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Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So, my Preptober vlog is all finished and I'm all done giving writing advice that I'm not 100% sure is useful or not. Now, for the first time in I don't know how fucking long, I'm actually going to attempt to write something! This vlog doesn't really have anything useful. Just me giving a daily update on how many words I've given each day. Go me! ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Go you! The cat wagging its butt at the screen always makes me smile. I enjoyed this one a lot, just hearing you yap about your progress, keep it up! Its really hard for me to keep momentum when writing things, which is why i much prefer reading other peoples works and reviewing them, but it will be very rewarding when you get it done.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

After NaNo's finished, I'm planning on getting into the habit of writing on a daily basis. Definitely not 1667 words a day because that's going to get me burned out real quickly. But 500 words a day is something I think I can do. I mean life does has a habit of smacking me around the head with a sledgehammer this time of year, but this year I'm determined to ignore life completely. I think the key is to just put my phone on silent while I'm writing and hope that nobody dies. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Day 2! Wrote 3149 words. Very happy! Watch as I make an idiot of myself learning that you cannot put a Do Not Disturb sign on an inward closing door. ^_^



Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Actually, placing a "Do not disturb" sign inside my room makes perfect sense for me because I have a habit of getting up and walking around whenever I try to sit down and write something. The sign could remind me to not bother others and focus on my writing XD

Seriously, though. These posts have given me a lot of motivation to write. Thanks for sharing :]

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Finished Day 3!


TLDW: Daily total: 2298 words. Grand total: 9214 words. I am making lots of progress and am very proud.

Random lesson learned today. When coming up with names for fictional characters and places, it is surprisingly difficult to come up with a word that isn't already a word.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Day 4:


TLDW: I wrote 1856 words total, which brings my total so far up to 11,071 words!

Today I was working on a particularly fun chapter that introduces The Harvesters as the antagonists of the novel. "What are The Harvesters?" I presumptuously imagine everybody asking. Well, my novel is set in the middle of an industrial revolution. There have been massive breakthroughs in technology and science and medicine. One of these breakthroughs being the first successful organ transplants and so, of course, this is a huge deal! Every promising young scientist wants to learn as much as they possibly can about this incredible new procedure. But, of course, that requires a lot of fresh, healthy, well preserved organs to transplant and to experiment on. But where is a budding young doctor going to find a steady supply of fresh, preserved organs?

Well, that is where the Harvesters Guild comes in. They are a guild that… Has a strange talent for finding recently deceased bodies of young people with absolutely no damage to their organs. Isn’t that convenient? What a nice, helpful group of people! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Ah, the ol' Burke and Hare treatment.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

They really put the Fun in Funeral. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
These guys would be good friends with those wholesome, good aligned necromancers Darius was so into.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
....which fucking reminds me, I'm still withholding his and Ace's Thunderdome stories. Whoooops.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks okay, my brain is completely fried.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I'm sure The Harvesters can fix you up with a new one. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I was actually cringing when you tried opening that package with your NaNoWriMo nails. I was so paranoid they were going to break lol

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

... They did... I had to stop filming, glue them back together and then make part 2 of the video. >.<

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

At EndMaster's request, from now on I will be putting all of the text before the video so as not to break the front page. Anyway, today I found out that apparently, somewhere on my laptop, there is an internet exploding button of doom, and if I ever accidentally press it, then my internet will just straight up die. (No, I did not put the internet on flight mode. I am not quite so stupid that I don't know how to turn off flight mode.) Luckily the guy at the electronics store pressed the button that performed the internet resurrection spell and its all fixed now. Hurray! ^_^

Word count for the day: 1898 words. Not bad.

Day 5


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Another day finished... Didn't do so well today. I was busy. Stupid life and family and friends and things that aren't writing.

Word Count for the Day: 471 words

I don't mind though. 471 words isn't bad and I'm already pretty far ahead from all the writing I did before, so not really much of a set back... In happier news, I found a really nice writing group that I met up with and also, I don't live in America! ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

You got this! We're rooting for you!

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Thank you! You're super sweet! Apparently everybody did really badly on day 6 because they were either crying or celebrating over the election results. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Really, really great word count today!

