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Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I haven't named the story yet, or really planned it out, but I started it. It's set in the Irish Revolutionary period, going through both the Civil war where a massive chunk of the British empire managed to gain statedom, and the resulting Irish Civil War. 

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Finally starting that storygame, I see. Good luck. :D

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I spent far too much time rewriting the first bit of Mice and Men to have subtle references to them being gay, and placing it in Ireland. I don't regret a second of it, though.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I noticed that I can easily make it so I do my second post for the week immediately after the first, so today, I learn that when Roger Casement visited Ireland the last time, he was accompanied by Robert Monteith, and according to his memorial there, "a third, unnamed man". So, perfect if the protagonist wants to do that, he'll fit right in.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Today I learned that in the Easter rising, 17 Irish Rebels managed to hold off an assault of over over a thousand British soldiers, taking out 240 of them with only four casualties. It took the British nine hours to advance 300 yards.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Wow. How did they manage?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

They're Irish. A bunch of other cool shit happened, like the distraction force meant to divert British force's attention for a few hours lasting three days. Really, it was great.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Lol fucking pommies

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

My 5000 words a day goal is fucking hard, and I'm only just realizing it now, but I've managed to keep it up, so there's that, at least. 135 words left today, folks.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Your 5000 words are trash and so are you.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Again, right in the chat, you desperate need for my attention and approval is sweet, but it gets annoying. Go have a cold shower, dollface.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Your posts are becoming less and less coherent as time goes by. I don't have high hopes for this story at all.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Yet you continue to desperately grasp for my attention. 

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Eh idk desperate grasping for attention is more your MO. See: the recent thread you made, literally with 'Steve desperately grasps' in the title.

Constantly referring to oneself in the third person implies a great deal as well.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Yeah, but I'm just a narcissist who knows all attention should be on him. You, on the other hand, are doing more of a ponytail-pulling kind of of thing where you want the attention specifically from me. It's cute and endearing, sure, but you're old and gross, so I'll pass.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
You have a ponytail. Noted.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Interesting that that's what you took from that. I don't, in case anyone was wondering, I'm not some creepy, run of the mill Malk.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I thought 1,900 words a day was hard. split between two stories at that

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

1900's pretty impressive. It should give you a reasonably massive story in a relatively short period of time, so well done.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Holy-! 44.7K?! Damn, Steve.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I told you 5000 words a day. It's been nine days. I'm actually behind, if anything.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Are you like End? Do you just not sleep?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I type at a speed of 89 words a minute. That's less than an hours work. More realistically to add pages, I suppose, but not a ridiculous amount more.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
I can type 70-80 if I get going, but I could never write a story that fast. My stream of [thought] (can't spell the bloody c-word for the life of me) results in absolute simplistic mush. When I'm writing a lot and in good practice, I can do 1,000 quality words an hour, but when it's been awhile, I may only get about 300.

Anyway, very impressive, Steve.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Thank you.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

How do you think that fast while writing.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
He writes whatever comes to his mind, essentially.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Yeah, just write what comes to mind.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
That's a good output. If you wrote just 1,000 words a day, you'd have the first draft of a novel in three months.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I'm a little behind, but I plan to catch up this weekend and later during winter break.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I hit a fucking wall because I need to study for law and that. Gave a rough plan, should be able to incorporate the Easter Rising, the IRA-British War and the Treaty War, so Bucky's getting two civil wars for the price of one. Anyhow, 60,000 words, I think. Roughly speaking, maybe a little under, I haven't checked. Anyhow, I sized up my competition, and I actually see a few key threats among the competition, not even including a handful of unknown variables. Due to exams and post-exam drinking, I won't be able to out-write my opponents to a comfortable degree, and my writing ability isn't a killing blow when facing off, so I'm hoping to crush my opponents through a mixture of having a shit ton of accurate historical information for that appeal while also having the edge writing amount wise, and not taking too big a blow via quality. Still, it all depends on how productive I am on my off days, so I guess time will tell. 

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Hey, look. It's a cute hedgehog.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Go eat out your own cunt, chink.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

242 pages and 67.8k words. I've left to do the Easter Rising, as the path I've done focused on you joining the Great War rather than the volunteers, the Burning of the Common House, and the whole second civil war, the Treaty War. Should be grand, though.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

*claps* Surely you'll win with that many words. Your writing isn't complete crap, and with that many words and historical content... Well, I'm screwed.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

One can hope.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

There is a difference between quantity and quality you know.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I dare say my quantity all has a fair bit of quality.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

And I never said otherwise.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Finished my tests, so I should be able to get back to focusing on  Fun fact though, I learned that the first radio broadcast in Ireland was done by the Rebels in the 1916 Easter Rising.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Are you southern, or northern Irish?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I'm from the Republic of Ireland, which isn't Northern Ireland. I suppose it's Southern, but as it includes Western, Eastern and Southern Ireland, the Republic is the better term. Unless you mean pure geography, in which case, I'm fairly South, right around Cork.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Yeah I was just asking if the United Kingdom stole your land and refused to give it back or not. Since you belong to the Republic of Ireland, that means they didn't. Or rather, they did, but you're a member of the original nation (more or less) rather than a member of the stolen land region.

