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How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I'll let someone else hyperlink that because I'm too lazy. 

So I came across this earlier today, and I know it's IFLscience but please bear with me, because it's actually pretty interesting. Apparently some people can't form mental images in their minds! I mean, personally I didn't know this, and since it's newely-discovered, I don't think any of you guys would've seen it either. 

So it got me thinking: are there people with Aphantasia in the writing industry? For starters, I wanted to know if anyone on the site had it. I can't really comprehend what it'd be like to not have images in your head. Well, obviously it means you can't imagine things, but does that impair you in things like maths or English classes where you're required to visualise an image? 

But back to the writing industry. What if critics had it? Does that mean that they simply read a text for what it is, and can't imagine it? In future, if this turns out to be a big thing, will writers needs to write so their works appeal to both those who can imagine the scenery in their head, and those who can't? 

Thoughts, guys? 

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Oh god... I can't imagine how horrible it would be for someone with aphantasia... I mean, seriously! Watching porn would be their only option!

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Dear god, I didn't think of that at all! There's a world of possibility in their heads, and-... Let's just say imagination is awesome. :P

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Clicky link. You're welcome.

As for me, I can still imagine and visualize things mentally, but it just takes longer for the "picture" to form in some cases. I suppose it's normal-ish.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I don't suffer it. But this is quite interesting to read...

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Well, I don't have it, but I'm thinking it'd be terrible to have it.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I have trouble keeping the picture in my head... crisp. But no, I don't have aphantasia. 

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
I have images in my head that no one should ever see!

I don't know about this site, but I'd imagine that a majority of the people in my area suffer from this.  I can only go by their blank stares when someone else describes something funny, but it could just be a deficit in their sense of humor.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
I don't have it, but I've talked to someone who does. It took a long time to try to explain to her what she was missing.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

By the seven gods above, I pity every single soul that is struck with such a nefarious curse, I can't even imagine what this must be like..

Hah.. Imagine.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
Your puns are awful.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Duly noted, dear sir/madam.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I'm pretty sure I have this, actually.

It's... really not that big of a deal to me? I mean, I love books (and other forms of written fiction). I don't need books to also be movies playing in my head. And it's something I've been aware of for a long time, so it's not like this is a sudden shocking reveal or anything. I'm sure visualization is nice to have, if you have it... but I get by just fine.

Given the "one in fifty" estimate and how many active posters there are around here, I miiight end up being the only one. Happy to answer any questions. ^_^

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

How are books enjoyable without a clear picture of what's going on?

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Concepts, voices, smells, sounds. Life is more than just sight, my fuzzy friend.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Sight's still pretty freaking important, my blue, swirly friend. 

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

:P Not to blind people.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Hey, Morgan, are you blind?

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Owls actually have extremely good eyesight.

Otherwise she looks like this:

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

RIP iOS users.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago


How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago


How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Nobody gets my humor. >_<

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
What humor?

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago, I see the GIANT OWL just fine. :P

Not really sure how to answer your original question. But I love books. I don't need to be able to picture Miles or Kvothe or Aud, or whoever else, to be immersed in their stories.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

@betaband - Dammit, Beta... fix the size or don't post pictures, please. Your owl is trying to eat the thread. Hurry before Berka sees.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

For those of you posting high-resolution images, remember:

<img src="URL" style="max-width:100%;">

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
I may have not known this until now...

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Sometimes giving things fancy names make them seem like they're recognized by the governing bodies of medicine/psychology. I just want to point out that this is a hypothesized condition and may or may not exist.

Sounds like it would suck though.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I have a great deal of difficulty with mental pictures, but it's not... impossible for me or anything. They're just usually hard to form and even harder to hold onto for any period of time, aside from also being rather fuzzy. My dreams, alternatively, are extremely vivid. I guess, because of this, my mind focuses more on concepts, sounds, and sensations rather than images.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago
Hmm, I certainly don't have this, but I've always had difficulty imagining something out of the blue. Say, a story starts with a pub, then I have to have physically been to a pub (any pub) to imagine it. With some difficulty I may actually create something new, but that's rare. It does create odd situations since one story is in that pub, another in the b&b above it, a whole different one in the garden or the parking lot. I've had mental hotels where there had been at least 4 or 5 different stories. When all they describe is "hotel" I really can't imagine it. It's also frustrating when I'm convinced that in my mental image there's a bunk bed.. While the story starts to go "and they laid down on their king size extra big bed with headboard".

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I imagine things all the time, they just tend to be a shade darker than real life, like I can only view my mental world through sunglasses... There's a "They Live" reference in there somewhere...

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I can't imagine in color, but I don't have this. 

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

I have the opposite of this. When I use my imagination when I'm bored, I literally see my characters. Like, I close my eyes, but I'm still seeing the room with my imagination, with my characters added to the room, in front of me.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

And then there are those times when I talk to walls because of my overactive imagination.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Talking to the walls isn't that overactive, unless you're also imagining that the walls are talking back at you.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago that bad? I converse with furniture and inanimate objects all the time o-o it's mostly useless drivel anyways.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Oh, god. I do.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

Yeah, I don't have this.

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

So, if you had to give a score between Semra and Brenda, who would score higher?

How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago


How many of you have this? Aphantasia?

8 years ago

How do you remember things? Do you remember them as words? Do you remember them as just lines of speech?