Lilly of the Forest
storygame by
Commended by BerkaZerka on 9/21/2019 8:58:54 AM
Player Rating
, #4 for
Based on
406 ratings
since 11/10/2011
Played 4,719 times (finished 447)
Story Difficulty
"No possible way to lose"
Play Length
"So short yo' momma thought it was a recipe"
Maturity Level
"Appropriate for all ages"
Stories with this maturity level will not, by design, have any potentially objectionable content. An example of a type story with this rating would be a quiz on mathematics.
Part of Series
Can you guide Lilly as she faces her forest adventure? See if your child can get the fairy dust! A *very* simple story suitable for a four- to five-year-old. Created for my granddaughter Samantha who is visiting this weekend. There's only a couple variables. There's no scoring in the story. I decided to publish it so parents of young children might be inspired to create their own simple stories. Rating this will make no sense unless you reach the best solution and then rate it in terms of standards for a young child. Worked wonderfully. Just the right length. But I did discover something important. At four, the best story has only two choices. So I need to go back and make a few changes. Three alternatives are too many for a child her age to process. Two is best. It will not need too many changes. But I'm happy that she sailed right through to get the fairy dust without any direction on my part.
Player Comments
I like the idea for this story. I think that is a really targeted audience for the story, but that’s fine. I’m just not sure how many others of that age that are going to find this story or even this web site, but hopefully some will, because that would be nice. I can appreciate the limited number of options as well because as you point out; too many options might make it too confusing for the target audience.
The options themselves were interesting because there really was a path through the story where you don’t do anything, don’t really see anything, and just go home. I’m not sure what that would say about your reader who selected that path. I mean, I can kind of see why it’s there, but that path leads to, well, a story where nothing happens, and what’s the point of a story where nothing happens, even if the story is for very young children?
Overall, this is a nice story considering the target audience for the story. I also like how actions earlier in the story can affect the story later on (hi, mama bear!). Thank you for sharing the story with the site.
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on 7/2/2018 12:36:25 PM with a score of 0
For a young child, I think it's a very good game. It has a storybook-like atmosphere to it, and the vocabulary is well-chosen. For a four~five year old, there maybe are a few words they don't know, but that would make this game an even better learning experience. Nice job!
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on 12/2/2016 2:29:54 PM with a score of 0
For a game created for a four- to five- year old, it was great. The correct choices all reflect morals of altruism, determination, perseverance, etc. Perhaps because this site has already conditioned me to expect 'continue or die' choices, I was constantly paranoid that something horrible was about to happen to the main character, but that ultimately proved not to be the case, haha. It was well-written with good grammar and spelling, and at a level that I think toddlers can easily understand what is going on. Pictures would have vastly improved the experience.
Outside of the context of a game for a toddler, however, I found it cute but ultimately without any sort of suspense (not counting my own overly paranoid brain). The descriptions were quite skimpy, and some of the choices such as 'keep climbing' were a little repetitive and felt a bit tedious. It didn't really bother me much and I felt that it was worth playing through at least once, but I probably won't be replaying this.
All in all, good job. I'd love to see you make a game targeted at an older audience, because you seem to have an excellent grasp of literacy and a knack for building up a great atmosphere for your story.
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on 7/16/2014 8:47:34 PM with a score of 0
I thought it was cute. I liked the story, and for a 5 year old, it's perfect. I'm obviously not going to judge this one like I would a different story. For its purposes and for what it's trying to do, the story did well.
I would add a few more characters, maybe a trickster character, maybe a comic relief character. Keep the same length of words on each page, but I would flesh it out a little.
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on 11/25/2024 8:45:44 PM with a score of 0
Because it wasn’t the worst but not the best.
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— Ziva on 11/22/2023 5:33:23 PM with a score of 0
It was a good adventure
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— Lilly on 11/21/2023 5:57:33 PM with a score of 0
so much fun
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— Rafa Talitha Khansa L R on 10/4/2023 10:41:52 PM with a score of 0
I like my version. But, I think there must an addition scene after Lilly entranced fairy tale home. It will be fun and interesting, I hope.
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— Vladimier Louis on 10/4/2023 10:15:25 PM with a score of 0
This story`s plot was very interesting, we can make the story upon ourself.
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— DIVA NATASYA on 10/4/2023 10:06:11 PM with a score of 0
i think lily is a brave girl, and she is kind. She helps the baby bear
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— Rahmawati Diana Putri on 10/4/2023 10:05:45 PM with a score of 0
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