Daily Word Count: 4319 words
Total Word Count: 16,959 words

I am very, very proud! 4319 words is probably the most I've ever written in a day. Everybody clap for me! ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I know it's a bit of a belated congratulations now, but I'll give you a virtual standing ovation! Setting a new personal record is always a great feeling. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Thank you very much! You are kind! Also, what's the hat for? ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Oops, missed this question. It was my birthday last month. TCat photoshopped a birthday version of my pfp, though it's now December and I forgot to change it back. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I was always assuming you gave it to yourself for winning sherbs reading contest lol late happy birthday though. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Thank you

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Happy not Birthday anymore! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Short, boring episode today. Went back to work. Didn't get as much writing done as usual. Don't really care. Still probably done more writing this past month than I have in the past three years combined.

Daily Word Count: 1,428
Total Word Count: 18,387

20,000, here I come! ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Finished off the Harvester chapter today and worked a little on a dream sequence where the protagonist learns the reason why one of his guild mates is a psychopathic bitch.

Daily word count: 1,600 words
Total word count: 19,987 words

... Nope.

Daily word count: 1,620 words
Total word count: 20,0007 words

And now I get chocolate! I like chocolate. ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Loved the video. You're coming along so fast, already at 20k!! I've never had their brand of chocolate before, so its not just the American homies. Had to give the video a like, helped put me in a better mood today. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Oh, you poor thing! Do not worry, you can order them online, which is very much worth doing after Christmas and Easter when their seasonal stock drops down to like 75% off. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

For some reason all the different expressions of the Briar avatar in the videos make me laugh.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Yey! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Rewarding yourself for reaching your milestones is a fun technique, I remember giving myself a milkshake at the halfway mark of my last storygame and a ring with a little crown at the end. That chocolate looks good too. I might have to try to hunt for it in my nearby shops. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

It is fun! And delicious! I think Hotel Chocolat might only exist in the U.K. though.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Looks like they have a shop in a nearby town. If I get through all my readings this week without burning out, I'll pop by and maybe get something there. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So today I went to a writing festival in the next town over and listened to a couple of seminars about editing and keeping up with your writing habits. It was cool, but even better, I managed to find out about a few writing groups that also take place in that town. Most are for poetry or some other stuff I have no interest in or talent for, but there is a critique writing group and, even better, there is a group that does in person writing sprints, which I am so happy about because I've been looking for one of those for ages and haven't been able to find one. The next meeting isn't until the 22nd, so I will try to get there and see how it goes.

Daily Word Count: 1,230
Total Word Count: 21,237

Could be better but still not bad. ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So, today I have been dealing with a dilemma... Who should I kill?

Basically, with the novel I am working on right now, I was planning on ending the story by killing off one of my main characters. But the more I have written the more I am thinking, I don't want this particular character to die just yet. There is an awful lot I want to do with this character and I don't think I can fit it all into one relatively short book. But, for plot reasons, and to establish a very grimdark theme, I definitely need to kill off one of my main characters by the end of the novel... And so, I have been looking through all of my beloved characters trying to decide which one is going to die writhing and screaming in agony. Still haven't decided.

Daily Word Count: 2,486 
Total Word Count: 23,723

Pretty happy with that. Now to celebrate with chocolate. ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

... I'm dying.

Everybody press F to pay respects.


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Good thing you're here on the forum, a welcoming place where everyone gathers to not write.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Getting sick is the worst, especially when you're working towards an ambitious goal. Hope you get well soon.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Thank you. I took the day off work today and only just woke up at 10.15 AM, so feeling well rested if nothing else. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Still been poorly. Spent lots of time sleeping. I like sleeping. I am very good at it.

Felt a bit better in the afternoon/evening though, so managed to get some writing done then.

Daily Word Count: 1,038
Total Word Count: 24,879

I was worried that I was falling behind but I am only 121 words shy of the half way mark, and the half way mark is supposed to be on day 15, so that means I still have a solid 2 days of buffer, which isn't bad at all.


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So right now I'm not sure which direction to take my novel in after finishing my most recent chapter, so I decided to skip forward to a dream sequence instead. My protagonist is what is known as a "Dream Weaver" which means the in his dreams, he can see the memories of the people he knows. I have found these dream sequences particularly fun to write, as it gives me a really interesting way of exploring all of the characters backstories and uncovering all of their deep, dark secrets.

Daily Word Count: 664
Total Word Count: 25,543

That's half way towards my goal for the end of the month. Go me! ^_^


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Half way through the month already! Feeling a lot better today and managed to get a bit of catch up writing done. Still on track but only just. Will be a close call whether I'll be able to hit the 50K at the end of the month but definitely possible. ^_^

Daily Word Count: 3,348
Total Word Count: 28,891


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So today, I did pretty well with my writing.