fuck britain.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I feel "fuck britain" isn't exactly the best element to take out of this. I mean, sure, they stole our land and refused to give it back until we kind of forced them to, but in regards to Northern Ireland, it's been agreed between the Republic and UK that as long as the will of the people is to remain in the UK, they shall. While they're definitely to blame for the atrocities of the past, at this point, it's by the will of the people that Northern Ireland remains separate from the Republic, and I support their right to remain in the UK.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I understand that, and completely understand that it's more complex than "ahh Britain are the bad guys" in regards to irish independence. The point still stands, however, that Britain persecuted the Irish for years, and the only reason why Northern Ireland had so many Unionists was because of British rule being instilled for such a long time that they felt their nation would be better off, both economically and socially, if they didn't attempt to reignite Irish-British feuds and wars.

so fuck britain, fuck the british empire.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Resident historian @Will11 should come offer his valuable perspective on all this.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Irish history is more my field.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
My Valuable Perspective? Meh.

I like the policy of giving people the chance to vote which country they want to be in. Maybe they should give it to the Northern Irish and see if they want to stay in the UK or join back with Ireland. I don't have much opinion one way or another on how a bunch of long-dead people messed with another bunch of long-dead people except curiosity. You can go through history and say this person was bad and this person was awesome but it seems a bit silly getting mad about what a bunch of people, who you're never going to meet any of anyway, did long before any of us were even around You can blame history for the impact it had on our lives now but most people just see where they are and get on with it :)

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I mean, you're right, and I try to focus on the persecution in the story, but I don't really blame Britain as it is now for it's past actions anymore than I would modern-day Germany and Japan.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Well yeah totally, I'm saying fuck the concept of Britain itself, not fuck modern Britain.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I suppose I see the reasoning behind your point, then.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Oh yeah, and in case anyone cared, currently sitting at 82k.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Holy shit. Cute turtle. 

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

It is.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I take it you've reached 87k words by now?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I had twelve pubs last night, and ended up vomiting violently and passing out. So no progress yet.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Twelve? That sounds like progress to me! Oh wait, you meant on the story?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Apologies. Twelve pubs is a Christmas thing, it's a big pub crawl. I went on it last night, and it went badly enough for me to have ended up in a proper state, so I didn't get much done.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
Certainly sounds like success to me!

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Suppose so. There's enough vidoes of me trying to sing A Fairytale of New York before vomiting half a shoulder of vodka onto the street to make that claim solid, though.

Edit: For clarification, I didn't just vomit and pass out. After vomiting, I finished the shoulder with my mate and made it to another pub. Then I passed out after that. And goddamn, I'm doing it again tomorrow with different lads!

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago
The Irish aren't drunks though. That's just a stereotype.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

And Americans aren't fat, ignorant shitheads, though. That's just a stereotype.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

88k, now.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

105k now.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Sweet bunnies.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

With my birthday and everything, only got 9k this week. Shit.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

How far are you plot-wise, Steve?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Nearly there. I had to cut out a plot line where you join a group of assassins known as the Squad or the Twelve Disciples, which is a serious shame, but the rest is nearly done. Now all I have is finishing a few bits and bobs tonight, doing the end of the Pro-Treaty path tomorrow and going over it the day after. Then, I'm done.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Ohhhh. :O That does sound like a shame. xD That sounds like a solid plan.
Wow. Further than me.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

133632 is the word count upon finishing, and I'm fucking tired of it. Christ, I worked too hard on this thing. Looking back, I wish I'd done something I was less passionate about due to the time constraints, because there's still a bunch of shit I'd like to add, but it'd all take far too long and I'd never finish it in time. I'll try add it after the contest. Anyhow, just need to go over it as best I can, and then that'll be it.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Nice job! ^-^ Congratulations on finishing!

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Cheers, Crescent, much appreciated.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Wow. This is an insane word count. How do you manage it? Like do you just spend most of your day writing, or do you really just type absurdly fast?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

My type speed's like 90 words a minute. That's pretty good, so that's it. Also, I don't reread my writing, or plan, or think about what I'm going to write. So yeah, I'm just chucking shit out in the hopes pure numbers will overwhelm my opponants.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

This is interesting. Has that plan worked much in the past? Like, does word count really carry so much weight that you end up winning despite others' quality?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

My other games seem pretty well received, and have given me the justification to act like a cunt all the time because that's allowed if you contribute enough, so yeah. Plus, the quality's not half bad, if I say so myself.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I mean, does it usually work in contests? I know your games are well received generally, but I was curious if, specifically, in contests does your word count manages to usurp quality? Of course there might be a lack of source information on that, for I have no idea how many contests you've participated in.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

I've won every storygame contest I've entered, so yeah.

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Well, that's disheartening for the rest of us. But I'm sure some unwavering souls will be motivated to beat you even more. xD

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

How many have you entered?

Feens and Faggots

7 years ago

Only two, admittedly.