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Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Which authors have had the most influence on your writing style? Not necessarily the authors whom you enjoy reading the most, but the ones who influenced your own writing the most.

For me, it would be Jean-Jacques Rousseau and George R. R. Martin. Works like Les Confessions, The Social Contract, and Emile showed me that you can draw from subjective emotional truths for writing ideas, and that any work that does not leave the reader with something that the reader did not have before reading is not worth writing. GRRM inspired me with how much glee you can take in writing sensory descriptions. My descriptions, especially of food, have become way more vivid after reading ASOIAF.

Honorable mention goes to Aristotle for Rhetoric. Although I've only read one of Aristotle's books, I think that Rhetoric is the best textbook on writing that I've ever read.

(I wasn't sure whether to put this in Writing Workshop or Reading Corner, but I figured that, since it's more focused on writing than reading, I'd put it here.)

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

I would say my biggest influences are Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Lester Smith, Stephen King and Lee Correy.  A lot of my storytelling style is also similar to my dad's as he is the storyteller I've watched perform most closely.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Rick Riordan and Jeff Kinney, obviously

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

I would say I was most inspired by the writing of Tolkien and Markus Heitz. Both are very eloquent and descriptive writers, and I hope to write something of their caliber one day.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago


Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago
I haven't noticed anyone specific, but odds are good it's Richard Adams just from reading Watership Down at least 5000 times from the 5th grade on.

I can deliberately change my style to match certain genres and tones though, and it may be that at a certain level of awareness no one has a "natural" style at all.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Depends wildly on what I'm writing. For most of my straight-fiction stuff, I'd like to achieve the language mastery people like Douglas Adams and Andy Weir have in their works, but obviously that's a high bar.

Haven't tried to do that with anything I've published on the site. For CYOAs, I usually try to strike up a bare but conversational tone, which moves the story along quickly and gives the reader plenty of room to use their own imagination. In non-CYOAs, which I usually write in first person, I'm most interested in infusing every part of the narration with the narrator's personality.

Maybe CS Lewis? I read the narnia chronicles like eight times as a kid. Rick Riordan and JKR are in a similar boat.

Obligatory link to that site that tells you what author your write like

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Huh, interesting. The first pages of my stories give me Arthur Clarke, Dan Brown, and Bram Stoker, respectively.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

I'm getting the illustrious "internal server error"

Edit: Got it to work!

Secrets of the Crag: Neil Gaiman.
Diplomat: Cory Doctrow
Sea of Legends: Ursula Le Guin
Ruins of Anzar: Charles Dickens

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago
How? I'm having the same error.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago
If you put in the first half of the first page of Ruins, you write like Dan Brown.

Those are very different authors!

.....if you put in the second half of the first page, you write like Arthur C Clarke.

Combined together, somehow those two had a baby named Charles Dickens.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

My experience with it is that it only works well for very large chunks of text, like 10,000+ words. Short of that, it's about as accurate as a fortune cookie.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

TGAA gave me Stephen King lol

Gay and DepressedER gives me some... Russian dude?

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

I mostly used the first page on these, though a few I had to do things a bit differently.

AVSCYS - Cory Doctorow
Alpha Wolf - Chuck Palahniuk
Death Song - Cory Doctorow
Eternal - David Foster Wallace
Geek - Edgar Allan Poe
Ground Zero - George Orwell
Imagination - L. Frank Baum
Innkeeper - James Joyce
Love SICK - Stephen King
Necromancer - J.K. Rowling
Paradise Violated - Douglas Adams
Repression - Cory Doctorow
Rogues - Gertrude Stein
Suzy’s Strange Saga - Cory Doctorow (Had to cut some of the text, kept getting an error with the original page)
Tales From The Basement - Cory Doctorow (All 3 stories had this result)
Tales From The Basement 2 (Got mostly different results for all stories)
Incel Insanity - Arthur Clarke
Whining Wokie (You) - Kurt Vonnegut
Whining Wokie (Mentally Ill) - Cory Doctorow
Whining Wokie (Faggot) - Cory Doctorow
Film Fanatic - William Gibson
The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly (Again got different results for all 3)
The Pure - J.D. Salinger (Another one where I had to cut the text down since I kept getting an error)
The Vile - Dan Brown
The Deadly - Arthur Clarke
TRASH - Cory Doctorow

I have never heard of this Cory guy until now, but apparently I match his writing style the most given how much he pops up.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

He's the founder of Creative Commons.  I've only read "The Rapture of the Nerds" which was a collaboration, but I really like his overall style from what I've seen.  I haven't played any of your games that it tags as him.  I'll have to check them out. 

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

>Necromancer - J.K. Rowling

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Protagonist becomes a powerful wizard that makes big changes

Older mentor wizard dies and turns out to be gay

Author isn't too popular among the T folk.

Yep, all checks out.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Put in a couple different pieces of personal works, and it popped out Arthur Clarke, Mary Shelley, and Isaac Asimov. All of them science fiction writers. I wonder this my calling?

I don't have an author's writing style that I particularly look up to, but I tend to enjoy writing that is straight to the point, without any unnecessary jargon. 

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago
I'm still laughing the most at Charles Dickens for Ruins, but really I have to question many of this site's conclusions.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Siberian(first page): Rudyard Kipling

Wolves of The Sea(first two pages): Ursula K. Le Guin

Pit of Sin(first page): Arthur Clarke

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Huh. I got Arthur Clarke for all three of my CYOA stories, and for "The Promise" as well.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Honestly, I probably wouldn’t even think of any proper novelists/authors.

Closest comparison I’ve always made is Quentin Tarantino due to a lot of focus on dialog and loading everything up with swearing and violence.

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago

Lovecraft, Danielewski, Mitchell's Homer translations and the Hebrew Bible are my big influences right now. 

Authors with most influence on your writing style?

one year ago
Site gave me Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
I'm not complaining.

I know I have intentionally taken influence from old fairy tales in some things I have written.