Daily Word Count: 2,628
Total Word Count: 31,519

Most importantly though, now that I have passed 30K, I get to open my 30K present. A fantasy book that has been on my to-read list for ages. The first book in what many consider to be the greatest fantasy series of all time! ^_^



Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
what was the book?

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

... Harry Potter.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
nice, those are some good books

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

... I see my British sarcasm has no power here.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
It's got to be Fellowship of the Ring. But if she says it's not I'll be scandalized by her calling something else the greatest. However if she said it is, I'm scandalized she hasn't read it yet. Really a no win situation all around, poor Avery. :(

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I said many consider it to be the greatest fantasy series of all time. I didn't say they were right. :p

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The greatest fantasy series ever written in the Western Canon is the Twlight Series by Suzanne Collins, and if you disagree I'll sic an army of werevoles and vampires with you. Just need to go find a love triangle large enough to trap them and ensare them into doing my bidding

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I think it stops being a triangle at that point and becomes a love octagon.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
That sounds awesome

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

The novel I'm working on right now has love octagons and nonagons and dodecahedrons... My defence is that it takes place over the course of about 20 years, and most people aren't going to be fucking the same person for 20 years. :p

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Wow, thats more shocking and disturbing than there being actual organ harvesters in your story, truly pushing the boundaries on cultural norms here, dare i say...scandalous? The writer of such a piece definitely must be a rebellious ankle shower. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Sometimes I don't even wear a petticoat under my clothes! 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

It's getting pretty late in the UK so I was getting pretty concerned you wouldn't upload today. What you said about the audiobooks was so relateable for me, there's been so many times I've tried switching to audiobooks due to the convenience just for me to give up every single time due to the fact thst things just don't register as well through audio for me, and then I go "damn I just must be so fuckin dumb" So I got a lot of comfort hearing I'm not alone there lol 



Hope you like the book! I think the first book I ever fully devoured and loved as a kid was a book called 'thief! ' by malorie Blackman. I read that when I was about 8 and absolutely loved it, I even stole the book to keep it as my treasure, it's since been lost to time and grown legs : ( 


The first book I ever loved though was Lord of the rings. I remember stealing it because I thought it looked so cool, I loved the way the pages felt and how OLD it smelt, I'd literally take it evrywhete with me, and id just pretend I could read the big words lol and I still havent read any Lord of the rings smh 


Beginning to realise I was a bit of a thief as a child lol

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Honestly if I was a teacher or librarian or whatever I wouldn't be bothered by a kid stealing books if they were doing it because they just liked them that much.

... might be the one situation where that applies lol.

You should read the The Children of Hurin btw. (But pay for it first.)

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I'm very much a busy bee but ill see what i can do.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

The book taught you well, I see.

And how the fuck does someone steal The Lord of the Rings and then not read The Lord of the Rings? Shame on you! Steal another one!

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
maybe he didn't want to get fully possessed by the ring, yet he couldn't let go of it because of the spell it cast on him

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Its ours it is!!! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Yeah, I got distracted and didn't properly scold him for that.

And only people who gave read the Lord of the Rimgs can read the Children of Hurin anyway smh.

Really Crimson your delinquent childbrain could've at least handled the Hobbit, that was literally written for ten year olds. Should've just stolen that one instead, it's even thematic with Bilbo.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

i.....couldn't read it....too complex for my child thief brain lol so instead id just smell the pages, feel them, run my finger along the words trying to read them and just formulate my own stories from my fake reading. lol 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 11/16/2024 7:44:14 PM

Like Joe Biden with a small child's hair. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

So, random question... Would you guys be able to help me to come up with some Gods?

In the novel I'm writing, there is a religion called "The Balance" where they pray to the Hundred Gods. Whenever they make sacrifices to their Gods, they create a giant circle with 100 altars and each God requires a different offering. The God of Death gets the traditional offering of a man tied to the altar and killed, but The God of Life would have a pregnant woman giving birth on the altar and the newborn baby would be considered the offering. The God of War would have two people fighting on their altar. The God of Peace would have a bunch of children dancing round a maypole or some gay shit like that. The God of Prosperity would have an offering of crops and livestock, and the God of Fertility would have a full on orgy at their altar. Basically, I have a few ideas, but I don't have enough ideas. 100 Gods is a lot to come up with.

