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I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Hello all you presumably wonderful people on this wonderful site, I'm new here as you may have guessed. So far I've read a whole bunch of stories, browsed the forums and just started work on an exciting new storygame which i will probably never finish.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago
Welcome, enjoy your stay :D

Was I the only one hoping there was going to be a whole thread of alliterations? xD

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Amazing alliterations are astronomically abundant at Atlantis around August, I suggest you look there. 

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

"Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."

(Couldn't help myself, I do love that speech.)

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

You have just quoted my 4th favorite movie of all time! You gotta love Moore!

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Ah, but I'm afraid your amazing alliterations are all actually assonance. Athough, it was an awesome attempt.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Pow, ami! O´gad, ami! Go hang a salami, doc! Note; I dissent, A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod. I´m a lasagna hog. I? a dago! I´m a wop!..........dang it that´s a palindrome.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Palindromes, you say?

Deliver no evil, avid diva I saw die.
Render an unsung aria for erotogenic id.
O never egg Alec Naif, fairer Edna Waterfall.
A nonassimilative, volatile reef-dweller - apparelless brag!
Natasha I saw die, render an unsung aria.
For Edna Waterfall - a liar - familiar feuds live:
Dastard Ogre and Edna!
Pupils, one tacit song or poem - or didos deft celestial lives;
(Ida rapt as Naomi.)
Laud smegma, alas - keep never a frondlet on.
So did no solo snoop malign irised sad eyen.
Oh dewed yen, oh tressed May noon, hello! Tacit songs rev!
Love's barge of assent carts base tarts,
A cerise Deb abed, unreined flesh.
Sin - a viand - Edna sees and Edna has,
Or bust fossettes, or redder rosettes.
Soft sub-rosa hand Edna sees,
And, Edna, I vanish - self-denier!
Nude babe, desire castrates abstractness.
A foe grabs evolver's gnostic atoll, eh? No!
On, yam (dessert-honeydewed), honeyed as desiring!
I lampoon solos on didos. Not eld nor far, even peek.
"Salaam, gems dual," I moan.
Sat Paradise Villa, its elect fed.
So did Romeo prognosticate no slip up,
And Edna, ergo, drats a devils due:
"Frail! I'm a frail all a-fret, a-wander!
O fair Agnus nun, a red Nereid was I.
Ah Satan, garb's seller,
Apparel (lewd fee) relit a love vital I miss anon.
All a-fret, a wanderer I affiance -
Lagger even odic - in ego 'torero'.
Fair Agnus nun, a red Nereid was I."
Avid diva, live on reviled.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

*gives up*

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Hello! Welcome to the site! I hope your paws don't give you too much trouble when typing!

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago


I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Welcome. I like your profile picture.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago
Welcome to the site... I think...

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Is bitch the term you use to address us or just a term you're using to describe yourself?

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

If the beagle in question is female, then it is a term to describe herself. Judging by the lack of comma, I assume it is to clarify this fine specimen's gender.

Beagles are neither big nor bad.

8 years ago

Pleased to meet you. If you need any assistance or have any questions, feel free. We're a generally very helpful bunch and there are quite a few veterans to the site hanging around who would gladly show you the ropes. Please do read the articles in the Help and Info section when you get the chance, as they're very informative.

Also, if you'd like to practice your skills as a writer before publishing, I'm currently hosting writing exercises in the writing workshop forum. There is an open door policy so anyone can jump in at any time, but let me know if you'd like to be added to our tag list to gain points. Hope you have fun here. ^^

(Also, you may want to check out our site guidelines to see our admin / mod goals and rules for the site.)

Beagles are neither big nor bad.

8 years ago

Thanks Kiel, I've been looking at your writing exercises and they seem like a really cool idea so i will definitely join, I've PM'd you so I'll go over there and do the first week 2 one.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago

Welcome, to CYStia, canine. Enjoy your stay.

I'm the big bad beagle bitch

8 years ago
