Some random ass discussion, but it was there nonetheless.

I also feel like I've matured here.  Looking back at some of my old things, I was a fuckin' retarded kid. hahah  It's actually upsetting to know that I was like that at one point, but that's life... And, by the way, I literally laughed out loud when I read "Probably the guy I've gotten along with the best... you showing up and writing one of the worst stories ever."  Haha, it certainly was bad.

I've gotten along fairly well with most everyone here, despite many of our huge debates and fights.  But I honestly think that both JJJ and Anubis need a very honorable mention, because they are some of my favorite people.  I've been on both ends of an argument with JJJ, with and against, and I remember the first time I was getting into it with you, everybody said, "You really don't wanna do that" haha  But we got over those things pretty quickly, like they never happened, and it's been really good.  We seem to have a lot of common ground and perspective on things, so it'd be really hard not to get along with you so damn well.  A serious inspiration to better my writing and all around thinking - also, you're a funny funny man. haha 

When I first came here, like three people sent me messages asking me if I was actually Anubis, and I was like "Who the fuck is this guy!?" haha  He eventually showed up again, I thought I could kinda see why there was the confusion.  Probably the reason we got along so well was because we were so similar, (as I saw it) in that he was always light and unserious until there was a topic that sparked intellectual inspiration to write maturely and to minimize the jokes.  But, fuck... When that guy got started, he wrote pages in a single post.  I've only done that a handful of times, but it seemed like it was everytime with him.  (I feel like I'm speaking at his funeral, haha)  But yeah, bad mofuka right here.

I do wish it was like the old days, with 6-8 people online at once, with a constant flow of ideas and opinions coursing through the forums.  But like that one person wrote in that one place, "nothing can stay gold."  Still, I'm certainly not leaving this place any time soon, and even going to college won't change that (unless they find out that I'm downloading things illegally, in which case, they'll turn off my internet and thus have done something to change that).  ;p

You people are like a family to me.  A distant family that I don't have to visit and don't have so much resentment towards.  A family of assholes and peacemakers and talents.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
I still think you're Anubis. Writing a fucking essay while talking about how Anubis writes essays. That's something Anubis.. you.. would do. Or maybe I'm tired because I've been up all night with seventeen different women whom I have never met and will never meet again. They enjoyed my long hard pole and when I shot it at them they grinned and took it. We were playing hockey, it was sweet. Then we fucked but that's a whole different story.

I don't see why I wouldn't check the forum daily like I do, if something happens that sparks things then sweet, otherwise it's not exactly a big loss.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

13 years ago

Damn, I must have been busy, I didn't see this thread until just now.

Thanks triple-J, that is very cool of you. We each have our own path and yours has been very strong. I appreciate the idea that from my one measly story you said those nice things and I'm glad I was helpful along that path. I'll have to reciprocate and say that watching one such as yourself journey along, improving all the time, was inspiring. Reminding me that "teachers" are actually students, or they're not very good teachers. Strong, strong work man.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

13 years ago
Thanks man. I look back at the comments you've left on some of my really terrible stories and they're always encouraging. It's really impressive.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

14 years ago
It's been too long guys. I leave for a couple month to find the forums nearly barren. What we need is someone to breath a little life back into this place.

Man, I fucking love you guys.

13 years ago

Awesome forgot to change the thread name when he posted to "Man I love fucking you guys."