So, I was wondering, would any of you guys be able to come up with any ideas for Gods? I don't need names for the Gods, I can come up with those, but I would need to know:
1. What is the God the God of?
2. What kind of offering would they be given?

Now, if I was a sensible person, I'd just change the religion to have less Gods... I am not sensible. Going to get the full hundred. ^_^

Daily Word Count: 3,209 words
Total Word Count: 34,728 words


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The God of Space-Time. A god who created the fabric of space time which our reality now stands on. Unfortunately this god is dying and if this God dies the universe will collapse in on itself like a dying star. So the God has a test for worthy candidates to traverse through 10 dimensional rifts and slay otherworldly monsters, proving that they can survive and master the God's power. There is a cult that worships the God and basically sets up this challenge for worthy adventurers. The offering they would give is offering to be the avatar for the God.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Oh wow, that's a pretty in depth one. I think a God like that would need to be a religion on it's own, not one of 100.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

The god of craftsmanship, the offering being the most prized creations of its worshippers

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

YES! This is a perfect idea! Thank you! I will definitely include this! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
  • The God of greed: the offering being a feast on the altar. 
  • The god of love, two people getting married on the altar
  • the god of wrath, two brothers fighting to the death on the altar
  • the god of good, a RACIST sacraficed upon the altar...i mean...RAPIST!
  • The god of darkness, a person blinded upon the altar
  • the god of light, someone set aflame and thrown off the altar

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Or like, just a torch, if you feel like not murdering 100 people every time

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

They would very quickly run out of offerings if every God wanted a human sacrifice.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Some really good ideas here.

The first two are pretty much spot on.
Third one... It would only really work if the brothers were actually angry at each other, otherwise they would be fighting out of a sense of obligation and there wouldn't really be any wrath involved. Two enemies fighting to the death would work, though it's a bit too similar to the offering to the God of War.
For the God of Good, I think there would need to be more of a wholesome sacrifice... I mean, to me, there's nothing more wholesome than the brutal death of a racist rapist, but the God of Good probably would probably want an act of kindness or some shit... Now the God of Justice. He'd LOVE a racist rapist sacrifice.
The God of Darkness... That might work. I will definitely consider.
The God of Light... Not every God wants people to die. A bonfire would probably suit him better.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The God of Good might just want a donation from all attendees to be used to aid the poor.

Really got to be careful asking a pack of CYStians questions like this if you don't want purely edgelord ideas.

Instead of a random person, maybe the priests of the god of darkness ritually blind themselves, and they always confirm a new one at this ceremony.

God of wrath: all attendees strip down to the waist, drink a berserker potion and brawl it out, usually non fatally. It's a popular betting event.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Sounds like a party! Only problem is that, when people pray to the Hundred Gods, they need to divide themselves up so that every God gets an offering. If everybody all dropped what they were doing to put on a show for the God of Warth, the other Gods would be very jealous.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The group chosen for that particular event then. They do a lot of training in advance, enjoy minor celebrity status, and hit each other with collapsible chairs.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Maybe we can make it a particularly large altar so that all the contenstants need to stay on the altar and the last one still on the altar by the end of the fight wins. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

... And I am not sure whether to be pleasantly surprised or disappointed by the lack of degenerate answers.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The God of Luck - The chosen individual must roll a die. 1/2/3 = They sacrifice 3/2/1 family members; 4/5/6 = They choose 1/2/3 enemies to be sacrificed. If you don't like sacrifices, you could also make it based on money where they may incur debt or gain profit based on their roll.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

That is a really interesting idea! I definitely like the idea of the offering being left to the roll of the dice, but I will toy around the idea of what the offering actually is. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
The God of Witches - witches sacrifice witch-burners like villagers in the Salem witch trials for example

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

"We've found a witch-burner! May we burn her?" ^_^

Wouldn't really work in this world though since magic users are quite common and people don't burn witches.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

heres some more for you:


  • god of water: someone drinks or bathes in some blessed water on the altar 
  • god of plants or earth: a rare and exotic plant/tree species with special properties planted on an altar
  • God of renewal or rebirth: the ashes of a loved one sprinkled on the altar 
  • god of poison: create an exotic cocktail potion on the altar as an offering to the god
  • god of strategy: people partake in an intense strategy game on the altar

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

All really good ideas! Some I will definitely use and some will go in the maybe pile... Except the God of Poison because I can't picture this particular culture having a God of Poison... A God of Healing on the other hand! That could work! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
God of healing: free medical services are offered to all comers for the duration of the event.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

And there's a Red Cross on every corner with all the flour you can eat. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

God of Empathy: the person who built the altar leaves one of co's emotions on the altar and doesn't feel it anymore. The next person who makes an offering at that altar feels that emotion and leaves one of their emotions on the altar for the next person to experience, ad infinitum.

God of Medicine- some healing herbs 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

God of Empathy idea is a very interesting one, but it would work on the assumtion that these Gods are real and have the power to transfer one person's emotions to another. I haven't quite decided whether or not the Gods actually exist or not. :p

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

God of Vengeance.

You go to their altar and remove some part of yourself, offering that and a taglock (more on that in a bit) in order to punish the person you want vengeance on.

The severity of the vengeance delivered will be determined by the part sacrificed.

For example, offering up something like a lock of your hair or some spit would cause a mild inconvenience, opening up your arm to bleed on the altar or removing a couple of your fingernails would ensure your target has a really bad couple of days, and removing something like a limb would obviously cause horrible, horrible things. People who are obsessed with vengeance... well obviously committing suicide on the altar would cause your target to die.

The sacrifice is based on the whole "you can't get something for nothing" rule. It is a representation of how you have been wronged. The person that deserves punishment would be identified by a taglock, such as a lock of hair, the person's signature, an article of their clothing, etc, etc. It has to be something that carries their life force, such as again, something that they've handled or made, or came from their body. It really doesn't matter what this is.


And aside from the whole "ritual suicide" thing, which would primarily be maniacs who'd probably be committing murder/suicide anyways, no you may not decide exactly what happens to your target. The God of Vengeance does not like it when petitioners try to make requests. He knows his job, and telling him how he should do it when you're the one coming to him will be taken as a grave insult. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

That's a really cool idea but don't think it'll work for this religion.

1. Again, it goes on the assumption that the Gods actually exist and have the power to perform these acts of vengence.

2. It's not so much an "offering" as it is asking a favour. You're asking the God to do something for you, not giving something to them as a gift for... You know... Being such a cool God.

This is another God that is way too cool to be part of the Hundred and would need an entire religion (or even an entire book) dedicated to him. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Cool. One more thing that I came up with just in case you ever decide to write it (or if I start writing it after I'm done with my current projects). You CANNOT USE SOMEONE ELSE AS AN OFFERING.

It would be intriguing for a scorned pregnant woman to drink diluted hemlock at the altar in order to kill her unborn child without dying, especially considering the fact that said fetus would technically qualify as both taglock and offering, but loopholes like that will get you smacked down quick. Like "you're gonna die of incurable sepsis" type of retribution.

The whole point of vengeance is to balance the scales when justice fails. Harming another person during the ritual is like going to the altar of the God of Love and pimp slapping your fiancée cause she burned last night's casserole. It's blatant disrespect.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Yes, very true... Got to marry that bitch before you can pimp slap her. Until then it's her father's job to smack her round for burning the casserole. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Oh, classic Avery! CYS's most ardent supporter of women's rights.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Wouldn't all the gods just want their followers to be chill and normal then? Does three god of vengeance even LIKE vengeance or is it a tiresome chore to have people always requesting it? An orderly trial by jury or forgiving an enemy would be a good offering in that case, that much less to pester him about.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

If he's the God of Vengeance, more people coming to him would increase his power. Successfully delivering results would increase belief, thus increasing his power. 

I've never heard of a God who resented the chance to show off for their followers.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Oh no, you can pray to the Gods for shit, but this particular event is a celebration. Praying for something at the celebration would be like going to a person's birthday party just to ask them for a favour and not even bringing a present. Bad manners.

And I guess the God of Vengence would be similar to the God of Justice in that regard. Hang a dude at the altar. Do the job for him. He'd be happy with that. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I mean, shit, even Gods like it when you do all the work and they get the credit.

I wonder if your pantheon has an HR Department?

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 11/24/2024 4:06:46 PM

Although come to think of it...

The smell of roses floated through the air, as the young shrinemaidens gracefully wafted the scent across the throng of people smiling happily at the young couple standing upon the altar, lovingly gazing into each other's eyes as a priest bound their hands together thrice by a strand of pink ribbon. The works of Amora, Goddess of Love, were always a beautiful sight, and no other priesthood enjoyed so frequently the fruits of their labors to the gentle patron of life's greatest power. 

The young man, Kieran, was ecstatic. He had been praying to Amora for over a year, hoping she would inflame the heart of his childhood friend, Dahlia, and finally be noticed by her. Those shining blue eyes, her long, curly blond locks that always smelled of lavender... how could he not fall in love? Amora would always be in his heart for her favor towards him. And soon after she had come to him, professing her mutual feelings and wishing for the both of them to express their love in the most intimate of ways, she revealed she was pregnant with his child? Everything he had ever wanted was finally coming to him.

Soon, the priest stood between the two of them. "My beloved disciples, once again we are gathered here to behold the wonders that Amora has bestowed upon the human race! Before we proceed with the ceremony, is there anyone here who would object to this sacred union?" The priest smiled. Aside from the occasional jilted lover, who was normally escorted out before the ceremony proceeded, nobody ever objected. To do so without just cause was an insult to Amora. Nobody, regardless of personal feelings, wanted to anger a Goddess who could destroy your union, or worse, cause you to fall head over heels for someone who was a terrible partner. 

Imagine everyone's surprise then, when Kieran's face immediately transformed into a look of rage, and as the pink ribbons inexplicably unraveled, proceeded to backhand Dahlia across the face so hard a stream of blood and teeth showered upon the congregation.

"WHORE." The words were uttered from Keiran's mouth, but they were booming and feminine. The priest, who had hurriedly stood in between Kieran and his poor bride, immediately threw himself to the ground and began prostrating.

"My... my lady Amora! This is an unexpected surprise! Not that we aren't grateful, of course, we are so very grateful-" Whatever it was that he was so very grateful for, the world would never know, for as soon as Kieran/Amora raised their hand, he immediately fell silent.

Amora looked right at Dahlia. "This boy pined for you. He came to my temple every day to pray for your hand. I encouraged you to accept him, I inflamed your passion for him. And what do you do? You fuck his father at their family butchery, then have the audacity to 'return his feelings'. And for what? Some prime rib cuts? Some excitement? He is my chosen. He will be blessed with minor nobility, with a steady income managing business. His plans for a future will be fulfilled. You had the opportunity to take part in that, and to be with a loving husband and bring glory to my domain. And what do you do? You desecrate my holy altar, pervert my sacred rituals...!"

"No, please!" Dahlia whimpers. "It was a one time thing. I did love him! I do! It was just... it was a one time thing! Kieran was in the other room and his father was grinding on my hips and it just felt sooo right!" 

The congregation gasps.

"You will miscarry." Kieran/Amora says contemptuously. "Your loved ones will scorn you, you will fall in love with the worst types of villains, and the day when you become so numb to the constant abuse and neglect that you no longer have the ability to feel is the day I will permit you to die. Mark my words, you have been cursed! Your name will live forever as that of a harlot, only remembered in cautionary tales never to betray your beloved. So it is done!"

With a gasp, Kieran collapsed. The congregation and priest stared a moment longer, than began busily working to apply a wet cloth to Kieran's forehead and fan him. Possession by a deity had left him overheated. As for Dahlia, she sobbed in the corner for a long time, many of the men and women did not want to approach her, as though she was a leper. Eventually, one of the braver girls, a young twelve year old in training to be a shrine maiden, gave her a good kick in the stomach to send her on her way. Holding her writhing belly in pain, Dahlia fled the altar, soon to realize the first part of Amora's prophecy regarding miscarriage had just been fulfilled. In time, the rest of it would be too.

There is nothing more powerful or primal than love. Humanity should always remember that.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Now THIS is a Goddess of Love I can get behind! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
God of Incels

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

The only sacrifice I shall accept is the blood of 1,000 Stacys!!! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

No no, a true God of incels would not kill the staceys. Who would be left for the incels? None stacey women? pffff, incels dont want them. Instead the incels would demand the blood of all men with wrist circumferences above 18cm (above the male average) to eliminate the competition for the staceys ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Hmm... A Chad sacrifice would certainly be more beneficial to the incels... But how the hell are the incels supposed to overpower the Chads?

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I guess its a numbers game. According to incel theology 20% of men horde 80% of the women. So incels would say they have the numbers advantage (80% of men) but im not too sure, how many incels would it take to beat 1 chad? i reckon....2..3? I'm not too sure!! Ill have to ask the experts on that one. 

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Not every non-Chad is an incel. You're forgetting about Beta-cucks. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Apparently even the Chads are incels now.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Lmao, going to send this to my friend, who got rejected by some woman in the gym. We jokingly like to reassure him that the only reason she REALLY turned him down is because he didnt have a pump on that day, if hed finished his sets first and then went to ask her hed be married right now smh

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 11/24/2024 5:42:32 PM

"Please, Mr. Ainsley, I just need a little more time! The shop... it hasn't been doing too well, you see." Ms. Zimmerman said.

Kieran Ainsley sighed. In the years since he had been promised success from his biggest patron, Amora, she had certainly delivered. He had immediately sold his share of the family butchery, no longer wanting anything to do with the bastard who sired him. With his money, he had built a novel institution called a 'counting house,' where people could store their money safely in exchange for ten percent of all deposits. His new venture also loaned money, at first to the poor and needy, and then later to minor nobles in need of funds, and as prestige grew, he had began supplying the governments of smaller kingdoms. Carefully, in order to cultivate his business without offending his patron, he had begun making donations to the God of Wealth and Finance, Plutus. 

Of course, he made sure to continue regularly supplying Amora with expensive offerings, and her favor towards him only continued to flourish. Eventually, he had purchased his hometown and the surrounding area, and while all the Gods were recognized (no point in offending anyone) Amora and Plutus tended to get the most attention from their new benefactor.

Of course, this came with new responsibilities. In addition to collecting the loans and interest on borrowers within his borders (the ones outside it were handled by hired mercenaries in the case of the poor and merchant class, while nobles and kingdoms were handled by diplomats), he also was the one who personally collected taxes. And sometimes, like in the case of Ms. Zimmerman, he had clients who borrowed money to pay their taxes, which just caused them to dig themselves into a deeper hole. Interest rates weren't exactly low nowadays.

With a flourish of his hand, he gestured for the instrument of his discipline. A three-foot walking stick made of ebony, topped with a silver hand and a chunk of rose quartz on the ring finger (to honor Amora) was handed to him. 

With an almighty swing, he showed Ms. Zimmerman the power of his pimp cane. 

When the commoners protested his brutality, the Priesthood of Amora was always quick to inform people that to pimp slap his people was a religious duty, a means of remembrance, a reminder of the one who had first promised him such an exalted position in the world. As he was the first and only one to ever be possessed by the Goddess of Love, the almighty pimp slap was his way of honoring the one who had given him the responsibilities and the authority of his station. By sharing this with the common people, he was showing his love for them.

Ths Priesthood of Plutus reminded people that it was their religion's duty to pay their debts, and that by disciplining them himself in such a way, he was sparing the debtors the wrath of Plutus. The pimp cane, the back of his hand... these were instruments of compassion and mercy. Only a miser and a fool would think of it as brutality, and Plutus tolerates neither.

Truth be told? Kieran just didn't like it when people owed him money. One way or another, when you signed that dotted line on a loan agreement or a house deed, you were gonna pay. 

Not like the experience of finding out the man who had been his role model and hero had knocked up his best friend and fiancé while he was just thirty feet away had left him bitter with an overwhelming desire to hurt other people like he had been hurt. That would be ridiculous! After all, how could his major patron, the Goddess of Love, ever support such a thing?

Millions of dollars worth of offerings and temple renovations, turning her altars into presentations of beauty that attracted converts like moths to flame.  Of course, the only answer is that she wouldn't. She had blessed him, solely for his compassion and pure intentions.

"I grow tired of your excuses, Ms. Zimmerman," Kieran said wearily. "You made an agreement, and you are expected to honor it. You will have my money by this time next week, or risk offending the Gods. Remember, it is at the pleasure of Amora that you were loaned the capital to start this flower shop. After all, roses are sacred to her, and you do grow the best ones." He finished this sentence with a quick smile, which promptly shifted to a small frown. "Speaking of, you are still making your temple donations this year, yes?"

"I..." Ms. Zimmerman began. The pump came glinted in the light. "Yes, of course I am."

"Glad to hear it!" Kieran Ainsley shut his account book with a snap. "I will see you same time next week, Ms. Zimmerman. Have a blessed day."

Never let it be said he didn't care for the people in his community.


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Forgot to post the update last night. Anyway, here's yesterday's update:

Daily Word Count: 2,467
Missing Word Count: 800
Total Word Count: 37,995

Not quite sure how I managed it, some somehow I managed to lose 800 words... Have you seen them?

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Very, very quick update today!

Daily Word Count: 1,680
Total Word Count: 39,675

That is all.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Today I went to my writing group in the morning. I hadn't prepared anything, but we had a bit of time left at the end, so I read them a little bit of Price of Freedom and they really enjoyed it! It was fun! After that I went to work and when I got home I didn't have much free time, so I barely wrote anything at all.

Daily Word Count: 488
Total Word Count: 40,163

But I am still very happy because since I passed 40K, I get to open my 40K present! It is a very lovely present and I am so happy to have it! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Happy to see you finally got to open your most anticipated gift!! Like you said, im sure youll get many comments on it. I know i probably would. Love the pastel colour scheme it has.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Yes, if a grown man was walking around with a Beauty and the Beast bag, I imagine he would get lots of comments on it. :p

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Forgot/couldn't really be bothered to update the past couple of days but I have been writing. Been suffering with a massive case of burnout where I really just want to take a break from writing and play computer games and shit, but I'm so, so close to winning that I really can't. Like, less than 5,000 words to go, I really can't quit now. So I've promised myself that I'll stick it out for the next week and then I'll take a break and play the Sims for like a solid month. Anyway:

Daily Word Count: 2,410
Total Word Count: 46,674

I give it two or three days before I hit 50,000. Yey!

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
You are SO close.

Time to install Rimworld! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

And then never be seen again.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 11/27/2024 1:45:48 AM

Been really busy and I keep not getting round to updating, but I have been writing every day, I have been making videos every day and... Most important of all... I won!!!

Daily Word Count: 2,252
Total Word Count: 51,892

I wrote 50,000 words in a month! Probably more than I've written in the past 4 years combined. Everybody clap for me and tell be how brilliant I am. Definitely going to tone it down from here. 1,667 words a day just isn't sustainable for me for long periods of time, but I think I'm going to try to keep up the habit of writing every day. Maybe aim for 500 words a day. That definitely seems achievable.

Anyway, check out my cool new Book Nook! Can't wait to build it. It's going to be so fun! ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Congrats Avery! Writing a novel in a month is not easy, but you did it! I loved watching the vlogs, it was inspiring.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Thank you! I mean the novel's not finished or anything but it is a LOT of words, so I am very happy with that. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Congratulations! You hit the milestone! I hope you have a fantastic reward set aside for yourself.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

I do! Book Nook. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Congrats! That is a significant achievement.

I feel inspired, thinking I might push myself to do something like this. But maybe like, in January or something, the holiday months are just a really bad time.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Very true. Not sure what idiot decided that the second busiest month of the year would be the perfect time to write a book.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

It was originally in July but they moved it to November because the bad weather in San Fran meant the original group had more time indoors to work on it.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
Maybe moving NaNoWriMo to the second busiest month isn't a bug but rather a feature; It separates the absolutely cracked writers from the normies

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Congrats!  I've tried Nano off and on since 2006 and have never accomplished what you did.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

To be fair, the speed writing means that the majority of what I've written is illegible gibberish. :p

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago
That's just how the British talk.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

Speaking of which, what are you planning on doing with your channel now Avery?


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

3 months ago

Lots of bits and bobs. Some animated shorts based on books I've read. Some book reviews. Some dramatic readings of terrible fanfiction. Maybe some lets plays of IF games. ^_^

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

4 months ago

download (12).jfif

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

3 months ago

Been working on a song today! The one with all the sexual innuendos. Haven't quite finished it yet. I need a few more verses to tie the story together, but here is a little preview of the first verse and chorus. Please forgive my truly terrible attempt at an Irish accent. ^_^

Daily Word Count: 340 words
Total Word Count: 53,071 words


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

3 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 12/1/2024 9:25:39 AM

All finished! So happy that I'm finally done. I'm going to take a nice long break over the Christmas period and play the Sims for hours and hours.

Daily Word Count: 592 words
Total Word Count: 54,321 words


Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

3 months ago
Play at least 592 hours a day.

Avery Actually Writes Something For Once!

3 months ago

Bare minimum. ^_^